wicked immortal

Chapter 507 God's Judgment

Although the texture of this colorful jade Ruyi has colorful lines, the rest of it is pure, without any grit or crack, which further highlights the perfection of those colorful lines.

Sculpture is very particular, it contains "intelligent engraving", and the knife is carried steadily, accurately, and ruthlessly. Only in this way, the knife is frustrating but not jerky, smooth and not floating. The momentum is amazing.

Zhao Yuan stared at the delicate and graceful lines, and Yuanshen actually entered a void space following the veins of colorful jade ruyi. Zhao Yuan didn't know that this was called "insignificant space", which was left by the immortals to change magic weapons. under the space.

If the news of Zhao Yuan peeping into the tiny space reaches the Great Qin Empire, it will definitely shake the entire cultivation world, because the small space is a space unique to immortals, and it is impossible for ordinary cultivators to peek into its mysteries.

At this time, Zhao Yuan was in a state of chaos, and he didn't even know that he had bumped into the tiny space inside the Colorful Jade Ruyi...


Entering the small space, Zhao Yuan saw the majestic magic circle standing in the small space at a glance.

In fact, Zhao Yuan didn't know anything about magic circles. However, he had seen the square stone tower that the immortal spent decades building, and he already knew that it was a transmission circle, so he had a vague idea of ​​the magic circle.

In addition, Zhao Yuan has also been in contact with a large number of flying swords.

Feijian's magic circle is actually different from the magic circle built by Sanxian, because the magic circle built by Sanxian with exhausted material resources is for transmission, while the magic circle in Feijian is a collection of aura and energy. A conversion application.

In fact, whether it is a magic weapon of a cultivator or a magic weapon of a god, there are formations tempered by the owner of the magic weapon inside. The function of these formations is nothing more than storing and releasing energy. The power of its tempered magic weapon is also greater.

Theoretically, the energy of the magic weapon and the master's power are superimposed several times, but this is not an absolute existence, because, between the heaven and the earth, there are some beautiful things, if refined into a magic weapon, its power will be dozens of times Even hundreds of times of increase, destruction of heaven and earth, infinite power, this kind of magic weapon is usually hard to come by, it is extremely rare...


In the Great Qin Empire, there was a war between gods and demons. Many gods and demons died, and some rare magic weapons were left in the Zhanyun Continent, and fell into some cultivation sects, and were regarded as the treasures of the town sect.

The colorful jade Ruyi in Zhao Yuan's hand has a very important origin, it is one of the magic weapons of several major town schools in Fanjing Mountain, and it is extremely powerful.

No one would have thought that what Zhao Yuan harvested was not just a magic weapon. After entering the infinite space, he observed the internal structure of the magic weapon at close range, which gave him a new understanding of refining weapons.

In the cultivation world, weapon refining is a skill that must be learned, because when one's cultivation reaches a certain level, there will be a lot of free time, and weapon refining is undoubtedly the best choice to pass this long time.

The benefits of refining weapons are not only to obtain some magical weapons, but also to cultivate one's morality, moreover, one can become more familiar with the driving method of magic weapons.

In addition to the above-mentioned benefits, refining tools can also make the practitioner's name go down in the history of cultivation.

In the history of comprehension in the Great Qin Empire, many cultivators left behind some magic weapons after ascension. These magic weapons not only became the treasures of the town, but also became a kind of spiritual symbol.

Once the magic weapon left behind becomes a spiritual symbol, it means that the soaring cultivator will gain a certain number of believers and the power of faith.

There is no doubt that refining tools is something that benefits oneself and others.

Zhao Yuan is a cultivator and has no master. Although he has a copy of "The Enemy of Ten Thousand Enemies" at a roadside stall, he is like a blind man and an elephant all the way, drawing inferences from one instance.

Now, Zhao Yuan came into contact with the refining tool for the first time, and immediately got a few flying swords from the Sumeru Ring, urged the spiritual energy to melt, and began to refine the swords.

If a cultivator knew that Zhao Yuan, a junior cultivator, practiced sword practice by himself, he would probably laugh his ass off.

In the realm of comprehension, a cultivator who can forge flying swords must at least reach the level of an advanced cultivator.

In some big cultivation sects, it is not easy for disciples to obtain a flying sword. In addition to hard training, they also have to deal with their elders. Generally speaking, disciples who can obtain flying swords are deeply loved by elders .

The ignorant are fearless!

Zhao Yuan didn't know that junior cultivators couldn't refine flying swords, he just had the urge to refine weapons.

In many cases, rich knowledge constrains human imagination.

The fledgling Zhao Yuan can be said to be a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers, and will do what he says!

The few flying swords seized from the disciples of Fanjingmen were instantly melted by Zhao Yuan. For Zhao Yuan, these flying swords had always been a pity to discard, tasteless tasteless food. After all, these flying swords had Fanjing Zhao Yuan didn't dare to use the door's brand mark blatantly. If he was discovered by Fanjingmen, then he really couldn't afford to go around.

Last time, after Zhao Yuan lost the small ink-colored sword, he used the flying sword of Master Fanjingmen. It was not until after using it that he found Guan Haishan was staring at him. At the beginning, Zhao Yuan assassinated Guan Haishan because he was afraid that the flying sword would reveal his identity. Only then took the risk.

Seeing several flying swords melted into fiery red liquid under the smelting of Sanwei Zhenhuo, Zhao Yuan didn't feel distressed at all.

Zhao Yuan has no experience in refining weapons and setting up formations, but he can draw ladles from gourds and arrange them according to the formations in the Colorful Jade Ruyi...


Just when Zhao Yuan was intoxicated in the world of crafting and couldn't extricate himself, the news reports in City C attracted the attention of a secret organization.

The name of this organization is: God's Judge.

God's Judgment has seven members, these seven members live in no fixed place, but they monitor several of the largest religions on earth, Christianity, Buddhism, Taoism, Muslims, Judaism and Hinduism are all monitored by them, even if they are high above The Holy See of Rome is also under their supervision.

It would not be surprising if it was just monitoring. However, these seven people are not just monitoring. They have great rights. If a certain religion does something offside, it will definitely be hit by them mercilessly.

Strictly speaking, these seven people are the most powerful people on earth, because they are the spokespersons chosen by the gods. Although they are not gods, they have the power and life span of gods, and they indirectly or directly control At least ten of the world's top [-] multinational companies, even the financial oligarchs on Wall Street, must be restrained by them.

In the history of the earth, they have been involved in religious wars many times. In the long history, at least twenty powerful kings and presidents died in their hands.

There are too many ways they can choose to kill, such as poisoning, assassination, car accident, disease, and even launching a world-class war.

No one knows the identities of these seven people, let alone the mission of these seven people.

No. 15 hours after the news of City C was broadcast, seven people had rushed to City C from all over the world.

In the presidential suite of the Republic Hotel, the only five-star hotel in City C, seven people were watching video materials obtained from the museum.

Although the seven people sat on the sofa very casually, between their brows, there was an aura of high status and authority looking down on the world. An inner temperament.

"It's a junior cultivator!"

A tall white man showed a hint of disappointment on his face. He was waiting for the next fairy to arrive since they got some treasures from a smuggling fairy more than 200 years ago.

It's a pity that only a junior cultivator came here this time, and there is nothing to fish for.

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