wicked immortal

Chapter 168

"Hehe, it's hard to explain... Monk doesn't know either, he just thinks that big brother will definitely dominate the list of villains and kill everyone." Monk Tianxin hesitated.


A raging flame rose from Zhao Yuan's eyes.

Zhao Yuan would rather believe what Monk Tianxin said, as long as he can reach the top of the villain list, killing a Hua Toutuo is nothing!

Late at night.

The lingering moans also stopped.

In the distance, there was a rustling sound of clothes being put on inside the tent, and then a figure came out of the tent.

Silent all night.

The next day, just after dawn, both groups of people got up to wash up, ate some random food and set off on the road.Through careful observation, Zhao Yuan found that, except for the cheating couple, the other three seemed to have not slept well, and their faces were suppressed with anger. Obviously, the three of them spent the night in torment.Zhao Yuan can understand this kind of suffering, after all, the men and women who cheat at night are the people they like, but the person they like cheats with others, one can imagine the anger.

A pair of men who had an affair were completely unaware of it, and would still flirt with each other from time to time, making the other three even more jealous.

This place is still five days away from the Heishanling area, and everyone discussed that they should speed up their journey and arrive at Heishanling as soon as possible.

Zhao Yuan became a porter again.

Zhao Yuan carried almost all the materials on his back. What made Zhao Yuan angry was that the five disciples of Fanjingmen originally had a Xumi Ring to store their materials, but they still took out a lot of food and drink for Zhao Yuan to carry. Use it anytime.

Zhao Yuan swallowed his anger.

He knew that this was not the time to get mad, he had to find an opportunity to attack each of them, and kill them all with one blow.

The mountain road is not as smooth as it was at the beginning, but has become steeper, and the forests have become deeper and deeper. Occasionally, some waterfalls and mountain streams with turbulent water flow will be encountered.Some birds and beasts have also increased, and from time to time, some small and hideous beasts will be seen traveling at high speed among the thorns.

Zhao Yuan discovered that Wu Yifan and a group of mercenaries became vigilant.

However, the five disciples of Fanjingmen didn't seem to take it seriously, and they still acted like they were traveling in mountains and rivers. When they encountered beautiful places, they would stop to watch and comment on them.Among them, the senior brother who cheated on him was quite talented, and with his great poetic enthusiasm, he was able to compose a few good poems, which made the two girls admire him very much, while the other two men concealed their jealousy...

Zhao Yuan walked at the end of the team, observed everyone's actions, and memorized the surrounding environment deep in his brain.

Zhao Yuan knew that getting lost in this black forest was tantamount to death, and he had to be prepared to turn against some practitioners.

"There are beasts!"

Just as a group of people were walking along a small stream, Wu Yifan, who was leading the way, suddenly stopped.

In front of Wu Yifan, there is a small pool with an irregular diameter of about [-] feet. Above the pool are several waterfalls as thin as silver chains. In the air, there is a thin layer of water mist, which gives people an endless mystery. breath.

Zhao Yuan put down the supplies and took off the black-backed long knife. He felt the murderous aura in the black-backed long knife's blade ready to move.

As I said tomorrow, the dark iron contained in the black-backed long knife is the metal of the main killer. Once in danger, the black iron will emit killing intent to remind the master.

The main reason why ordinary martial arts figures and warriors like the weapons made by Xuantie is that to a certain extent, the weapons made by Xuantie have a warning function, but they ignore that its killing spirit is too harmful to the body.

"In the water pool." Among the five cultivators of Fanjingmen, the eldest brother drew out the long sword at his waist, and said with a pair of star eyes towards the water pool.

"Let's take a detour."

Captain Beast's expression became tense.

There are not many water sources in the Black Forest, so there are not many species living in the water in the Black Forest. However, most of the aquatic creatures that can survive in the Black Forest are fierce and abnormal, and ordinary people dare not easily provoke them.

"It's hard to find a monster of a certain level, why do you have to take a detour?" The elder brother of Fanjingmen snorted coldly.


"Let's have a look first before we talk." Wu Yifan walked with his sword in his hand, without any intention of detouring.

After Qin Beast and the other four mercenaries glanced at each other, they immediately approached, forming an offensive and defensive battle formation, moving forward bit by bit, with extreme caution.

The cautiousness of the mercenaries made some disciples of Fanjingmen laugh.

Zhao Yuan lifted the supplies with one arm and a black-backed long knife in the other, and followed behind everyone.At this time, Zhao Yuan's muscles were in a state of "fighting", and the perception ability of his cells was also in a state of "quietness".

Zhao Yuan knew very well that he could not rely on anyone, he could only rely on himself.

The crowd marched along the creek, getting closer and closer to the pool.

Although there are a few silver chain-like waterfalls flowing down the pool, it gives people a feeling of dead stillness, which makes people extremely uneasy.

Something is wrong there?

Zhao Yuan frowned tightly, observing the movements in a radius of tens of feet.

no life!

Zhao Yuan's body was shocked.

Within his "quiet" detection range, there was no sign of life at all, except for the rippling ripples, the area around the pool was lifeless.At the same time, amidst the lifelessness, there was a frightening ferocious aura, as if a ferocious beast was lurking in the sparkling water pool and would violently attack people at any time.


While everyone was hesitating, suddenly, a huge black monster suddenly rose from the quiet and suffocating pool, reaching a height of more than ten battles, causing splashes all over the sky.

The water in the pool suddenly dropped sharply, and the trickling stream suddenly stopped flowing.

What a big monster!

Everyone couldn't help gasping. In the middle of the air, there was a monster like a black rock. The monster's body was covered with countless tentacles. On those tentacles, there were countless small eyes. The eyes were black and white. , Blink and blink, giving people a very weird feeling.

The monster in the water seemed to sense that this group of people was not easy to mess with, so it didn't attack immediately, but kept observing with its hundreds of small eyes.

"Evil, die!"

The elder brother of Fanjingmen snorted coldly, waved his long sword in his hand, and faced the wind with a sway, his sleeves fluttered, and he was quite immortal, which made the two girls look obsessed.

The monster in the water was forced by the elder brother's sword energy, and seemed to be frightened, and shrank a few feet into the pool.

The elder brother was very proud, he swung the long sword lightly in his hand, and a cloud of sword flowers brought a cloud of spiritual energy to rush towards the monster in the water. The fierce murderous aura surged in the air, as if the sky was full of the sharp sword light, extremely shocked.


There was a huge muffled sound. The monster in the water was too big and the pool was too small to avoid it. It abruptly withstood the elder brother's sword. , seems very painful.

The disciples of the famous sect are really extraordinary.

Looking at this frightening sword, Zhao Yuan was secretly shocked. If he was hit by this sword, he would have been smashed to pieces.

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