wicked immortal

Chapter 244 Planning Vulnerabilities

On the other hand, among assassins, women rarely have the opportunity to receive education, and most women are men's vassals.

In Sanu, many tribes will plunder each other, and women are the most important spoils of war. Under the influence of this kind of atmosphere, women basically have no status. In the eyes of many herdsmen, women are reproductive machines Well, many slave women have been giving birth to children all their lives. It is not too many to give birth to more than a dozen, and there are countless births to more than [-].

Only after Ruolin became the king of the Wu Wu who assassinated slaves, the status of assassinated slave women improved slightly, but there was no fundamental change.

Lan Caier's family, because of the revered status of the hereditary "Master Yijian", relatively speaking, Lan Caier's social status is quite high. However, facing the cultural background of assassin slaves, Lan Caier's thinking is still unable to Transcending, being confined in this desert.

"Cai'er, you should go to the Great Qin Empire."

"The Great Qin Empire...I think so too, but our family is shouldering the mission of teaching the people how to ride and shoot..."

"Mission! What is mission?" Zhao Yuan gently rolled up Lan Cai'er's drooping hair and said calmly.

"The tasks and responsibilities of our family."

"Everyone does not live for others, and should have their own soul. Besides, any position can be replaced. The assassins will survive without you. As for you, the Lan Caier family, Without you, there will be a second Lan Cai'er to inherit your family business immediately."

"Yes, everyone's position can be replaced...Zhao Yuan, if you go to Daqin, will you accompany me?"

"If the situation permits, I will." Zhao Yuan did not dare to promise easily, and replied ambiguously.

"Well, if I have a chance, I must go to Daqin for a walk..." Lan Caier gently embraced Zhao Yuan's tiger's body with her jade arms, and whispered softly, with a look of happiness for a little woman.

"You have to go back." Zhao Yuan whispered softly.

"I want to sleep here with you..." After making up her mind, Lan Cai'er was so daring that she wanted to stay here for the night without any scruple.

"No, you have to go back to your tent, otherwise, people will think I'm a man who eats soft food."

"Whoever dares to say that you eat soft rice, I will kill him!" Lan Cai'er said murderously.

"Look, with you like this, I look like I'm eating soft food."

"...Okay, I'll go back."

Lan Caier cared a lot about Ailang's image, and after another bout of intimacy, she put on her clothes and tidied her hair. When she walked out of Zhao Yuan's tent, she seemed to be alone immediately, with a charming and charming look. Zhong's face has become as cold as ice, with a sacred and inviolable expression, and the guards on duty around him are all fearful and dare not look directly at it.


Seeing Lan Caier's back disappear, Zhao Yuan sighed helplessly.

Zhao Yuan could feel Lan Caier's nostalgia and reluctance for him.

"Monk, this woman fell in love with me, what should I do?" Zhao Yuan called out Monk Tianxin to ask for advice.

"If you like it, you will like it. A man like you is easy to attract people." Monk Tianxin looked disapproving.

"What a man like me..."

"A man like you is bad in his bones, but he always pretends to be compassionate. It's the easiest way to touch a woman's heart. Don't worry, this is just the beginning. In the future, you will gradually get used to it. It will be worse, more ruthless, more heartless, now, you just haven't gotten used to it." Monk Tianxin interrupted Zhao Yuan's disgusting narcissism, and said sarcastically.

"Will it be?" Zhao Yuan looked sad.

"Ask what love is in the world, and it makes life and death go hand in hand! You are just a mortal now, and when you cultivate the Dao, you will naturally wave your sharp blade to cut off love. At that time, you may be chasing and killing you all over the world. woman."

"Ah... why did you chase them down?" Zhao Yuan was taken aback.

"If you want to become an immortal, you must see through the world of mortals, cut off the seven emotions and six desires, and the passion-desire is the biggest obstacle. Many people who seek the Tao and those who are about to succeed in the Dao fail, mainly because they cannot abandon the ties of the world, forget Don’t miss the wealth and pomp of the world.”

