wicked immortal

Chapter 197 Arrow Enlightenment


"The real strong, the people who believe in and worship are themselves. Their goal is to surpass themselves and defeat others. And you are such a person. You have tenacious willpower. No one can influence your decision. However, this kind of willpower is not durable and is easily affected by the surrounding environment, such as family, love, and friendship, all of which will degrade your willpower and affect your decisions. During this process, you will Be influenced by those more powerful than you, and become their disciple."

"Become their believer!" Zhao Yuan's body shook.

"Yes, for example, you are fighting for the honor of the black-faced god. In fact, you are gradually becoming his believer, or an evangelist."

"Ah... I... I..." Zhao Yuan couldn't refute for a while, because, thinking of the reason for fighting Kuta at that time, he really couldn't convince himself. The usual style of walking on thin ice is completely inconsistent.

"Yes, you didn't expect it, but in fact, the real strong will radiate powerful ideas, and with every gesture, they can influence other people, make them lose their willpower, become their own believers, and be loyal to themselves. "

"From now on, while strengthening your own fighting power, you must also strengthen your willpower and ideas, and turn your ideas into the beliefs of others. Only in this way can you influence others and make them work for you. "

"Understood!" Zhao Yuan replied firmly.

"Okay, now you can torture to extract a confession, and then rape and then kill."


"Could it be that the monk has said so much for nothing?"

"I can't do it." Zhao Yuan opened his eyes and glanced at Lan Xin who was leaning on the tree trunk and dozing.

"Forget it, forget it, then hurry up and learn that shit's art of shooting arrows and leave... The monk really doesn't understand, what is so easy to learn about archery..." Monk Tianxin muttered and complained.

"Give me your Yijian secret book!" Zhao Yuan stood up and said to Lan Xin who was dozing off.

Lan Xin opened her eyes, hesitated for a moment, carefully took out a handwritten secret book from her bosom, and handed it to Zhao Yuan reluctantly.The manuscript is very thin, only a dozen pages. After Zhao Yuan took the manuscript, he finished reading it in less than a stick of incense and threw it to Lan Xin.

"You remember?" Lan Xin looked at Zhao Yuan in surprise.

"Let's start training, I need you to demonstrate." Zhao Yuan said noncommittally.

"I don't have any arrows." Lan Xin looked at Zhao Yuan angrily.

"It's easy."

Zhao Yuan drew out a small ink-colored sword, cut off a few branches and cut them into arrow shapes, and handed them to Lan Xin.

"This is an arrow?!" Lan Xin said angrily.

"I just need you to demonstrate it once. Besides, you are injured and can't shoot arrows."

"How to demonstrate?"

"Just shoot me."

"Aren't you afraid that I'll shoot you to death?" Lan Xin sneered.

"If you can shoot me to death if you are injured, then I will consider myself unlucky to be shot to death." Zhao Yuan held the black-backed long knife, stepped back dozens of steps, and laughed.

"Hmph, be careful!"

Lan Xin supported her body, endured the pain in her arm, lifted the longbow, and put the arrow cut from a tree branch on the bow. However, she did not pull the bowstring, but just looked at Zhao Yuan quietly. The eyes became extremely deep.

Lan Xin looked at Zhao Yuan.

Zhao Yuan also observed Lan Xin, silently reciting the formula of the art of arrows.

Suddenly, a feeling of extreme danger arises, as if being stared at by a ferocious predator.

verb: move!

Without thinking, Zhao Yuan's body suddenly moved sideways, "Whoosh", a black shadow passed by.

There was an eerie silence in the desert.

Lan Xin's composed Zhao Yuan looked shocked. She never imagined that Zhao Yuan could really avoid his sharp arrow.

"Continue!" Zhao Yuan said calmly.

"What's the difference?" Monk Tianxin asked.

"It's similar to the 'quietness' in the realm of brute force." Zhao Yuan's clear eyes stared closely at the sculpture-like Lan Xin, and he felt that Lan Xin was brewing, brewing an emotion.

"Between heaven and earth, there are tens of thousands of ways to cultivate the Tao, but they all lead to the same goal by different routes. That is to say, there are many methods of cultivation, and the methods are the same. Monks have long known that the art of shooting arrows is just to deceive ordinary people. .”


Zhao Yuan's gaze suddenly became as sharp as a blade.

"what's the difference?"

"It's not archery."

"What is it?"

"It's the secret method of cultivation... I can't say it... a very strange feeling, I feel that she is using a mysterious force to restrain me, making me unable to move... I understand... I understand..." Zhao Yuan wiped He glanced at the beads of sweat rolling down his forehead and was suddenly ecstatic.

"What did you find?"

"...haha... amazing... it really is amazing..." Zhao Yuan's face was surrounded by a faint precious light, Zhao Yuan didn't even know it, it was a sign of comprehension in the cultivation world.

When ordinary people master a certain thing, there will be abnormal phenomena in the body, such as flushing, rapid heartbeat and so on.In the world of comprehension, when comprehending a certain supernatural power, there will usually be some undetectable abnormalities. For example, every time Zhao Yuan comprehends it, his five sense organs will be surrounded by precious lights.

Lan Xin's blue eyes were extremely sharp.


The branch turned into a phantom and shot towards Zhao Yuan.

The moment the branch was shot, Lan Xin suddenly regretted it, she was worried that Zhao Yuan would not be able to resist the arrow.


The black-backed long knife swept up like lightning.

Lan Xin's worries were unnecessary. The branch hit the blade of the black-backed long knife. Under the huge impact, the branch turned into a pile of wood powder, flying in the air, and the momentum was extremely terrifying.

"Again!" The two arrows failed, Lan Xin became a little annoyed, endured the severe pain in her arm, and picked up another branch to shoot.


Zhao Yuan patted the dust off his body and returned to the original place.

"Enough...you...have you learned?" Lan Xin stammered and asked.

"Your wound is broken and needs to be bandaged again."

Zhao Yuan didn't answer Lan Xin's question, walked to Lan Xin's side, and untied Lan Xin's bandaged wound. Because of the excessive force of the archery, the wound leaked a lot of blood.Zhao Yuan cleaned up the wound, applied some muscle-promoting medicinal powder, and finished bandaging again.

"Do you feel better?" Zhao Yuan asked.

"It's better." Lan Xin gritted her teeth while enduring the excruciating pain.

"Can you go on the road?"


"Well, by the way, how far is your tribe from here?"

"If you walk from the desert, it's more than two hundred miles. If you walk from the edge of the Black Forest, it's about 300 miles..."

"Okay, it will be up in two hours at most."

"Two hours!" Lan Xin looked dull.

"Of course, now, you have two choices. First, I will hold you, and second, I will carry you on my back. You don't have to rush to answer, think about it first. If you run with your back on your back, it will be very bumpy. However, hold you If you don't, you will inevitably be taken lightly by me..."


"Sure?" Zhao Yuan smiled.

"Sure!" Lan Xin replied firmly.

"Okay, come up!" Zhao Yuan tidied up and squatted in front of Lan Xin.

"Can you really run to our tribe in two hours?" Enduring the pain, Lan Xin climbed onto Zhao Yuan's shoulder, grabbed Zhao Yuan's neck with one hand, and grabbed the huge handle of the black-backed long knife with the other.

Lan Xin has always been a little arrogant and looked down on Zhao Yuan. She always thought that Zhao Yuan was just an ordinary figure in the world.

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