Although Wan Ling'er is a cultivator, she is a girl after all, and she is usually cared for by her parents like a jewel in her palm. When encountering an accident, she immediately panicked.

"Don't worry. How long has it been?" Seeing Wan Ling'er crying, Zhao Yuan could only comfort him, and he couldn't blame Wan Ling'er, because the avalanche was not caused by Wan Ling'er, but the ghost who had been haunted all this time. It was caused by scattered lightning and had nothing to do with Wan Ling'er.

"Only ten minutes later."

"Well, it's still early, you help me take out the burden, it's under me, pay attention, there's a rope on my hand."


"Look for it. There are ropes, dried meat, candles, and flint and steel."

"I found it. The candles are deformed."

"It doesn't affect the burning, you light the candle."


With a few sounds of "Zhacha...", the flint lit the candle, and a faint candlelight lit up in the cave.

This is a huge cave. They are under the cave wall on one side of the cave, and on the other side, it is filled with snow, and there are some broken stones on the ground.

Judging from the situation, it should be that the avalanche hit the mountain wall. The mountain wall absorbed a huge amount of energy and was knocked away. Then, the snow and gravel poured into the cave, dragging him and Wan Ling'er in as well.Of course, luckily they got involved, otherwise, they would have been buried under the countless tons of snow, and there was absolutely no reason for them to survive.

"There is too much snow outside, and it is impossible for us to dig out. We can only find the exit in the cave. There is no turbidity in the cave, and the candlelight is flickering to one side, indicating that the cave is well ventilated. Perhaps, there is a way to the outside. export."

Zhao Yuan struggled to stand up, endured the severe pain all over his body, and walked along the cave wall with his support.

"Zhao Yuan, tell me, could this be the place where the legendary cultivator practiced?" Wan Ling'er supported Zhao Yuan, suddenly thinking.

"Maybe." Zhao Yuan's clothes were already frozen, and he was shivering from the cold. He was in the mood to think about other things, so he replied absent-mindedly.

Compared with Zhao Yuan, Wan Ling'er was much better. After all, she was a cultivator, so even if her aura was weak, she could protect her body without any problem. Moreover, the clothes on her body had already been dried by the aura.

"Zhao Yuan, if it's really the secret room of a cultivator, you are not allowed to rob me of the treasure!" Wan Ling'er's depressed mood suddenly became excited.


"Forget it, I don't want to take it all alone, so how about I choose first, and then you choose?" Wan Ling'er felt that something was wrong, and immediately added.

"That's good..." Zhao Yuan wandered for hundreds of days and lived in many caves, so he naturally wouldn't naively think that any cave would be the site of a cultivator.

When the two of them held the candles and turned a corner, Zhao Yuan, who was shivering from the cold, was stunned.In front of him, there is a high platform. On the high platform, there is a square room. The room is completely made of wood. The precarious girders kept the house from collapsing.

The Secret Chamber of the Cultivator!

The stunned Zhao Yuan did not expect that Wan Ling'er would guess it right.Of course, Zhao Yuan didn't know that the legend of cultivators in Xiaoyang Mountain had existed for hundreds of years, and Wan Ling'er was not just guessing out of nothing.

"Haha, I really found it. I've been looking for it for five years, five years..." Wan Ling'er was also stunned, and immediately laughed out loud.

The two climbed up the platform carefully.

This high platform is extremely smooth, like a mirror surface, like a huge piece of polished jade.

"Wow... green stone, haha, rich, rich, this is a stone with aura... such a big piece, I want to become a fairy, become a fairy... haha..." Wan Ling'er climbed up the high platform After that, he actually sat down on the ground and meditated.

In just a few seconds, Wan Ling'er opened her eyes with a look of disappointment on her face.

"This turquoise stone has no aura, hey, we are late." Wan Ling'er touched the smooth ground with a sad expression on her face.

"When will it be too late?" Zhao Yuan asked.

"Ah... this... probably takes hundreds of years..." Wan Linger was stunned.

"Then you are late, go in and have a look first, I'll tear down some wood to make a fire." At this moment, Zhao Yuan's body temperature was dropping sharply, and if he didn't dry his frozen clothes, he might die of hypothermia .

