wicked immortal

Chapter 282 Prairie Devil

On the prairie, only the king of martial arts, Master Ruolin, can practice the seal of the martial arts. Except for her, even a family as powerful as Lan Caier can only practice the skill of arrows, and cannot unlock the seal of the martial arts. the shackles of...


"We must inform Master Ruolin!" Chen Hu looked at the vast prairie with incomparably serious eyes.

"Have you found anything?" Hu Yansheng felt Chen Hu's heavy heart.

"From the arrow feathers, this person has stepped into the palace of Wu Wu's seal, and has created a connection with the power of the ancient gods, and this connection is fundamentally different from our Wu Wu's seal, you Look... the arrow feathers show signs of being burned, which means that that person is unable to control the seal of the Wuwu at all..."

"Isn't it good that you can't control it?" Hu Yansheng was taken aback, puzzled.

"It's not good if we can't control it, but even if you control it, can you burn this sharp steel arrow?" Chen Hu snorted coldly and glanced at Hu Yansheng.

"...No." Hu Yansheng blushed.

"Yes, you can't, in fact, I can't either! Since none of us can, why can he? It can only show that that person has obtained the approval of the ancient gods, just like Master Ruolin, the king of martial arts."

"Another king of martial arts!" Hu Yansheng's face changed drastically.

"Yes, in time, another King of Wuwu will be born. It would be fine if it is the King of Wuwu from our Assassin clan, but the problem is, that person is obviously an enemy of our prairie." Chen Huyi The face said meaningfully.

"The king of martial arts... the enemy of our prairie... Could it be... Could it be... Our god has abandoned us... No... Impossible... No!" In Hu Yansheng's eyes, there was endless fear.

"You can't say that. After all, we still have Master Ruolin. As long as there is Master Ruolin, God will always protect our Assassin clan."

"Yes, we still have Master Ruolin." Hu Yansheng's expression softened a lot.

"Although we have Master Ruolin, Master Ruolin no longer cares about worldly affairs, so we will never allow a second martial arts king to appear to replace Master Ruolin. We must kill that person before he is fledgling. In the cradle, otherwise, it will be too late for us to regret after he becomes God's darling..." A fierce light flickered in Chen Hu's eyes.

"Only us stabbing slaves are the darlings of God!" Hu Yansheng gritted his teeth.

"Yes, one day, our slave cavalry will travel all over Zhanyun Continent!"

The two of them stared at the setting sun in the distance with fanaticism on their faces...


Early the next morning, Zhao Yuan and his group had a hard time.

This is a large tribe of more than 2000 people.

When Zhao Yuan and the others charged towards the tribe, the tribe was preparing to migrate, and members of the tribe were gathering from all directions.

Zhao Yuan and the others fell into a bitter battle.

A steady stream of herdsmen surrounded them from all directions, arrows from the sky shot like locusts, a large number of livestock scattered Zhao Yuan's group, and there were out-of-control cattle, horses and herdsmen everywhere. The scene was extremely chaotic, and almost all of them The herdsmen all took up arms, whether they were children or old people, they were brave and fearless, and the bravery and bloodiness of the assassins were vividly displayed in them.

Soldiers are caught in the predicament of fighting on their own

The advantage of the initial lightning strike was lost, and the soldiers who were caught in a hard fight fell one by one.

There is no doubt that these one hundred soldiers are the elites of Heishui City, but elites are also human beings, and they can't stand the crowd.Among these elites, some are only the most elementary warriors. There are not many masters like Yang Chenglufeng. People like them have not yet reached the level of invulnerability, and they can't hold the sharp arrows like locusts.


With a muffled sound, Brother Fu beside Zhao Yuan was hit by an arrow and fell off his horse.

"Brother Fu!"

Zhao Yuan and the crazy Taoist exclaimed in unison, jumped down at the same time, and rushed to Brother Fu's side.

When they were in Tieling, Zhao Yuan, Brother Fu and Crazy Taoist walked relatively close. During the scuffle, Crazy Taoist and Brother Fu also followed Zhao Yuan all the time.

