[ps: Red ticket, bookmark, click... Let's make the storm more violent! 】

Even for a cultivator with spiritual energy, it will take decades to achieve the "bright eyesight" in "The Enemy of Ten Thousand Enemies", and this is meaningless to the cultivator, because the "enemy of ten thousand enemies" "Brute Force Realm" and "Clear Eye Realm" have no aura, and they can't even fly into the imperial sword that symbolizes the hall of cultivators. It's better to spend time on cultivating primary aura.

Except for the extremely poorly talented cultivators, it takes ten to thirty years for those with a little talent to enter the palace of cultivators and reach the level of aura.A cultivator with astonishing aptitude like Sun Hailong of Huayunzong has reached the first level of spiritual energy in his teens. All of them are still lingering in the primary first-level aura.

However, in the world of comprehension, the most important thing is to enter the initial stage, because only with spiritual energy can one extend one's life, and one has a long life to enter a higher realm.

This is a virtuous circle. After entering a higher realm, the lifespan may be extended, and after prolonging the life, the chance of entering the next realm increases infinitely.

In the realm of comprehension, there are also some cultivators who are hardworking and able to make up for their shortcomings. For example, Wu Shaokun, a martial idiot from Hua Yunzong, is naturally dull, slow-witted, and has a strong temperament, so he is not suitable for cultivation. He spent most of his time on cultivation, so his achievements are extremely high, and he has reached the fourth level of middle-level aura.If there is no accident, he can enter the high-level, enter the world of the cultivation powerhouse, and get close to the way of heaven.

The Dao of Heaven is an extremely vague concept among cultivators, because ordinary cultivators do not know the realm after reaching the Dao of Heaven, it is just some untraceable rumors.

As far as Zhao Yuan is concerned, he doesn't care what the highest state of cultivation looks like, he only cares about whether his own strength can defeat Hua Toutuo, who is ranked seventeenth on the villain list.

No one told Zhao Yuan what kind of list it was. Zhao Yuan didn't know how terrifying the top [-] villains were.

Whether it's the top [-] on the villain list or the top [-] on the hero list, they are all existences against the sky.If one reaches the seventeenth position on the villain list, let alone the Great Qin Empire, even the entire Zhanyun Continent, one can walk sideways...

The sky is gradually getting brighter, and the sunrise in winter makes people feel endlessly cold.

Zhao Yuan didn't feel cold, he was already immersed in a wonderful world that he had never paid attention to, a world beyond the sight of human beings, this world was intoxicating and amazing.

The rustling mouse was spinning around the oil tank.

A fat fly that was on the verge of death from the cold of winter was crawling on the chimney to keep warm.

At the end of a piece of burning wood, countless panicked ants are looking for a way out of life...


"Zhao Yuan."


Zhao Yuan suddenly opened his eyes, only to see Guo Futou looking out of the half-closed door in a daze.

"Haven't the lord and madam come?"


"...but...but... there are red envelopes every year..." Guo Futou wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, with a look of disappointment on his face.

"Maybe, Master and Madam are too tired these days, so forget about it."

"Oh... the first day of the new year, Zhao Yuan, where are you going?" Guo Futou asked mutteringly while adding dry wood to the fire.

"There is no place." Zhao Yuan shook his head.

"How about, let's go to the 'Bridge Tower'." Guo Futou's eyes suddenly lit up.


"It was opened by the Xiao family... Hey... it was set on fire by those mobs... Look at my memory, I forgot..." Guo Futou patted himself on the head, took out the iron ax from under his feet, and held it in the air. He slashed horizontally and straight a few times, as if he wanted to vent his dissatisfaction.

"Do you go often?" Zhao Yuan couldn't help being taken aback, he really couldn't imagine that an honest person like Guo Futou would visit brothels.

"No... I sneaked there with Chef Luo two years ago... It cost me half a year's salary..." Guo Futou showed a complicated expression on his face, showing reluctance, and more of a look of nostalgia Obviously, that experience made him unforgettable.

"Is there anyone going to the East Court?" Zhao Yuan asked curiously.

"I've been to most of them...but it's too expensive, and some of them only go once in a few years."

"Very interesting?" Zhao Yuan suddenly felt a prank. He wanted to know how low-level people like Guo Futou thought of brothels. Of course, Zhao Yuan had a deeper meaning. He hoped that Guo Futou could get out of the brothel. shadow.

"There's a woman who likes me very much...but...but I don't have the money to see her." Guo Futou said shyly with a simple and honest face.

"As long as they have money, they all like it." Zhao Yuan said disapprovingly.

"No no... Really... She said... She also said... She likes my simplicity... I hope I will visit her often, and she doesn't want my money." Seeing that Zhao Yuan didn't believe it, Guo Futou saw that Zhao Yuan didn't believe it. Stormed out, argued.

"Hehe, why don't you look at her?" Zhao Yuan laughed.

"I'm afraid... I'm afraid others will laugh at me..." Guo Futou faltered.

"Then do you like her?"

"This..." Guo Futou was stunned for a moment, but he didn't know how to answer. After all, he only met the woman once, so he was far from liking her.

"Don't say you like her, have you ever thought about her?"

"Thinking...thought...I often think about it at night...sometimes, I would deliberately go to the bridge building, hoping to meet her, but I never saw her..." Guo Futou looked frustrated.

"If she is willing to marry you, will you marry her?" Zhao Yuan stared at Guo Futou.

"..." Guo Ax looked at Zhao Yuan dumbfounded. Obviously, he had never thought about this question.

"Well, you don't need to answer, let's go see her."


"Yes, now."

"I have no money... I still have to save money to marry a wife..." Guo Futou blushed.

"I have."


"Let's go."


Under Zhao Yuan's tugging, Guo Ax got up halfway, judging from the expression on his face, there was hope.

Mr. Seven, the porter of the East Courtyard, and another old man were dozing off around the charcoal stove. When Zhao Yuan knocked on the door, the two of them cheered up and opened their eyes at the same time. , obviously, the two of them mistakenly thought that the old lady was sending red envelopes.

After Zhao Yuan and Guo Futou went out, they immediately went straight to the bridge.At this time, Zhao Yuan was not worried about revealing his identity. After all, today was the first day of the Lunar New Year, and no one would hunt him down at this time.

The morning of the first day of junior high school in Xujiaqiao was quiet, and the street was covered with a layer of white snow, like a white carpet.

"Zhao Yuan, the bridge has been burned, what are we going to do?"

"It will have a place to go if it is burned."


Soon, the two arrived at the burnt bridge.

As Zhao Yuan expected, the bridge building was guarded by people, because the bridge building was not completely burnt down, and there were still many expensive furniture inside, the Xiao family would definitely send someone to guard it.

The two asked the guards and found out that the women in the bridge building lived temporarily in the "Yangshan Inn".

The two went straight to Yangshan Inn.

Yangshan Inn is not the best inn in Xujiaqiao. In Xujiaqiao, the best inn is Ma's "Wanfu Inn". Obviously, Xiao's arrangement of women to Yangshan Inn is to show favor to Wanjia.

Although it was the first day of the Lunar New Year, the Yangshan Inn was still open, with bright red lanterns hanging high, and there were some signs of damage at the door. Obviously, the place had also been attacked by mobs.

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