ps: Everyone knows what is needed for overbearing...

"Just go, what's the big deal."

Wan Ling'er pouted, followed behind Chen, and looked around curiously as she walked. Although she grew up in the Wan Family Courtyard since she was a child, she rarely came to the East Courtyard. The compound is full of mysteries.

"It's you!"

Wan Ling'er suddenly yelled, as if she had caught a thief.

Zhao Yuan, who was hiding in the crowd, suddenly smiled wryly, but was still discovered.

"You know him?" Chen was taken aback.

"Ah... I don't know him, I don't know him, how could I know him..."

Wan Linger froze and shook her head again and again, but her expression betrayed her. Everyone could tell that she knew Zhao Yuan.

Seeing the curious faces around her, Mrs. Chen turned pale immediately, and without speaking, dragged Wan Ling'er away from the east courtyard in a hurry.

A group of workers surrounded Zhao Yuan to gossip without mentioning that Mrs. Chen took Wan Ling'er back to the west courtyard.

"Say, how did you know him?" Chen looked at Wan Ling'er sternly.

"Mom..." Wan Ling'er looked at her mother with a stampede, and she was puzzled by her mother's attitude.

"Okay, your wings are stiff now, are you saying it or not?!" Chen's face went berserk, and he actually took a simple black carved wooden stick from the wall.

"I said, that's what I said." Wan Ling'er's face immediately changed, this wooden stick was used by the Wan family to enforce the family law, it was not a joke.

"Say it quickly." Chen urged.

"Isn't he that fool?" Wan Ling'er looked aggrieved.

"That idiot?"

"It's the hunter."

"The hunter who killed the Yangshan leopard?" Chen's face was shocked.

"It's not him." Wan Ling'er pouted.

"It's strange, the first time I saw him, he looked very dull, but today he speaks clearly and eloquently, with extremely quick thinking. It stands to reason that such a smart person, wouldn't he know... Yes, your father said that he is not a cultivator. Or, maybe, he didn't even know there would be crystals in the Yangshan Leopard..." Chen looked relieved.

"Mom, I heard from my father that there are no magic beast crystals in our area. The Yangshan leopard is a cultivator who lives in seclusion in Xiaoyangshan. He raised several spirit beasts. Over time, a variety of them has been bred. , the current Yangshan Leopard, not to mention that idiot, even some cultivators, don’t know that the seemingly ordinary Yangshan Leopard actually has crystals in its body.”

"Yes, but that young man is not simple. He was able to hunt and kill the Yangshan leopard by himself. Moreover, when he entered our Wan's house, he pretended to be dull and pitiful, and he managed to hide it from your father and me. In the future, you Be careful and don't approach him."

"I think he's pretty good, he looks silly and cute, hehe..."

"A silly look?" Chen snorted coldly, "He is much smarter than you, and he even said that he looked silly, remember, don't get close to him in the future."


"Remember your stupid head!" Seeing Wan Ling'er's absent-minded look, Chen slapped Wan Ling'er on the head, and raised the black wooden stick with the other hand, as if to strike.

"I always like to hit me on the head. If I am not stupid, I will be beaten stupid by you." Wan Ling'er protested, rubbing her head.

"If you don't hit you, you won't have a long memory. In the future, don't hang around Xiaoyang Mountain all day long. Those cultivators have died for hundreds of years. If there is any treasure left behind, someone will have found it long ago. Besides, just you With skill, it is difficult to defeat an ordinary person, but if you meet a cultivator, you will be miserable."

"I have a flying sword." Wan Ling'er took out the black dagger and waved it twice in the air, with a smug expression on his face.

"Flying sword! Although your flying sword is powerful, it can only scare ordinary people. With your little aura, you can't fly with a different sword. When you meet a powerful person, you will be beaten to the ground. "Chen sneered.

"You're just looking for teeth all over the place." Wan Ling'er put her arm around Chen's neck and said coquettishly.

"Okay, okay, I still have something to do. Your father has been cultivating in the secret room all day long. Now it's a mess outside, and he doesn't care about it. I'm a woman, and I show my face all day long. Hey... .” Chen looked worried.

"My father will definitely go to seclusion after he got the top-grade spar. It is estimated that when he leaves the seclusion, his cultivation will definitely increase greatly. At that time, our family, chickens and dogs will ascend to heaven, and we will all go to heaven to become gods."

"The cultivators in Xiaoyang Mountain who were able to keep spirit beasts as pets are all dead. It's so easy for you to go to heaven and become a god. Besides, what's so good about being a god, old age is a thief. Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you , let's go, you are too busy to embroider and practice calligraphy at home, don't go wild."