"Zhao Yuan...quick...run away..." A sharp arrow pierced Fu Ge's chest, and Fu Ge, who was dying, looked at Zhao Yuan and died before he could finish his sentence.

"Brother Fu, Brother Fu..."

The mad Taoist hugged Fu Ge's body, shaking madly, and shouting hysterically.

Seeing the gradually dimming look of the rich man, Zhao Yuan stood up slowly, strode up a rock, his whole body seemed to be wrapped in a layer of cyan flames, his hair was flying, and his face was ferocious, as if the hell had awakened the Demon God.

"God, since you want me to be a villain, then I will!

Zhao Yuan let out a roar, the sound of the roar was earth-shattering, like a thunderbolt in the clouds, it made people's eardrums ache.

"Taoist, help me get the arrow!"

Zhao Yuan shouted violently, and summoned several bundles of arrow feathers from the Sumeru Ring.

"Yes!" The mad Taoist shivered, put down Brother Fu's body, and crawled to Zhao Yuan's side.

swoosh swish...


Countless arrow feathers shot towards Zhao Yuan like locusts.

Bow and arrow!

The sharp arrows shot out continuously, like a continuous water curtain.





In a series of bursting sounds, the arrow feathers shot at Zhao Yuan were shot by the arrow feathers shot by Zhao Yuan, exploded in the air, and turned into powder, and the air was full of fragments of arrow shafts, just like those thousands of arrows. The mosquitoes are dancing wildly.


Zhao Yuan's hand didn't stop, and a steady stream of sharp arrows shot out from his hand, while the mad Taoist kept bending down to hand Zhao Yuan arrows, three arrows each time.

The speed of Zhao Yuan's shooting was so fast that beads of sweat the size of soybeans appeared on the forehead of the mad Taoist priest.

At this moment, Zhao Yuan had become a killing machine, he seemed to never know how to get tired, his face was ashen, dull, expressionless.

The arrow feathers shooting in the air are like a sickle for harvesting life.

The herdsmen fell over and over again. The elderly, women, and children, as long as they had weapons in their hands, were all the targets of Zhao Yuan's shooting.

Soon, the herdsmen around Zhao Yuan were shot and killed.

Yang Cheng and Lu Feng realized that Zhao Yuan was quiet, and immediately took the opportunity to call soldiers to gather around Zhao Yuan.

The war is not over.

The herdsmen in the distance continued to kill, the sound of killing echoed on the grassland, and the sharp arrows they shot were like locusts all over the sky.

But at this time, in the eyes of Yang Cheng and the others, the grassland seemed to have become extremely quiet.

In fact, the sharp arrows of the herdsmen can no longer harm them, because they are too far away. Of course, they tried to get close to the target, and kept charging. Waves of herdsmen followed each other...


With Zhao Yuan as the core, there seemed to be an invisible defense line of life and death a hundred feet away. As long as the herdsmen entered the invisible line of defense, Zhao Yuan's elusive sharp arrow would appear immediately, shooting the herdsmen on their backs.

The soldiers held their breath, watching the herdsmen being harvested like wheat.

Yang Cheng and Lu Feng glanced at each other, and a chill ran down their spines.

In their eyes, Zhao Yuan has become a cold-blooded killing machine. His archery movements are mechanical and precise. Every time he shoots, several herdsmen will fall on the grassland. Hundreds of herdsmen are forced to be killed by Zhao Yuan. One person guards a hundred feet away.

That invisible circular line of defense kept devouring the lives of the herdsmen.

On Zhao Yuan's bowstring, shocking murderous aura burst out continuously, and that murderous aura flew out with sharp arrows, harvesting the lives of the herdsmen.

Above the grassland, there is an invisible evil spirit sweeping across the grassland repeatedly, devouring those spirits of death.

For monk Tianxin, these spirits of death are a great supplement, because they are all at the peak of fighting spirit.

One by one lives disappeared under Zhao Yuan's sharp arrow.

One by one, the spirits of death were devoured by the monk Tianxin.

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