"Yeah." Wan Ling'er was afraid that Zhao Yuan would snatch the treasure with him, she was overjoyed when she heard this, and rushed into the wooden house with a candle.

"Ah..." Wan Ling'er, who had just rushed in, screamed and ran out again.

"What?" Zhao Yuan's muscles tensed suddenly, and his eyes were fixed on the door of the wooden house, as if he was facing an enemy.

"Inside...inside...there are...there are...skeletons..."

Wan Ling'er tightly hugged Zhao Yuan's arm, her body trembling.

"What are you afraid of when you're all dead?"

"But...but...I'm go in with me..."

"Okay, but first we have to start a fire in the room."

"Why?" Wan Ling'er looked bewildered.

"If I don't warm up to the fire, I'm going to freeze to death." Zhao Yuan touched his clothes, and it was already frozen.

"Ah...why didn't you say it earlier?" Wan Ling'er glanced up and down Zhao Yuan's body, and it wasn't until this time that he realized that Zhao Yuan's body was soaked and frozen.

"..." Zhao Yuan smiled wryly, he was a little speechless towards this belated woman.

"Help me hold the candle, don't move." Wan Ling'er walked up to Zhao Yuan, closed her eyes slightly, and pressed her hands on Zhao Yuan's heart. Immediately afterwards, two faint auras forced out from her palms, turning into There was a warm current, like countless streams, flowing through Zhao Yuan's limbs.

With the help of the warm current, Zhao Yuan's body temperature gradually recovered.

After regaining his body temperature, Zhao Yuan's nerves suddenly became extremely sharp. He felt Wan Linger's palms on his chest, felt Wan Linger's breath, and even felt Wan Linger's body. The body fragrance that emanates.

Subconsciously, Zhao Yuan opened his eyes.

In front of him was a face that was so delicate that there was no trace of blemish. Under the light of the fire, its complexion was crystal clear like jade, like a crescent moon glowing halo, like flowers and trees piled up with snow. When it is flattering in language, delicate and tactful, it is beautiful and glamorous.

Looking at Wan Ling'er, Zhao Yuan was completely bewildered.

Time and space seem to freeze at this moment.

Slowly, slowly, that flawless jade face became more and more flushed.

Wan Ling'er's breathing also became rapid.

On Wan Ling'er's face, there was a dense layer of crystal sweat, and the flushed face turned pale.

"Is it better?" Wan Ling'er suddenly opened her eyes and looked at Zhao Yuan.

"'s better." Zhao Yuan woke up with a start.

"Oh my god...I'm exhausted." The sweaty Wan Ling'er sat down on the ground again, panting heavily.

"Thank you."

"Just don't grab the baby with me later." Wan Ling'er snorted coldly.

"Let's go in together."


Wan Ling'er jumped up and hugged Zhao Yuan's arm tightly.Feeling Wan Ling'er's soft body tightly against him, Zhao Yuan had a strange feeling.

In fact, Zhao Yuan didn't like this feeling, he had always restrained all his desires, including women.

He has no way to protect his woman, she will only become a burden to him, just as he cannot protect that significant mink cloak.

After the two entered the door, Zhao Yuan proposed to light a fire first, so that not only could they see the environment of the wooden house clearly, but they could also guard against traps.

The wooden house was full of rotting boards, and the two quickly gathered a pile of firewood and lit it.

The raging fire illuminated the cabin extremely brightly.

In the very center of the wooden house, that is, under the main wall of the hall of the wooden house, there is a skeleton sitting cross-legged. It may be too long ago. Although the skeleton is leaning against the wall, it still collapses in sevens and eights. Supported on the shoulders, it looks extremely weird.

There are three rooms, a bedroom and a kitchen, and there are many bookshelves in the hall. However, the books on the bookshelves have been completely decayed, and they will be turned into ashes just by touching them.

The life of the owner of the house seems to be very poor. Some daily necessities are crudely made and of no quality at all. The decoration inside the wooden house is also extremely simple. It is completely different from the imagined treasure of a cultivator. There are no valuable handicrafts at all, let alone Magic weapon of comprehension.

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