wicked immortal

Chapter 140 Silent Farewell

[ps: The red ticket is not violent! 】

Zhao Yuan thought of black-faced gods and other warriors, and couldn't help but feel moved. If he wanted to practice "war", wouldn't it be best to go to the army?Suddenly, Zhao Yuan felt ready to move.

There is no doubt that the risk of fighting with ordinary soldiers is much smaller than that of fighting with cultivators, and it can also be hearty.

Immediately, Zhao Yuan dismissed this idea again.Because, Zhao Yuan has already decided that after killing Hua Toutuo, he will live in seclusion in the mountains. Now, as long as Fairy Caixia takes action, revenge is a breeze, and he doesn't need to work hard on cultivation.

In fact, Zhao Yuan had a faint fear, he was afraid that Hua Toutuo would die suddenly.

Zhao Yuan's time is very limited, and what he learned from Caixia Fairy, the people who are at the top of the villain list are all extremely vicious people. With the speed of his current cultivation, he does not know when he will kill Hua Toutuo Yue, perhaps, when he succeeds in cultivation, Hua Toutuo will have died long ago.

Zhao Yuan wanted Hua Toutuo not to end well.

Zhao Yuan was very depressed.

The cultivation of "The Enemy" seems to have entered a dead end. The cultivation of "posture", "quietness" and "speed" is smooth sailing, and the improvement is very obvious, but the cultivation of "war" has always stagnated.

At present, Zhao Yuan can't find a balance point for practicing "war". This balance point requires both fighting and safety. Obviously, this is beyond Zhao Yuan's control.As long as there is fighting, there is danger.

Facts have proved that even if it is as strong as Fairy Caixia, the battle is still full of unknown risks.

With Zhao Yuan's strength, he might have died in battle before completing the cultivation of the realm of brute force.


After the two of them cultivated in the cave for a few more days, Fairy Caixia was able to take care of themselves, which made the two less embarrassing.

In a vague way, Zhao Yuan felt that Fairy Caixia was getting more and more worried, because she was silent all day, always sitting quietly in the cave, watching him go about his business.

Zhao Yuan tried hard to make Fairy Caixia smile, but Fairy Caixia had a lonely face most of the time, except for occasional smiles.

Zhao Yuan knew the reason.

However, Zhao Yuan was helpless.

Because Zhao Yuan had no way to turn Fairy Caixia's white hair into blue silk.

Zhao Yuan's comfort was of no avail, but instead made Fairy Caixia more silent. After that, Zhao Yuan didn't dare to mention this matter, so he could only divert some topics to try to make Fairy Caixia happy.

Finally, Zhao Yuan found a way to make Caixia Fairy happy. He told Caixia Fairy to hunt, tell her to barbecue, and told her to make seasonings.

Work made Fairy Caixia forget her troubles, her face began to be filled with a smile, that smile was incomparably happy.

Seven days after Fairy Caixia was injured, No.40 finally fully recovered.

Except for that silver hair, Fairy Caixia was still as beautiful as a flower, and her sweet smile made Zhao Yuan's soul wander.

The two of them, day and night, turned Luan-Daofeng, and Wushan, like glue and paint.

That night, after Zhao Yuan and Fairy Caixia were lingering, she fell asleep in her arms, and Fairy Caixia didn't feel sleepy at all. After Zhao Yuan fell asleep, she gently took Zhao Yuan away from her hug. Holding her arm, under the flickering light of the bonfire, Fairy Caixia looked at Zhao Yuan's sharp-edged face.

Time and space seemed to be frozen, and Fairy Caixia seemed to have turned into a lifeless sculpture, quietly looking at Zhao Yuan, motionless.


Tears rolled down Fairy Caixia's eyes as deep as the starry sky. Then, her sculpture-like body moved, she stood up slowly, lifted the Soul-shattering Excalibur, and walked slowly out of the cave. Her long skirt was windless. Automatically, fluttering about to fly, the silver hair is also flying in the air...

Fairy Caixia left without leaving a word.

The bonfire has been extinguished and reduced to a heap of ashes.

The sun shone into the cave, but Zhao Yuan couldn't feel the slightest warmth.

The cave without Caixia Fairy is like losing its soul, and it is no longer the warmth of the past.

Zhao Yuan didn't look for it.

Zhao Yuan just sat blankly at the entrance of the cave, looking at the clouds in the sky and the rising and setting sun.

Zhao Yuan sat quietly for three whole days.

He is waiting for Fairy Caixia.

On the fourth day, Zhao Yuan got up, lifted his burden, and resolutely embarked on a new journey.

After Zhao Yuan left, Fairy Caixia came out of the woods with tears streaming down her face.

Fairy Caixia sat quietly at the entrance of the cave for several hours, recalling the bits and pieces, the strong wind blowing away her silver hair, it was especially dazzling among the green mountains...


Zhao Yuan did a major event that shocked the demon world.

After breaking up with Caixia Fairy, Zhao Yuan showed his daring and crazy side, he went back to the "Buddle Village Inn", and he wanted to avenge Caixia Fairy's sword. white.

The inn in Buzhuo Village was deserted, and those monsters were afraid of Fairy Caixia's revenge, so they dispersed a long time ago. However, Zhao Yuan was not discouraged. He believed that this was the old nest of monsters for hundreds of years, and there would definitely be monsters appearing nearby.

Zhao Yuan smeared Scented Pill all over his body, lurking in the jungle for two full months, searching for traces of monsters, he remembered their faces and their characteristics.

Zhao Yuan turned into a ghost wandering in the darkness of the jungle. He used "quietness" to monitor the range of miles around the Buzhuo Village Inn, which was already his limit.

During the three days of No.60, Zhao Yuan discovered the target.

A guy with a deer-headed mouse appeared in Zhao Yuan's field of vision. Zhao Yuan knew him, and he had appeared in the Buzhuocun Inn.

Zhao Yuan entered the realm of "quietness" and stayed far behind that guy without making a sound.

It has to be said that the monster was extremely vigilant, but unfortunately, he couldn't detect Zhao Yuan, because Zhao Yuan had an inhalation pill on him; he couldn't hear the sound, Zhao Yuan kept a long distance from him, and Zhao Yuan His "speed" has reached an extremely terrifying state, walking, like light steps on a sponge, without making a sound.

Zhao Yuan's guess was correct, the monster returned to the old lair to get things.

Followed all the way to a tree hole, the roe-headed guy got into the tree hole, took out a small wooden box, carried it on his shoulders, and under the cover of the night, he ran away at a terrifying speed, like a wisp of blue smoke .

It's a pity that the speed of the big man is nothing to Zhao Yuan, and he still can't get rid of Zhao Yuan's pursuit.

Zhao Yuan unhurriedly stopped and followed behind him for more than [-] miles. When he reached a mountainous area, the rogue-headed man slowed down.Apparently, the big man with the deer-headed mouse thought it was safe.

Along the way, Zhao Yuan followed the deer-headed mouse to a farm.

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