wicked immortal

Chapter 43 Rescue the Ma Family [Chapter 2]

Under Zhao Yuan's organization, the city walls at both ends of the East Street were quickly dismantled, and more than 5000 strong laborers were divided into two groups, with a group of more than 3000 people, mainly composed of land reclamation victims.Another group of 2000 people were mostly tenants from Xujiaqiao and workers from Wanjia.The biggest advantage of this kind of distribution is to prevent the victims of land reclamation from accidentally killing the people of Xujiaqiao. After all, the tenants are more familiar with the locals of Xujiaqiao than those of the victims of land reclamation.

Both groups had a kitchen knife stuck in their waists and carried bamboo poles, hoes and other weapons.In order to avoid cannibalism, each head tied a white towel.This white towel is very useful, not only can it distinguish the enemy, it can also keep warm from the cold, and bandage the wound...

After Zhao Yuan explained some matters, he immediately set off in two groups.

In fact, Zhao Yuan's explanation was very simple. He told everyone not to place orders, not to drop the towels on their heads, and it is best to have a spare towel on their bodies.

Just as Zhao Yuan said, at this moment in Xujiaqiao Town, there are small groups of mobs running around everywhere. They broke in, burned, killed, and looted. Crying and screaming, some mobs started to set fire, many houses were burned, and the sky was filled with black smoke.

More than 2000 strong laborers set out from the end of the East Street began to chase and kill those small groups of mobs.

Compared with the number of mobs with a number of tens of hundreds of people, this team has an absolute advantage. They are like wolves and tigers all the way. The mob together, facing an enemy several times their own, immediately collapsed, crying for their parents and mothers, scattered and fled for their lives.

In fact, all the mob troops went to Ma's house, and there were not many mobs who stayed in Xujiaqiao to burn, kill and loot. After all, in the complicated lanes of Xujiaqiao, it was not suitable for thousands of people to attack.Of course, the most important thing is that the mobs all know that ordinary people cannot have much food in their homes, and it is simply not enough for thousands of teeth.

The speed of advancement is very fast.

The leader of the team was Zhu Dapao. Zhu Dapao was a smart person. Seeing that some mobs were scattered and scattered, they were vulnerable. In order to increase efficiency, more than 2000 people were divided into four groups, each with 500 people, and began to advance quickly. Convergence at the end of Xujia Bridge.

At this time, the people of the Wan family were already terrified. As long as they saw people in ragged clothes and suspicious appearance, they would immediately swarm up and attack with knives and sticks. Countless mobs died tragically. The streets and alleys of Xujiaqiao were like hell, full of incomplete The incomplete corpse, the dried blood solidified into ice, is shocking.

The large groups of mobs running around in Xujiaqiao Town were quickly dispersed, and some sporadic mobs couldn't make any waves and began to flee into the wild.At the same time, the locals of Xujiaqiao began to organize a resistance, chasing and intercepting the mob in the alleyway.

In less than two hours, the situation of the already arrogant mob took a turn for the worse and became street rats.

Soon, everyone rushed all the way to the Xujia Bridge on the West Street to meet. The Xiaojia Brothel, the landmark building of Xujia Bridge standing beside the Hedong Bridge, has been engulfed by the fire. Dozens of young ladies in tattered clothes huddled together in the cold wind, trembling and crying. .

Master Xiao of the Xiao family was standing in front of the burning brothel with a dazed expression. Suddenly, he saw a large group of people killing him again. He was so frightened that he wanted to jump into the river with his head in his arms. He was held back by a group of bodyguards. After a closer look, he saw some familiar people. face, I was relieved...

Looking around, I saw that there was already thick smoke billowing above the Hexi Ma's house, and there were endless screams of killing.

"Brothers, kill!" Chef Luo shouted standing on the bridge, holding two sharp butcher knives.

"Kill!" Guo Futou raised his iron ax high in response.

More than 2000 strong and strong men raised their arms and shouted at the same time.

Just now, the crowd chased and killed the small mob all the way, and their morale was high. Under the leadership of Chef Luo and Guo Futou's deep voices, all of them were excited, raised their weapons, and shouted "kill" all the way, The tide generally kills towards the west of the bridge...

