wicked immortal

Chapter 33 Side Effects of Foundation Establishment Pill

[ps: Domineering is now three chapters a day, occasionally breaking out, enough hard work, brothers, don't stand on the sidelines, the red ticket collection is fierce! ! 】

Thousands of people opened up wasteland, built roads, dug canals and built dams for thousands of families.

After the spring blossoms, thousands of people may stay and become tenants of Wanjia.

In addition to land reclamation, winter crops can also be planted.

Most importantly, if there is a large-scale mob, these thousands of starving people can still organize to protect thousands of industries...


The more Chen thought about it, the more excited she became.

As long as Zhao Yuan said, next year's Wanjia will reach a new level, and the number of tenants and land will double several times.

A large family with a traditional business model like Wanjia has a soft spot for land, because tenants and fields are assets, and they are assets that continue to generate benefits and never depreciate.

"Ma'am, it's not too late. People in Xujiaqiao are fluctuating now. Once someone makes a noise and instigates it, it will inevitably cause chaos. At that time, it will be out of control. It will be too late to clean up the mess. It is best to post a notice immediately to appease the people, and then, wantonly Buying grain. It doesn’t matter if the price is high. If you can’t finish it, you can sell the grain next year. After this year’s drought, floods and famine, the grain is bound to be scarce, and the price will rise, which can just make up for the loss of thousands of families who bought grain at a high price.”

"Good, good idea!" Mrs. Chen was overwhelmed.

That night, some important people from the Wan family split up, and those who posted the list posted the list, and those who collected grain received the grain. Some workers' families also moved to the Wan family compound one after another.

The east courtyard still made preparations for the porridge, and was busy until eleven o'clock in the evening, when Zhao Yuan climbed into bed.

After going to bed, Zhao Yuan couldn't fall asleep, his eyes were staring at the door in a daze.

Will Wan Linger come?

What is she here for?

Tossing and turning unable to sleep, Zhao Yuan insisted on staying up until two o'clock in the morning. Under Zhao Yuan's gaze, Wan Ling'er sneaked open the door and slipped into Zhao Yuan's room.

Zhao Yuan's heart was beating wildly.

"Zhao Yuan, Zhao Yuan..."

Wan Ling'er called softly.The room was a bit dark, Wan Ling'er couldn't see Zhao Yuan.


"Ah...you haven't slept!" Wan Ling'er was taken aback, patting her chest repeatedly.

"Wait for you."

"Don't wait, it's coming soon."

"What's coming soon?"

"It's coming soon..."

"What's coming... ah..." Zhao Yuan groaned, jumped up from the bed suddenly, covered his stomach with his hands, bowed like a prawn.

"You...you...what did you do?" Zhao Yuan knelt on the ground, sweating profusely from the pain.

"It's okay, it's okay, don't get excited, go to the toilet, go to the toilet for a while." Wan Ling'er was afraid that Zhao Yuan could not help crying out in pain, covered Zhao Yuan's mouth with one hand, and messed around with Zhao Yuan's bedside table with the other. Touching it, he frantically stuffed a roll of toilet paper into Zhao Yuan's hand.

Zhao Yuan didn't have time to think about it. He took the toilet paper, bowed his back, and rushed to the toilet at a speed of [-] meters.

This time, it took another full half an hour, which made Zhao Yuan dizzy and weak.

When Zhao Yuan staggered back to the room, he just entered the door, and before reaching the bedside, he fell to the ground, and the feeling of being bitten by thousands of ants came again.

"Zhao Yuan, Zhao Yuan, use your strength yourself, you are too heavy, I can't hold you..." Wan Ling'er saw Zhao Yuan fell to the ground, she became anxious, and after closing the door, she grabbed Zhao Yuan Yuan tried to drag it onto the bed, but it didn't move at all.

"What did you do?" Zhao Yuan asked weakly.

"It's really nothing. The elixir will take you for a week, every day at two o'clock in the morning. After you take it, your whole body will be very weak, and you will feel like being bitten by ants... Isn't it painful?"

"Why don't you try it yourself?" Zhao Yuan was so painful that he couldn't move anymore, and he stared blankly at Wan Ling'er.

"Don't be angry, you go to bed first, I'll use spiritual energy to clear your meridians and you'll be fine."

"Are you all right?" Zhao Yuan's trust in Wan Ling'er has reached freezing point.

"Didn't you feel it yesterday? Just for a while, you'll be comfortable, and then you'll fall asleep."