"What about the fairy companion?"

"Hehe, tell me, how many couples do the legendary gods have?"

"..." Zhao Yuan was speechless.

"Unless you can prove the Dao and let all the people you care about become immortals together, hey... that is commonly known as the chicken and dog ascending to heaven... However, the story of the chicken and dog ascending to heaven is just to take away the chicken and dog. If you want to take away human beings , it's not that easy."

"Understood." The precious light on Zhao Yuan's face was fleeting.

"The monk thought about it all his life, but he didn't understand it. You were just reminded, and you realized it. You are so angry!" Monk Tianxin looked sad and indignant.

"Monk, you are responsible for protecting this young master. When I ascend to heaven, I will take you away with me." Zhao Yuan laughed.

"Don't worry, the monk is now a grasshopper on the same rope with you. If you die, even if the monk does not die, he will always be an evil spirit without a master. Not to mention achieving a positive result, it is impossible even for a loose immortal. Hey... the monk still wants to save the common people in the dire straits, the monk can't die..." Monk Tianxin's expression of pity and compassion turned into a dignified and upright expression.

"Pfft..." Zhao Yuan was drinking water and almost choked.

"Hey, you can't underestimate the monk. The monk has a noble heart. Although the monk is greedy for life and afraid of death, it is all for the well-being of the common people..."

"Okay, okay, I'm going to rest... By the way, I'm going to see King Zuo Xian tomorrow, and King Zuo Xian is surrounded by a cloud of masters, and when the time comes, you have to keep an eye on it, don't steal everything. "

"Don't worry, although there are many masters in this desert, only the king of martial arts and the number one warrior, Helian, are truly terrifying. The monk has not taken the rest into his eyes. However, you also have to be careful. According to the custom of assassinating slaves, there will be a banquet to show respect for you. In the banquet, there will be many high-status people, including many experts. If you want to assassinate Zuo Xianwang, you must do it quickly. The siege, even a monk, is powerless, after all, the monk has not yet fully refined the Yin-Yang boat." Monk Tianxin said.

"Not good! I remember Lan Xin said last time that Feng Guoshi and Hu Yansheng had a very deep relationship with Zuo Xianwang, in case they accompany Zuo Xianwang..." When Monk Tianxin reminded him, Zhao Yuan broke out in a cold sweat .

"That will be troublesome. That is to say, as long as you appear at the banquet, you will immediately reveal your identity. The monk can't beat that Feng Guoshi."

"Yes." Zhao Yuan smiled wryly to himself, and he and Lan Cai'er fought each other every day, but they forgot such an important event.

"Your only chance to get close to Zuo Xianwang is gone, well... the monk is going to rest, you can do it yourself..."

"Monk, monk...you're too fucking disrespectful!" Zhao Yuan cursed.

"The monk is an evil spirit that you raise. He only cares about killing people, but he doesn't care about giving ideas."


Now, what Zhao Yuan is honoring is that the other party does not know his identity, and there is also the cavalry of Monk Tianxin. Moreover, according to Lan Caier, the assassins have blind trust in the seal of Wuwu. The seal is God's special view of assassins, and all those who have the seal of Wuwu are the darlings of heaven.

Now, the opportunity to sneak attack has been lost, and the trust of the other party with the seal of the martial arts has also come to naught.

How to do?

How to do?

Zhao Yuan was helpless.

If you can't get close to Zuo Xianwang, you can't even talk about assassinating Zuo Xianwang.

Of course, if Zhao Yuan had a powerful force, he could have entered Zuo Xianwang's golden tent single-handedly. The problem is that Zhao Yuan has not yet achieved that supernatural power.Obviously, Zuo Xianwang is surrounded by masters like clouds, otherwise, he would have been beheaded by the sledgehammer god long ago.

At least, Zhao Yuan felt that there was a master in the camp, because when he started to use "quiet" to scout, although he was cautious, he was still almost discovered by the other party. This is enough to show that the strength of that person is very Powerful, so strong that he is no match at all...

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