wicked immortal

Chapter 302

Zhao Yuan sighed, closed his eyes slightly, and practiced the two furnace fires.Now, Zhao Yuan is no longer able to practice "The Enemy of Thousands", because the power he cultivated will be absorbed by the mysterious flying runes immediately, and the runes will become stronger and stronger, so Zhao Yuan can only stop training Realm of brute force.

Now, the only thing Zhao Yuan can do is to refine two spiritual energy - the fire of the furnace.

Among Zhao Yuan's eight extraordinary meridians, the fire of the cauldron is the only power that can resist the mysterious rune. Although the power is weak, as long as it is tempered, it will be endless and endless.

After practicing for a while, Zhao Yuan showed a trace of tiredness on his face.

The current Zhao Yuan, whose originally tyrannical body has become extremely weak, even with the fire of the furnace, he still cannot completely block the invasion of the mysterious runes, and tempering the two spiritual qis requires some physical strength, which makes Zhao Yuan Yuan's body is getting worse...


Looking at Zhao Yuan, who was leaning on the dirt wall and sleeping, Cao Shenxian showed a worried look on his face. This young man's health seems to be getting worse, and he wonders if he can survive this winter.

"Is this painting for sale?"

A melodious voice sounded, which revived the pensive God Immortal Cao. When he looked closely, he saw a girl with a graceful figure standing in front of her. After half a step beside the girl, she stood There was a woman in a gorgeous robe, and not far behind her stood two majestic men who looked like King Kong.

Although the young girl is not dressed up in full dress, her draped clothes are resplendent and dazzling, like the splendor of Eryao and Bi.Wearing gold and emerald jewellery, embellished with pearls to dazzle the body.Practice the literary shoes of long-distance travel, and the light train of dragging mist and gauze.The fragrance of the faint orchid is amiable, which is extremely dazzling.Coupled with the two tyrannical men behind him, it looks like he is from a wealthy family.

"Ah... it's for sale... this girl has a beautiful face..." Cao Shenxian was taken away by the girl's charm, and he was out of his mind. However, it was almost a kind of inability to not forget to win business.

"I'm asking if this painting is for sale!" The girl frowned slightly.

"Of course it's for sale, Zhao Yuan, Zhao Yuan... Wake up, someone is selling your painting!" Cao Shenxian hastily shook Zhao Yuan's body, afraid that the girl would leave. After all, this was Zhao Yuan's first time in more than ten days. A decent customer.

In the past, some arty rich locals would occasionally ask, and when they heard Zhao Yuan's quotation, they would immediately turn around and leave.

Cao Shenxian has been in the market for a long time, and still has some eyesight, and immediately sees that the girl is of extraordinary status, and she is definitely a potential client.

"Stop shaking, I woke up..."

Zhao Yuan opened his eyes and felt the imposing aura immediately. He couldn't help but shudder. The two strong men standing behind the girl were two warriors, moreover, they were warriors with extraordinary skills.

"Are you selling this painting?" Seeing Zhao Yuan waking up, the girl looked calm, dignified and calm.

"Sell." Zhao Yuan had a strange feeling, he noticed that the girl had an indescribable aura, and she seemed to be giving orders for a long time in her gestures, and her age should not be that kind of powerful figure.

"Your name is Zhao Yuan?" The girl glanced at the painting, and suddenly saw the inscription on it, a trace of surprise appeared on her calm and indifferent face.

"The villain's real name is Zhao Wen, but because his name is incompatible with the five elements, he is usually called Zhao Yuan."

"So that's how it is... This painting costs [-] imperial coins?" The girl showed a look of disappointment on her face.


"how much do you have?"

"Just this one."

"One pair?" The girl was taken aback.

"Yes, one pair. After this painting is sold, I will go to the imperial capital to take the spring exam next year." Zhao Yuan added a sentence in fear that the other party would doubt his identity.

"Are you qualified to take the spring exam in the imperial capital?" the girl asked.

"Of course, I'm Xie Yuan." Zhao Yuan looked proud.

"It's no wonder the young master draws well." The girl nodded, and there was more respect between her brows, but there was still a faint sense of loss that could not be concealed.

