wicked immortal

Chapter 22 Yujian Flying [4th Explosion]

ps: At 12 o'clock in the evening, the fifth explosion!Brother, help me, and I will be named on the gold list!

The flying sword flew up tremblingly.

With a sound of "bang", the flying sword hadn't been able to fly half a meter high, and Zhao Yuan, who was standing on the flying sword, fell down. Fortunately, he saw the opportunity quickly and was not injured.

"Hey, why are you so stupid!" Wan Ling'er who was hanging in the air cursed angrily.

"This sword is too small, and you won't let me touch you, so you can't stand at all." Zhao Yuan said with a mournful face.

"Ah... that's right, okay, okay, you are allowed to hug my waist, don't touch me, don't let me think about it, do you hear me?"

"Well, the villain will never think about it."

"Okay, stand up... Hey, hug again... Forget it, let's hug... Are you ready?"


"Then I'm going to take off."

"Wait, I turned off the oil lamp. When you go out, you have to close the door, otherwise, when the night watchman sees it, they will find that I am not in the room." Zhao Yuan took out a bundle from under the bed and carried it on his back. By the way, the oil lamp was extinguished.

"Hey... I can't see that you are a big man, but you are quite careful. Okay, are you ready?"


"I'm going to take off. When I go out, you close the door by the way. I want to control the flying sword, so I can't be distracted."

"Well, don't hit your head." Zhao Yuan reminded.

Under the control of Wan Ling'er's weak aura, the short black flying sword flew up again, crooked, as if it was about to fall at any moment.

When flying out the door, the two of them bent down and flew out in a very strange posture. The moment they were about to leave, Zhao Yuan stretched out his hand and gently closed the door.


A huge black shadow floated up and down in the air, jumping up and down all the way, full of danger.

"Why do you step on the sword under your feet?"

Zhao Yuan was very puzzled. As far as he knew, Yu Jianfei was usually held in his hand, and he could use the flying sword as a weapon. This kind of flying while stepping on the sword was simply unheard of.In addition, the two stepped on a small sword, which made Zhao Yuan feel extremely ridiculous. It was like a huge fat man riding a skinny pony.

Zhao Yuan naturally didn't know that Wan Ling'er's aura was weak, and she couldn't control the flying sword at all. She was able to control the flying sword under her feet, thanks to the quality of the sword, which could be controlled with just a little aura.However, if this is the case, Wan Ling'er can't fly with the flying sword in hand, and can only step on the flying sword.

"I want you to take care of it, I don't like it like this!"

"Don't get excited, don't get excited..."

As soon as Wan Ling'er spoke, Fei Jian couldn't control it, and drew a snake shape in the air, scaring Zhao Yuan into hugging Wan Ling'er's slender waist.

"Coward." Wan Ling'er snorted coldly.


Zhao Yuan didn't dare to speak, so as not to cause Wan Ling'er to lose control of his emotions again. Now that he is at a height of tens of meters, if he falls, he will definitely die.

After flying for a few miles, Wan Ling'er got used to flying alone, and the flying sword became much more stable, and the speed gradually increased.

Zhao Yuan still didn't dare to speak, this was his first time flying in the air, which made him a little afraid of heights.

Fortunately, after flying for a period of time, Zhao Yuan gradually got used to it, and he began to pay attention to the underground scenery while still in shock.

It turns out that it's such a beautiful view of the ground from a bird's-eye view.

Although the land is covered with snow, under the reflection of the bright moonlight, the outline of the rolling land is still very clear, giving people an incomparably vast and magnificent view.

Suddenly, Zhao Yuan sneezed, and the flying sword shook for a while, causing Wan Ling'er to scream in fright, desperately instilling spiritual energy, and finally, the wobbling flying sword became stable again.

"Hey, why are you sneezing?"

"I...it's too cold..." Zhao Yuan stammered, smelling Wan Ling'er's fragrant hair.

"You're a man, okay? I'm from a daughter's family, and I'm not afraid of the cold." Wan Ling'er said angrily.

"You are a cultivator."

"That's true. Cultivators need to be more resistant to cold."

The cold wind was bleak, and the two of them flew toward Xiaoyang Mountain one after the other. In less than half an hour, the two of them had already flown to the mountainside of Xiaoyang Mountain.

Under the moonlight, the snow-covered peak of Xiaoyang Mountain soars straight into the sky, like a sharp giant sword, giving people a strong visual impact.

