wicked immortal

Chapter 515 The Mysterious Stone Drum of Sun Mountain

On the rooftop, Zhao Yuan flew with his sword and rushed all the way to the Sun Mountain Museum.

At this time, it was late afternoon and evening, and there was still an hour before the Sun Mountain Museum was about to close.

The Sun Mountain Museum is originally a religious holy place, and it is also a famous scenic spot in City C. Many citizens like to go to the Sun Mountain to climb and exercise in their spare time.

On the top of Sun Mountain, there is also the Sun Mountain Meteorological Station, which is at the highest peak of Sun Mountain.

The Sun Mountain Museum is not at the top, but next to the Temple of the Sun, not far from the Hall of Tathagata and the Hall of Guanyin. It mainly displays some historical items related to City C. Apart from some historical documents, there are also a few antique.

The Sun Mountain Museum is a public welfare undertaking and a patriotic education base. It does not charge tickets, and its management is extremely loose.

Because most of the tourists in Sun Mountain climb the mountain in the evening, the closing time of Sun Mountain Museum is an hour later than that of ordinary museums.

The bright red morning glow has soaked the eastern sky, and the vast land is still immersed in the deep twilight.The red clouds are vertical and horizontal, across the sky, and in the sheltered gaps of the temple, the willful agitation is blooming to the fullest. While the heart is surging, one can feel that the temple, which is clearly outlined by the sunset glow, is full of a kind of tranquil and serene beauty.

At this moment, the strongest feeling of light and shadow is the rotation of the earth.As the sky got brighter, the bright red clouds began to become dazzling, and in the clearer sky, the red clouds were like gauze, gracefully fluttering across the sky.The brighter the east, the more you can feel the acceptance of the light.

Zhao Yuan didn't pay attention to the majestic sunset, he had already entered the Sun Mountain Museum.

The Sun Mountain Museum was brightly lit, and tourists in twos and threes lingered inside. When Zhao Yuan found the location where he appeared last time, he couldn't help being taken aback.

Several pieces of duct tape enclosed the place, and several men in uniform were busy inside.

Zhao Yuan watched from a distance calmly. He saw a staff member in a white coat collecting the dried blood on the ground into a plastic bag, and his movements were extremely focused and cautious...


Theoretically, Sanxian is just a ray of soul without flesh and blood, but in fact, the biggest purpose of Sanxian is to have his own body. During cultivation, he will deliberately shape the body shape and physiological structure of human beings. Therefore, Sanxian Immortals will reshape the blood vessels of the muscles on the magic weapon. Unlike human beings, these blood vessels are transformed by the essence of scattered immortals, not real blood.

What are they going to do?

Zhao Yuan couldn't figure it out, so he didn't bother to wait and see, and began to search nearby.

To Zhao Yuan's great disappointment, according to the explanation in the text, most of the cultural relics exhibited around were modern civil and military, and among them, most of the daily necessities of famous figures in the history of modern c city.

Among the many historical relics, those over 300 years old are extremely rare.

Zhao Yuan didn't know that the main function of the Sun Mountain Museum was a patriotic education base. The main purpose of setting up this base in Sun Mountain was to form a delicate balance between religious belief and patriotic education...


Zhao Yuan walked to the other side of the museum.

When he saw this side, Zhao Yuan's eyes lit up. This side was completely different from the first side. It was dark and the atmosphere was somewhat depressing. However, there were many ancient utensils, among them, there were waterwheels for irrigating the farmland, There are windmills separating chaff, and some ancient wooden furniture. The whole atmosphere is a bit messy, but it forms a very heavy sense of history visually.

It seems that some thought was put into the layout of this museum.

Zhao Yuan thought to himself, checking every item.

According to the nameplate, the antiques here are relatively old, and there are countless ones with a history of more than [-] years. Among them, it is not uncommon to have a history of a thousand years.

Soon, Zhao Yuan discovered a characteristic, the exhibits here were all extremely large in size and could not be moved by personal strength.

With his thoughts racing, Zhao Yuan quickly understood.

There are not many managers in the Sun Mountain Museum, so most of the exhibits here are only of educational significance and have no economic value, and those things that can be called antiques are all stupid, maybe worth a few dollars. However, thieves usually do not steal these cheap antiques that are not convenient to carry.

Soon, Zhao Yuan found what he was looking for.

A huge stone drum.

When Zhao Yuan approached the stone drum, he could feel a faint power, the power is vast and ancient, Zhao Yuan probed a little with his spiritual energy, as if he was led to a prehistoric world, the stone drum It made a thunderous sound, like a war drum urging thousands of troops and horses, which made people excited.

The stone drum was placed in a corner, covered with dust, it was very huge, at least two feet high, with Zhao Yuan's stature, he had to look up.

The shape of the stone drum is simple, and although the carved patterns are simple, they are extremely rough and not exquisite.

According to the introduction on the nameplate, this stone drum is a cultural relic unearthed from Mount Taiyang, and its specific age and history cannot be verified.

If Zhao Yuan didn't use spirit energy to detect, he would have ignored this stone drum, but now Zhao Yuan is sure that he reached this magical planet through this stone drum...


Get rid of it first, and then study slowly.

After confirming it, Zhao Yuan was not polite again, and lightly poked his arm, and the stone drum, which was two feet high and weighed several tons, was incorporated into the Sumeru Ring by him. The ground was empty, leaving a round dust trace.

beep beep beep...

After Zhao Yuan took the stone drum away, without hesitation, he rushed out immediately, like a bolt of lightning.

The moment Zhao Yuan just swept out, there was a rush of sirens in the museum.

Hearing the rapid siren, Zhao Yuan couldn't help being taken aback. He was already very careful, but unexpectedly the alarm was triggered.

Zhao Yuan didn't bother to think too much, and immediately ran into the deep mountain, and fled away with Yujian flying.

Zhao Yuan escaped without mentioning it. At this time, the Sun Mountain Museum has become a mess.

Soon, the museum staff discovered that the huge stone drum was missing.

There were no witnesses.

No one knows how the stone drum was stolen.

The staff of the museum were extremely shocked, because not only was the stone drum heavy and bulky, but also, at this moment, there were at least five policemen inside the museum.

Who is so bold as to steal the stone drum in front of the police?

However, this is not a problem for the management staff of the museum, because the Sun Mountain Museum has 24-hour comprehensive monitoring.

The monitoring was quickly retrieved.

Seeing the weird scene where the long-haired young man stretched out his arm and the huge stone drum disappeared without a trace, both the staff of the museum and the police who came to handle the case were all stunned.

When the long-haired young man disappeared like lightning, the stunned people were completely petrified.

Things are too unimaginable, which has surpassed the scope of human thinking.

The policemen looked dignified, and told the staff of the museum not to leak it, and then took the surveillance images away...

ps: I ate a watermelon, and my stomach was dizzy...

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