"Thank you for the compliment." Zhao Yuan bent down to thank him neither humble nor overbearing.

"I want ten paintings of this quality to give away. I wonder if there are any works in your home?" the girl asked.

"No, this is the only pair."

"Is this painting really drawn by you?" the girl asked suddenly.


"Since it was drawn by the young master, why don't you work harder, and just paint nine more."

"Cough cough...Girl, it's not because Xiaosheng doesn't want to. If the girl just needs some ordinary calligraphy and paintings, let alone ten sets, even a hundred sets and thousands of sets, I, Zhao, can get them at my fingertips. Comparing it with this painting. Many people think that a master of Danqing has the ability to do it at his fingertips. They don't know that a good handed down work needs to be tempered. It takes a long process from composition to artistic conception. Afterwards, it is the top grade if it is done in one go. A girl can appreciate Xiaosheng's paintings, which means that a girl understands Danqing, ordinary ordinary grades, so naturally she can't fool a girl..."

"You pretend to be those masters of improvisation?" The girl smiled indifferently, her face was calm and calm, but her words were tit for tat.

"Then let me ask the girl, how many handed down works of those masters are there?"


"A master has painted tens of thousands of paintings in his life, but there are very few works that can be handed down to the world. It can be seen that a good work is never as simple as picking it up. In fact, those who improvise Most of the works that have been handed down from generation to generation have already been tempered and refined, and they are well-understood, so they dare to spread their ink in public."

"You mean, even a master needs to practice?"

"Of course not. In this world, there will always be geniuses from the heavens. That kind of people, laughing and cursing are all articles, and the painting is the same. They don't stick to the form, and they have reached the state of harmony between man and nature. They are all masterpieces, but unfortunately, I am not the kind of person the girl imagined." Zhao Yuan shook his head.

"Young master is humble. Anyway, I will stay in Jingshan Town for a while, so you can paint for me and make up ten paintings. You can pay as much as you want."


"Didn't this painting be drawn by you?" The girl stared at Zhao Yuan with a pair of clear eyes, as if she had seen through Zhao Yuan's soul.

"……All right."

Zhao Yuan painted a good work. Originally, he just wanted to find a buyer who knows the goods. After making a little money, he immediately flew away, but he didn't expect to be trapped in a cocoon.He realized that this woman knew about him, and it was very likely that she was already wondering if he was Zhao Yuan from Heishui City. Asking him to paint was not only necessary, but also a temptation.

Zhao Yuan is now riding a tiger, if he refuses, the girl will definitely doubt his identity, and even send someone to track him down.


Zhao Yuan didn't have a better choice. With his current strength, he couldn't deal with the two powerful fighters behind the girl. What's more, this place is at the foot of Fanjingmen Mountain. If there is any trouble, it will be a big deal up.

"Thank you son."

The girl smiled slightly, bowed her body to thank her, asked Zhao Yuan where she lived, left a deposit of [-] imperial coins, took the pair of "Heshan Tu" and walked away.

From the beginning to the end, the woman in a gorgeous robe beside the girl and the two strong men didn't say a word.

Cao Shenxian chased the girl for a while, saw that the girl had no fortune teller, and was afraid of the two big men and the cold-faced woman in robes. With a thick imperial coin in his hand, his eyes seemed to emit golden light.

"Cao Immortal, go buy some wine and vegetables, let's get drunk today!" Zhao Yuan handed all the imperial coins in his hand to Cao Immortal.

"It won't take so much..." Cao Shenxian grabbed the imperial coin with a greedy look on his face.

"Just take it as the rent for this broken table." Zhao Yuan laughed loudly.

"Ah...haha... I got rich, shit, when Immortal Cao also got rich, my grandfather's grandfather's grandfather was right, this Jingshan Town really prospered our Cao family, haha... God open my eyes Oh, God is finally comfortable being fucked by our Cao family..." Cao Shenxian let out a strange laugh, which made passers-by look sideways.

"Give it to me!" Zhao Yuan snatched the Imperial Coin.

"Ah... what are you doing?" Shenxian Cao didn't prepare for Zhao Yuan's attempt to snatch his imperial coins, and was caught off guard by Zhao Yuan's snatching away, and the creepy laughter stopped abruptly.

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