"If we find the Yangshan Leopard, can you catch it?" Wan Linger asked.

"I don't know." Zhao Yuan replied calmly.

"Halo, if we are not sure, we will find it in vain. Yangshan leopard is extremely fast and cunning by nature. When encountering enemies, it will soon hide in the woods. We can't see it at high altitude. What should we do? ..." Wan Linger said depressedly.

"Why didn't you kill Yangshan Leopard with a flying sword?" Zhao Yuan asked suspiciously.

"If I can kill Yangshan Leopard with a flying sword, why am I calling you?" Wan Ling'er snorted coldly.


"Boss, the Yangshan leopard is very alert. We can only see it at high altitudes. Usually, when we spot it, it will also spot us. Then, it will run into the dense forest at a very fast speed. Lightning, between turning points, is extremely sensitive, not to mention me, even my father can't catch up... Hey, the person in front is flying with the sword..."

"Where is it?" Zhao Yuan's body was shocked.

"front left."

Sure enough, thousands of meters ahead, two small black dots flew towards them at high speed. Outside the black dots, there was a layer of faint light, which could be seen as the aura of a cultivator.

"Do you know him?" Zhao Yuan asked anxiously.

"I don't know, there are very few cultivators coming to Xiaoyang Mountain." Wan Ling'er shook her head.

"Land down quickly, don't meet them."


"Many cultivators are bad people. They burn, kill, loot, and do all sorts of evil. If they covet your beauty and I can't protect you, wouldn't you be very dangerous. It's very likely... maybe..." Zhao Yuan was afraid of Wan Ling'er Curious, he quickly threatened.

"Maybe what?"

"It is very likely to rape first and then kill, destroying the corpse..."

Wan Ling'er fought coldly, before Zhao Yuan finished speaking, his feet sank, the flying sword had already landed on Xiaoyang Mountain, and flew straight into a cave.

The entrance of the cave is very hidden, behind a boulder, the boulder not only hides the entrance of the cave, but also blocks the cold wind.

Judging from the ashes at the entrance of the cave and Wan Linger's familiar movements, Zhao Yuan concluded that Wan Linger must often come to this place to settle down.

"Hai Long, there are still hundreds of miles to Huayun Mountain. It's freezing cold. Let's rest here for one night and return to Huayun Mountain tomorrow."

"Fourth brother is right. I am suffering from hunger and cold. I will hunt a rabbit or something later, eat some hot food and warm myself up."

Just as the two of them entered the cave, there was a voice of talking outside the cave entrance.

Sun Hailong!

It's really a narrow road to Yuanjia, Zhao Yuan never dreamed that he would meet someone from Hua Yunzong here.

Zhao Yuan's body shook, he quickly pulled Wan Ling'er into the cave, and hid behind a rock, his whole body was like a taut string.Wan Ling'er seemed to be aware of Zhao Yuan's nervousness, so she held her breath and dared not make a sound.

"Fourth brother, let me search this hole first."

"There's no need to search. This is where some hunters spend the night. Yanglong and I passed by here a few days ago when we went to hunt down that kid, and we stayed there for a night. The ashes are still left by our fire. Now the mountain is covered by heavy snow outside. , and there are no footprints, and there will be no one. You can just find some dead branches around, and I will go hunting for a rabbit or something, and I will be right back."

In the darkness, Zhao Yuan broke out in a cold sweat. Fortunately, he flew straight into the cave with the flying sword just now, leaving no clues, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

"I was hurt by that kid this time. Senior brother is still recuperating on the bed, and the back mountain is burned bare. It's freezing cold, and I'm going to hunt and kill that kid all over the world. When I catch that kid, I will definitely kill him." I have to tear his body to pieces to get rid of my hatred!" Sun Hailong replied disgruntledly, and then there was a sound of footsteps, and both of them left, obviously, one was hunting, and the other was looking for some branches.

They actually chased him for hundreds of miles!

Tolerable or unbearable.

Thinking of inexplicably incurring a murderous disaster, Zhao Yuan suddenly became vicious.

"Is there an exit here?"

"No. They have enmity with you?" Wan Ling'er asked.

"Yes, if they find out, we won't be able to survive." Zhao Yuan calmed down a little and said, "I'll explain to you later, time is running out, you wait here first, don't make any noise."

"Yeah." Wan Ling'er became inexplicably nervous, she felt the murderous intent boiling in Zhao Yuan's heart.

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