Horse's house.

The Ma family moved to Xujiaqiao more than 200 years ago. Through these years of hard work, they finally became the largest family in Xujiaqiao. Today, the Ma family has ushered in the biggest disaster in the past two hundred years.

Thousands of mobs rushed over like a tide.

In fact, when the mob marched towards Xujiaqiao, the Ma family had already got the news, but when the Ma family got the news, it was too late.

Of course, the Ma family still had some preparations. The Ma family was originally a thriving population with a large number of servants. In addition to temporary mobilization, there were nearly a thousand people up and down.

It's a pity that the Ma family compound fell completely before thousands of people supported it for half an hour.

Thousands of mobs flocked into Ma's house, smashing those that could not be moved, and burning those that could not be smashed. Gold, silver, soft and valuable things were looted, and the granary was left in a mess. Various tools pull...

Zhao Yuan did not participate in the battle, he was with Chen Shi and commanded the battle.

Beside the two of them, there are more than 200 strong and healthy tenants. These workers are all carefully selected by Zhu Dapao. They are tall and powerful, and they are absolutely loyal to the Wanjia. Some tenants have followed for generations. With Wanjia.

In addition to being physically strong, these two hundred workers are also equipped with luxurious equipment, all of which are sharp weapons for killing people. In addition to long knives and sharp swords, there are even more than a dozen crossbows.

After confirming that Xujiaqiao was safe, Zhao Yuancai and Mrs. Chen stepped out of the Wanjia compound.

Surrounded by two hundred strong men, Zhao Yuan and Mrs. Chen came to the bridge, and saw the frowning Mr. Xiao from the Xiao family.

Mrs. Chen walked over, and after a few words of comfort, Mr. Xiao followed him to Wan's house to visit.

Standing on the arch bridge and looking from a distance, one can see that the battle of Wanjia should be coming to an end, because some burning fires have been extinguished and turned into billowing thick smoke. In the wilderness around Wanjia, scattered all over the mountains and plains Seen from a distance, the fleeing mob and the thousands of workers who were chasing and killing were in full swing.

Zhao Yuan did not directly participate in the battle.He didn't make a sound from the beginning to the end, and followed Chen with his head down, not wanting to attract others' attention.

Along the way, Master Xiao thanked Mrs. Chen for his kindness.

It turned out that a small group of mobs stormed the brothel of the Xiao family. In the chaos, the third son of the Xiao family was killed, several other sons were also injured, and some servants and prostitutes died. Afterwards, the brothel was set on fire. At the moment of panic and confusion, the Wan family rescued more than 3000 people from the Ma family, and the mob immediately collapsed and fled in all directions.

Although a son of the Xiao family died and the brothel was destroyed, most of the family members survived, which is considered a blessing in misfortune.

If Wanjia's rescuers hadn't arrived in time, the consequences would have been disastrous.

After crossing the bridge, from time to time, small groups of mobs who were dispersed would meet them unexpectedly. However, facing the two hundred strong men in uniform uniforms, those mobs scattered and avoided them, and did not tangle with them.

In fact, at this time, people from the Ma family were chasing and killing those mobs who were fleeing in all directions. The mobs had been dispersed and had no power to resist. Everyone hated their parents for losing two legs...

Soon, a group of people arrived at Ma's house.

The high wall of Ma's house that stretched for hundreds of meters had been pushed down, the gate was knocked down, and bricks, rubble and some scattered weapons were everywhere at the gate, making it a mess.

After entering the Ma family compound, the miserable scene was even more horrible. Those pavilions were destroyed, the main building was riddled with holes, some buildings were still emitting thick smoke, and some servants were carrying water firefighting.

In the middle of the yard, there were piles of corpses, at least hundreds of them. Under one roof, there were many injured people, and the wailing and screaming could be heard endlessly, like a hell on earth...

Ma Junwu sat on the threshold in a daze, as if he was ten years older.In front of him lay a dead body covered with a snow-white sheet.The faintly exposed curves from the outside of the sheet showed that the corpse was a woman, and she was naked.

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