wicked immortal

Chapter 211 Beheading the Prince 【Additional Chapter 1】

Seeing that big hand grabbing him, Zhao Yuan didn't dodge and stood tall like a mountain.


Seeing his subordinates grabbing Zhao Yuan, the burly young man seemed to think that it was a matter of course that Zhao Yuan was captured, and then glanced at the Daqin cavalrymen who were rushing towards him, with a mocking smile on his lips, and then shouted, Dang rushed to the grassland first, and the others followed closely.

The speed of the stabbing horse was astonishing. The reason why the stabbing men dared to provoke outside Heishui City was because of the speed of the stabbing horse, which came and went like the wind.

The big man urged the horse to set a time in front of Zhao Yuan, leaned forward, grabbed the skirt of Zhao Yuan's chest with one hand, and took advantage of the horse's inertia to lift it up.

The big man grabbed Zhao Yuan's chest and lifted it, suddenly felt something was wrong, Zhao Yuan's body was as motionless as a rock.

At the same time, the big horse was still running wildly, and the big man grabbed Zhao Yuan, but Zhao Yuan remained motionless, like a rock.

An astonishing scene appeared.

As soon as the big man couldn't lift Zhao Yuan, he was so frightened that his body was dragged by the giant horse as if he was flying in the air.The big man's riding skills are also superb, his pair of powerful legs actually gripped the horse's back tightly, and the big horse was unexpectedly stopped abruptly while galloping wildly.

Zhao Yuan snorted coldly, raised his hand to grab the palm of his chest, squeezed his fingers, and pulled it lightly, the big man let go.

During this grasping and loosening, the huge horse was stopped abruptly by the big man, with its front hooves raised high, and the big man was using Zhao Yuan to control the big horse. Now Zhao Yuan pulled his arm and immediately lost The center of gravity suddenly turned over, and fell heavily to the ground.


Hearing the sound of falling, the young man who was about to leave cursed angrily, and rushed back with a group of big men to surround Zhao Yuan.


Seeing the cavalry from Heishui City rushing towards him, the young man showed anxiety on his face. He shouted loudly, drew out a sharp waist knife, and surrounded Zhao Yuan first.Dozens of big men knew that time was running out, so they didn't hesitate, and immediately pulled out their waist knives to tighten the encirclement, forcing Zhao Yuan to submit.

"If the tiger doesn't show its power, you will treat me as a sick cat!"

Facing the repeated entanglement of a group of assassins, Zhao Yuanzai couldn't control the galloping and roaring fighting spirit in his body. He drew out the black-backed long knife on his back, and held the knife in both hands.

To capture a thief first capture the king, to shoot a man first shoot a horse.

No superfluous words.

Zhao Yuan, who was full of fighting spirit, held a long knife in his hand, and took a step towards the young man who rushed over first. This step swallowed the mountains and rivers with anger, and the mountains and rivers changed color with this step.The black-backed long knife struck down like a bolt of lightning in the air...


With long hair flying and blood raining, Zhao Yuan used the art of arrows combined with "quietness" to lock the fast-moving body, and the black-backed long knife directly slashed at the young man's shoulder, slashing down obliquely, without a trace from the shoulder to the crotch, and then to the huge horse.

too fast.

Before everyone could react, the young man had already been chopped off by Zhao Yuan. Even the body of the giant horse was cut in half from the horse's back to the belly, and its internal organs were scattered all over the ground. ,, in the air, there is a choking smell of blood.

Dozens of big men were stunned.

The air seemed to freeze.

Everyone looked at the mutilated corpse on the ground.

"He killed Prince Modun, he killed Prince Modun..." A big man suddenly fell off his horse, rolled and crawled to the side of the bloody corpse, crying loudly.

"Kill, kill him!"


The eyes of dozens of big men turned red, and they rushed towards Zhao Yuan frantically.


Zhao Yuan's fighting spirit was boiling and his murderous aura surged. The long knife in his hand was like thunder and lightning, and it was like the death scythe of the hell demon god, constantly harvesting life.

A knife.

Two swords.

Three knives.


The black-backed long knife rolled up slices of knife flowers on the grassland, one knife after another, as if the water of the Yangtze River was rushing endlessly.

Zhao Yuan was immersed in the realm of "war" and couldn't extricate himself.

In Zhao Yuan's eyes, all moving objects are his hunting targets.

"Battle" is being perfected, and in the rush of fighting spirit, Zhao Yuan has a feeling of being connected with the spirit of heaven and earth. That feeling can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words, as if his whole body and mind are immersed in a killing spree. The cut ocean turns every pore into a huge container.

During the non-stop tempering, Zhao Yuan forgot the time and was completely dominated by the artistic conception. It was not until the moving targets around him were killed that Zhao Yuan woke up from the boiling fighting spirit.

Blood flows into a river.

Zhao Yuan stared blankly at the mutilated corpses around him. Among those corpses, besides people, there was also a huge spur horse, whose corpses were still twitching in a pool of blood.

The strong smell of blood in the air is disgusting.

Did you do it yourself?

Zhao Yuan was secretly startled.

Could it be that this is the highest state of war?

Zhao Yuan used the artistic conception of "war", and suddenly found that the stagnant "war" has reached a critical point, that is to say, if he goes further, he can be promoted to the realm of "strength" cultivation. It turns out that "war" "Cultivation requires killing people...


In the distance, dozens of cavalry from Heishui City looked at Zhao Yuan in horror and did not dare to approach. They witnessed the massacre with their own eyes.

There was only one survivor in this massacre, and that was the middle-aged man who was crying while hugging the young man's body.

The man was able to stay because he didn't move.

At this moment, the man stared at Zhao Yuan with endless hatred in his eyes.

Prince Modun!

It seemed that he really killed a big shot.

Murder and kill!

Almost at the first moment, Zhao Yuan thought of killing and silence. If the news is not spread, the subsequent pursuit will continue endlessly.Immediately, Zhao Yuan raised his knife and strode towards the middle-aged man.

"You're dead, you're dead!" The middle-aged man saw Zhao Yuan's thoughts, he was not afraid, and looked at Zhao Yuan with a grim smile.

"Dead..." Zhao Yuan stopped abruptly and stared at the middle-aged man.

"Yes, you are doomed. No one can escape the pursuit of Shan Yu's family, no one!" The middle-aged man looked up at Zhao Yuan and laughed wildly.

"Okay, I'll let you go back. Remember, my surname is Zhao Mingyuan. If you want revenge, just find me, Zhao Yuan." Zhao Yuan put away his long knife, strode to the middle-aged man, and leaned over his ears.

"I remember." The middle-aged man paused every word.

"I'll wait for you."

Zhao Yuan stood up straight, with long hair flying, proud and majestic, standing tall like a mountain, looking down at the middle-aged man and laughing.

At this time, Zhao Yuan was no longer the Zhao Yuan who was cautious about trivial matters, who was afraid of wolves before and tigers later.

Just now, Zhao Yuan had tasted the sweetness of "war". Thinking that the pursuit of the Shanyu family could help him improve his strength, he simply became a bachelor, exposed his identity, and asked the Shanyu family to send experts to practice with him.

Only after fighting Feng Guoshi and Hu Yansheng, Zhao Yuan's confidence has doubled now. Although he can't beat Feng Guoshi, he can escape easily. Without danger to his life, Zhao Yuan is naturally not afraid of Shanyu's family hunted down.

At the same time, Zhao Yuan suddenly realized.

He understood why the low-level cultivation in "The Enemy of Ten Thousand Enemies" was so difficult at the beginning. In fact, these cultivation methods are all for the practitioners to survive.

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