"Well, help me to bed first...it's too cold on the ground, grab my arms...well...it's two hands...yes...yes...pull hard, hard... hard..."

"Finally in bed!"

Wan Ling'er spent a lot of effort, finally got Zhao Yuan onto the bed, and let out a long breath, and at the same time, Zhao Yuan also let out a long sigh of relief.

After helping Zhao Yuan tidy up the messy clothes, Wan Linger took off her shoes and went to bed, and began to use her weak aura to help Zhao Yuan clear the internal organs damaged by detoxification.

The wonderful feeling of all limbs being dredged by spiritual energy returned to Zhao Yuan again, and Zhao Yuan let out a comfortable groan.

"Hmph, you enjoyed it, and this lady will unblock your meridians on this freezing night." Hearing Zhao Yuan's comfortable groans, Wan Ling'er pinched Zhao Yuan's body fiercely .

"As long as you eat one, I'll give you a massage every day."

"Crow's mouth, I'm bah bah bah, you know how to massage? Hmph, even if you know how to massage, do you have spiritual energy?" Wan Ling'er sneered.


"Zhao Yuan, don't be sad, maybe one day, you will be able to cultivate spiritual energy." Seeing that Zhao Yuan was silent, Wan Ling'er quickly comforted her.

"When did you start cultivating your spiritual energy?" What Zhao Yuan wanted to know most now was the world of cultivation, so he immediately took the opportunity to ask.

"I... was very young... when I was very young..." Wan Ling'er hesitated.

"How small?"

"Hey, why do you keep asking these questions!" Wan Ling'er suddenly became angry with embarrassment, "I have been practicing since I was three years old, what a shame! I am naturally dull, I have practiced for more than ten years, and I have not yet entered the primary stage. What's the matter, what's the matter...Ask, ask a fart, what's none of your business...Hmph, rats catch rats, meddle in other's business..."

"It's a dog picking up a mouse..." Zhao Yuan couldn't help correcting.

"I just like mice and rats. Hmph, you are so strange, you always carry which pot you don't open. My father said that I am not suitable for cultivation. In my life, I will never even think about going to Xihuang Mountain... Zhao Yuan, tell me, will my grandma recognize me as a granddaughter? Hey...forget it, if you don't recognize it, don't recognize it. Talking so much nonsense..."

At this moment, Zhao Yuan had already snored slightly.

In the darkness, Wan Ling'er pouted, reluctantly continuing to use spiritual energy to clear the meridians for Zhao Yuan.

Zhao Yuan slept until six in the morning when someone woke him up.

While sleeping, Zhao Yuan was worried that Wan Ling'er would give him a massage like last time and then fall asleep. Fortunately, when Zhao Yuan woke up, Wan Ling'er had disappeared.

While Zhao Yuan was secretly rejoicing, there was a trace of loss in his heart.

Because many workers go home and hand over their families to Wanjia, there are not many helpers in the kitchen. Chef Luo and Chef Lei both have red eyes, bloodshot eyes, and tired faces. , They all stayed up all night.

When Zhao Yuan helped move the steamed buns and porridge to the west courtyard, some workers rushed to the east courtyard one after another. The east courtyard became more and more lively, and more and more people helped.

As the saying goes, it is better to celebrate the New Year with fewer people, and it is easier to plant in the fields with more people.When there are many people, things are done very quickly, and some preparations for porridge distribution are quickly done.

Now there are more than three hundred strong and strong men in the Wan family alone in the east courtyard, and many of them are tenants who voluntarily live in the Wan family.

All the men changed into the clothes of the East Courtyard. The uniform clothes gave people an inexplicable sense of security.

Last night, the Wanjia posted a list, and the hungry people passed it on by word of mouth, one spread to ten, and ten to hundreds. In just one night, all the victims in Xujiaqiao knew about Wanjia's recruitment.

The effect is immediate effect.

Since three days in the morning, more than 2000 hungry people have flocked to the gate of Wanjia West Courtyard to wait. Now they are not just waiting for a bowl of porridge and two steamed buns, but most of them are for the food and housing provided by Wanjia. work.With this job, you don't have to worry about freezing to death and starving to death in this cold winter.

At 07:30, prepare to open the door for porridge.

Hundreds of people in the same clothes rushed from the outside of the east courtyard to the gate of the west courtyard. It was still very visually intimidating. The original chaotic scene was quickly cleared up, and some people who tried to jump in line were obediently queued behind .

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