"Yeah, I'll embroider later, you go." Wan Ling'er looked cute and innocent.

Mrs. Chen scratched Wan Ling'er's nose, and hurriedly walked into the shop in the west courtyard.

Zhu Dapao's work was very efficient. Mrs. Chen was only delayed at home for a while. He had already finished the matter and posted a notice on the wall outside the shop.

When Mrs. Chen arrived at the shop facing the street in the West Courtyard, the crowd outside had dissipated. There were only dozens of people queuing up to buy salt. Most of them were nearby residents who went home to get their household registration books and returned to the queue. Among them were a few families. , I really picked some raw meat and slaughtered poultry to marinate on site...


After Wan Jia's strong intervention, a vigorous salt grabbing incident in Xujiaqiao quickly became calm.

This turmoil came and went quickly, just like a tornado swept past and disappeared.

On the first day, some people lined up to buy, and even picked meat to be marinated in Wanjia shops; on the second day, the number of people queuing up to buy salt gradually decreased. salt supply.

On the third day, Wanjia began to organize some tenants and residents to visit Wanjia's warehouse. When people saw the mountain of salt in Wanjia's warehouse, the rumors were self-defeating, and the rush to buy salt had become a kind of It's a joke, some people who didn't rush to buy salt would laugh at those who lined up to grab salt.

On the fourth day, there were no people queuing up for Wanjia's shop, and only some people in remote areas bought sporadically.

On the fifth day, Ma's house and some retail stores also opened their sales.

Things developed exactly as Zhao Yuan said. On the sixth day, the farce of the salt rush was completely over, and even some people in remote mountainous areas knew the news.

During the five-day salt turmoil, Wanjia not only sold a large amount of salt stock and increased the return funds, but also gained a good reputation in Xujiaqiao.

The result of this good reputation is that the sales of Wanjia's other commodities have greatly increased, and some tenants are willing to sell their surplus grain to Wanjia.

The weather is getting colder and colder, and the common people are relaxing, while the Wanjia East Courtyard is getting busier and busier.

Although Deaf Jia is a deaf person, he knows the ins and outs of the matter. Now his attitude towards Zhao Yuan is much better.

In fact, it wasn't just that Deaf Jia's attitude towards Zhao Yuan had changed, the entire East Courtyard respected Zhao Yuan very much, and Zhu Dapao loved Zhao Yuan even more, and often came to greet him.

Zhao Yuan is more and more idle now, because Jia Deaf basically rushes to do everything, Zhao Yuan spends most of his time helping in the kitchen, and practice chopping flies in his free time.

Because of a stable life, good nutrition, and a lot of physical work every day, Zhao Yuan's body became stronger and stronger, and he became more and more proficient at chopping flies, and his techniques gradually became smoother. The iron ax weighing about ten catties was already in his hands. It's so much easier.

Guo Ax chops flies, usually sitting or standing still, and people are in a static state, while Zhao Yuan will put a few wooden blocks on the ground during practice, and then smear animal blood and viscera on the wooden blocks. A fly came, and then, Zhao Yuan kept moving between several wooden blocks to chop the fly.

Zhao Yuan's practice method progressed very slowly, because the difficulty of chopping tiny flies increased countless times when the human body was moving.

At the beginning, Zhao Yuan worried that his practice would arouse the curiosity of others and become the focus, but what surprised Zhao Yuan was that everyone didn't seem to show the slightest curiosity about his practice of chopping flies, until Mrs. Luo and Zhao Yuan After chatting, he understood the reason.

"Xiao Zhao, if you cut it like this, there will be no flies for you to cut in our east courtyard." Mrs. Luo, who was washing rice by the well, joked.

"Hehe, it's okay to be idle." Zhao Yuan smiled.

"Yeah, when I'm free, I have no place to use my energy, so I just want to find something to do. You don't know, my old Luo and Chef Na Lei, when they are free, they spend a lot of time studying butchering pigs and sheep. What do you say? To surpass that 'Paoding Jieniu', he became insane. Once, he forcibly decomposed a pig into tens of thousands of pieces. The bones were bones, the meat was meat, and the meat was also piece by piece, not connected to each other... ..."

"Tens of thousands!" Zhao Yuan was astonished.

"Yes, there are hundreds of bones, and then they are divided bit by bit, one by one, big and thick, I have never seen them be so careful." Aunt Luo showed a trace of anger on her face, obviously towards Luo Da who was usually carefree. The kitchen is dissatisfied.

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