wicked immortal

Chapter 122

The two sisters are used to having Zhao Yuan by their side.

Almost immediately, the two sisters suspected that Zhao Yuan had been kidnapped.The two sisters frantically searched for Zhao Yuan's traces in Liucheng. They visited almost every corner of Liucheng, and even smashed all the martial arts gyms and dojos in Liucheng, as well as some small martial arts sects.

In just a few days, Liucheng was disturbed by the two sisters. As long as the two sisters walked on the street, they would not see a single martial arts figure in dozens of battles. Treat them like snakes and scorpions, lest you avoid them.

However, there was still no trace of Zhao Yuan, and Zhao Yuan seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

It was not until the fifth day that the two sisters suddenly realized that it was Zhao Yuan who left by himself.

The two sisters immediately went back to the inn to check the situation in detail, and learned that there was no movement that night, only one window was open, which further confirmed that Zhao Yuan left by himself, because they clearly remembered that the window was open at that time. Close it from the inside.

"Sister, we lost." Tomorrow weeping, looking at Mingyue, wanted to cry but had no tears.

"..." Mingyue kept wiping away her tears, choked up and unable to speak.Of course, Mingyue didn't care about winning or losing, she just cried because of Zhao Yuan's departure.

"We could have won against that bitch Wan Ling'er." There was a hint of remorse on Ming Ri's face.

"Wan Ling'er doesn't know what's wrong?" Mingyue wiped away her tears and asked.

"What else can I do? The illness must be cured, but you can't say anything when you are cured, so you have to continue to pretend to be crazy, hum!" Tomorrow snorted coldly.

"Then what should we do? Go back to Wan's house?"

"No, Master must have gone back to the mountain. Let's go directly to the mountain... No, we won't go back to the mountain!" Tomorrow suddenly rolled his eyes, and a sly smile appeared on his face.

"Where are we going?" Mingyue usually let tomorrow make up her mind.

"Let's go to Liangshan."

"Liangshan? Why go to Liangshan?"

"There is a kind of grass in Liangshan, called Wangqing grass!"


"We have to find Wangqingcao, and then give it to Zhao Yuan to eat. Zhao Yuan will forget Wan Ling'er after eating Wangqingcao." Tomorrow pretended to be a villain and laughed a few times.

"Is there really that kind of grass?" Mingyue opened her watery eyes wide, looking at tomorrow with an incredulous look on her face.

"Master said, there really is that kind of grass. Whoever eats that kind of grass will forget the person he likes and cares about the most. Now Zhao Yuan likes Wan Ling'er the most. As long as he eats the Wangqing grass, he will definitely forget Wan Ling'er." Linger, when the time comes, hehe..." Tomorrow looked excited.

"At that time, we will be the people he cares about the most, hehe... But where is Liangshan?" Mingyue asked.

"do not know."


"Silly girl, Liangshan is in the prehistoric area, there are hundreds of thousands of mountains, who knows which mountain is Liangshan."

"Then how do we find it?"

"Don't worry, we have plenty of time. It's rare to come out this time. Naturally, we want to play and play all the way to the prehistoric area, and then ask more people. With our natural beauty, it's not easy to ask Liangshan's whereabouts." .” Tomorrow straightened out her full chest, bragging about herself without shame.

"Yeah, my sister is the best!"

Tomorrow, Mingyue and the two lived together since childhood, they were connected with each other, and their self-healing was extraordinary. They soon cheered up from the heartbreak. After some discussions, the two forgot about finding Zhao Yuan and began to prepare Go find the Wangqingcao and cure Zhao Yuan's "disease" from the root.

In tomorrow's eyes, Zhao Yuan is a patient.

If you are sick, you must be cured!

The two sisters didn't know that Master Suxin was sitting on the threshold in a daze after returning to Shenlong Mountain, because the two sisters had already emptied all the things in the Cixin Zhai, not just the bedding and quilts, Not even a chair was left.In Cixinzhai, there are three empty tile-roofed houses left, and even the two mouse-catching cats they raised disappeared without a trace because no one took care of them.

At the beginning, when Mingyue and Mingyue left Cixin Zhai, she was afraid of thieves, so she simply put all her belongings in Xumijie. She never thought that Mrs. Suxin would have no place to sleep when she returned home.

This Cixin Zhai can't hold it for the time being.

Mrs. Suxin didn't care to take care of the empty Cixinzhai, so she just wandered around, hanging pots to help the world, and looking for twin sisters by the way.

Of course, Mrs. Suxin is not worried about the safety of the two sisters. Although the two sisters have no experience in the world, they are extremely intelligent and carry a lot of treasures, so there is no danger.

It might not be a good thing for the two sisters to experience their experiences in the arena.

Master Suxin travels all over the world without mentioning it.

Speaking of Zhao Yuan, he ran all the way, and after leaving Liucheng, he lived a leisurely life at first, but soon, he found that he seemed to be trapped in a huge encirclement.

Countless martial arts masters gathered around him, and among them, there were even warriors.

200 million imperial coins.

There is no doubt that 200 million imperial coins is a large amount for the people of the rivers and lakes.

The rivers and lakes and the cultivation world are two completely different worlds.There is no Feixin in the world of comprehension, but news spreads faster than in the world of comprehension, because the rivers and lakes are composed of a huge crowd. In addition to some martial arts masters, there are also three religions and nine streams, traffickers and pawns. They are all news Spread great power.

If ordinary martial arts masters are no threat to Zhao Yuan, then martial artists are enough to kill Zhao Yuan.

In less than a month, Zhao Yuan had a new understanding of warriors.

human world.In addition to the legendary gods and the like, the four comprehension practitioners, warriors, martial artists and ordinary people constitute the human world.

In the eyes of a cultivator, although a cultivator is equivalent to a god-like existence in the eyes of ordinary people, in fact, a cultivator also thinks that he is still a human being. different.

The most important thing is that practitioners must integrate into human society in order to be able to live.

As for warriors, they are inferior to cultivators. Their group is very small and mysterious. Ordinary people don't even know the existence of this group, or they mistake them for martial arts figures.

However, although the group of warriors is small, they are extremely powerful. Even cultivators dare not provoke warriors easily, because most warriors are attached to the regime of the Great Qin Empire. The power of life and death.

Martial arts figures are the largest group, but the meaning of this group is extremely broad. In the eyes of many people, cultivators are also considered martial arts figures, even if the cultivators do not admit it, but in fact, both cultivators and warriors need to be Hang out in the martial arts, and even establish your own power in the martial arts to control social trends and gather wealth.

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