wicked immortal

Chapter 38 The Benefits of Heavenly Tribulation

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"Is that the one with the primary level two aura?" Zhao Yuan's eyes widened suddenly, his face full of astonishment. He remembered that when he was in Huayunzong, that guy went crazy and hacked wildly with his sword, which was extremely powerful.

"Haha, what's the matter! Brother Yuan, the second-level elementary school is already very powerful, okay? That person is in his teens, and many people are still in the first-level elementary school after they are over 100 years old."

"It's so difficult... By the way, what level of spiritual energy are you at?"

"I... I'm still at the early stage of cultivation." Wan Ling'er blushed.

"You have spirit energy, and you can fly with the sword, why is it still in the early stage?" In the darkness, Zhao Yuan didn't notice Wan Ling'er blushing.

"My father said that my physique is not suitable for cultivating spiritual energy. When I was very young, my father dredged my meridians and even used his own spiritual energy to build a foundation for me. Unfortunately, I am too stupid to break through the elementary level. However, because I have already reached the critical point, and my father helped me build the foundation, I already have a weak spiritual energy, and I am at the critical point of being about to advance."

"Since you are still at the early stage of cultivation, why can you fly with the sword? Didn't you say that people at the early stage of cultivation cannot fly with the sword?" Zhao Yuan was puzzled and asked repeatedly.

"Brother Yuan, I beg you, okay...why do you keep picking which pot? I've said it several times. I have a good sword, that small black sword, but it cost my family more than 2000 yuan. Wandi coins. Did you know that some flying swords are very powerful and can be controlled with only a little bit of aura, and it just so happens that my father spent a lot of aura to build a foundation for me, so there was such a little bit of poor aura in the early stage of cultivation. Reiki." Ling'er desperately pinched Zhao Yuan.

"Oh, so that's how it is..." Zhao Yuan didn't dare to resist, and endured the severe pain, "By the way, you said that a cultivator can absorb the spiritual energy contained in crystal stones, what's the matter?"

"This is a bit complicated, and I don't know it very well. Anyway, I can't absorb the aura in the spar, but my father can. My father said that in theory, as long as a cultivator has time and a spar, he has the right practice. method, it is not difficult to cultivate to the mid-level aura of cultivation, but only one out of ten of the cultivators have cultivated to the middle-level aura. Usually, the purer the middle-level aura, the greater the chance of entering the high-level; After the middle-level aura, with the condensation of energy and the comprehension of the realm, one can cultivate one's own soul, that is, the Zifu Nascent Soul of the prehistoric era, and can achieve the so-called immortal soul. At this time, you can practice various This kind of magic weapon, as well as his own unique attack and defense skills, to survive the catastrophe of thunder and lightning, and to enter a higher level of cultivation and high-level aura... It is worth mentioning here, because most of the current cultivation masters use crystal Stones are piled up, and the natural aura contained in the spar is absorbed by the human body, and it will appear in different colors when it reaches different realms. Therefore, the ranks of some masters can be judged by color. For example, the elementary aura is very shallow. , is a transparent white or green energy. Of course, some masters cultivate completely by absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth with their bodies, so it is impossible to judge. This kind of cultivator is the most terrifying existence..."

"What is Heaven's Tribulation?" Zhao Yuan's body froze for a while, and he vaguely realized that the unpredictable thunder and lightning might be Heaven's Tribulation.

"Cultivating to the period of passing through the catastrophe, there may be a catastrophe at a certain time. This catastrophe is to test the level of cultivation of the cultivator. It is probably due to the cycle of life and death. Therefore, the birth of Heavenly Tribulation is a natural test of self-cultivation; the birth of Heavenly Tribulation does not come from outside but from within! Although Heavenly Tribulation comes from the outside, its actual guidance comes from itself. After cultivation reaches a certain level, It will react with certain climates in nature. Although it is far away, it will not be summoned, and it will form a catastrophe. After passing through a catastrophe, the cultivation base will go to a higher level, and after reaching a certain level, it will be associated with a more severe climate. Induction, thus leading to another catastrophe. After the catastrophe, the skill can go further. If it fails, the cultivation base will drop, the skill will be lost, and the soul will be scattered. When the catastrophe comes, no matter how you practice, you will be There is no breakthrough in power.”

"Heavenly Tribulation will only appear when a cultivator crosses the Tribulation?" Zhao Yuan wanted to ask himself why he was always struck by lightning, but he held back after all.

"Yes. I have reached the critical point now, and I will be taken care of by Tianjie that day."

"Are you afraid of it?"

"What's the use of being afraid? If you are afraid, you will never want to improve for the rest of your life. Besides, people who have experienced the catastrophe have a much longer lifespan than ordinary people. There have been improvements over the years, and if you have experienced a few more catastrophes, your lifespan will be extended. It is not a problem to live to be two hundred years old, and some powerful cultivators have lived to be three hundred years old."

"Three hundred years old...wouldn't that be of great benefit?" Zhao Yuan said disapprovingly after being deeply hurt by it.

"That's right! The average life expectancy of ordinary people is only around seventy, while cultivators can easily live to be over a hundred years old, or even longer. Comprehension practitioners in the cultivation world love and hate Heavenly Tribulation." Wan Linger Exclaimed.

"Could it be that I still love it..." Zhao Yuan muttered.

"Zhao Yuan, what did you say?"

"No, I'm just curious."

"By the way, Zhao Yuan, I came here today to tell you that I won't be able to see you in the future." Wan Ling'er in the darkness suddenly stopped massaging and said quietly.

"Why? Blind date!" Zhao Yuan suddenly clenched his fists.

"No, no blind date."

"Then why can't you come and see me?"

"My mother asked my father to place a restriction on my Ice Excalibur. If I sneak into the East Courtyard, they will know."

"So powerful?" Zhao Yuan was surprised.

"It's not very powerful. My father's restriction range is very small. If you leave his range, you don't know. If there is a chance, we can go out to play secretly, but I can't come to the east courtyard."


"Zhao Yuan, I'm leaving."


In the room, there was a moment of silence, Wan Ling'er's hand rested on Zhao Yuan's chest, and their breaths suddenly became rapid.

At this moment, the small room in the darkness was filled with an ambiguous atmosphere.

Time passed bit by bit, and the two quietly watched each other in the dark, maintaining a very strange posture - Wan Ling'er was riding on Zhao Yuan's body.

Suddenly, there was a cock crowing outside.

Only then did Wan Ling'er realize that she should go back.

"Zhao Yuan, I'm going home." Wan Ling'er said softly.


At this time, Zhao Yuan felt an inexplicable sadness.

It was only when Wan Ling'er got out of bed that she realized that she had been sitting on Zhao Yuan's body the whole time, and her face suddenly had a fever, revealing a blush, but fortunately the room was dark, so she couldn't see clearly.

Wan Ling'er, who was reckless like a deer, hurriedly put on her shoes, lifted the Ice Excalibur by the bed, and just as she was about to open the door to go out, she suddenly turned around and walked to the two small windows, and used the Ice Excalibur A fist-sized hole was poked in the window paper.

"What are you doing?" Zhao Yuan asked, rubbing his aching body from Wan Linger's sitting.

"This hole is not allowed to be sealed."

"Why?" Zhao Yuan was taken aback for a moment, it was freezing cold, even the cold wind blowing in through the crack of the door was like ice blades scraping bones, the hole the size of a fist was fine.

"I'll write you a letter. This small hole is where you receive letters." Wan Ling'er had a secretive expression on her face.

"Can this hole receive letters?"


Wan Ling'er stood at the door with a sweet smile behind her.

In the darkness, Wan Ling'er's smile looked a little blurry, but in Zhao Yuan's eyes, it was as if the bright sunshine was extremely warm.

Suddenly, Zhao Yuan thought of the girl who gave him the expensive mink fur cloak...

Wan Ling'er left, leaving Zhao Yuan staring blankly at the cold and windy hole.

Is it blocked?

Still not blocked?

Feeling the biting cold wind pouring in through the window hole, Zhao Yuan couldn't fall asleep either. He gritted his teeth and didn't sleep at all. He sat up and began to practice the "posture" in "The Enemy". The cultivation of posture is not just an action. , adding up, there are dozens of decomposition actions, and these actions are still connected to each other.

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