wicked immortal

Chapter 52 Cold Night Paper Butterfly

[ps: favorite, red ticket!If you work harder, you will hopefully be number one on the new book list, kill! 】

If Zhao Yuan knew that hiding among ordinary people would not lead to catastrophe, he would probably hide among the crowd all day...

After being dazed for a while, Zhao Yuan lay down on the bed.


There was a slight sound of rubbing, and in the darkness, Zhao Yuan saw a black shadow like a bat bumping back and forth at the entrance of the cave, as if it wanted to crash into the room, but the black shadow stumbled While thumping and thumping, although he was wandering around the entrance of the cave, he couldn't enter the room no matter what, hitting the window paper "rustling".

"Are there still bats in winter? If there are bats in winter, then this bat is too stupid." Zhao Yuan glanced at the black shadow and closed his eyes again.


Zhao Yuan opened his eyes again, turned his head to look, but it was the black shadow that fell on the ground and thumped, presumably it crashed in with its head, but with excessive force, it fell to the ground with its head.

"Stupid bat...uh..."

Zhao Yuan was surprised to see that the black shadow struggled and flew up slowly, and then hovered in the air, like a ghost.

What a monster!

There is no way a bat could hover in the air like this.

Shocked, Zhao Yuan sat up suddenly, his eyes fixed on the black shadow, the black shadow seemed to be observing something, hovered for a while, and flew towards Zhao Yuan's direction with flapping wings.

Seeing the black shadow flying over bit by bit, even Zhao Yuan was bold, and even in this quiet night, he felt a creepy feeling.

Human beings are full of longing for the light, and full of awe for the dark and unknown, and Zhao Yuan is no exception.

The muscles of Zhao Yuan's whole body were tense, like bowstrings, and his whole body was like a hunting cheetah.

At this time, Zhao Yuan was sitting on the bed with a very big target. It was strange that the black shadow ignored Zhao Yuan's existence and flew towards the empty bedside, and then fell on the bedside without any warning. not moving.

Zhao Yuan didn't dare to act rashly. When he stared at the black shadow for a long time, the black shadow remained motionless, as if suddenly lost its life.

Finally, Zhao Yuan couldn't bear it anymore, got out of bed quietly, walked barefoot on the ground without making the slightest sound, and then lit the oil lamp...

A pink paper butterfly lay quietly on the bed.

Paper butterfly.


Wan Linger's letter! !

Zhao Yuan restrained his frantically beating heart, returned to the bed, and carefully picked up the delicate paper butterfly.This is an extremely exquisitely folded paper butterfly. The paper butterfly is covered with words and symbols that Zhao Yuan doesn't know, full of infinite mystery.

"Don't take it apart."

On the wings of the paper butterfly, there were three huge red characters written. The red characters looked bloody, as if they were meant to warn Zhao Yuan. These three characters were very forceful, and they seemed to have a terrifying feeling.

"I can't sleep either."

Zhao Yuan wrote a few words and inserted the piece of paper on the back of the paper butterfly. An astonishing scene appeared. The paper butterfly jumped up from Zhao Yuan's hand, danced in the air and flew around, and then went straight from the The hole flew out and disappeared into the dark night...


Watching the paper butterfly disappear, Zhao Yuan suddenly realized.

It turned out that the "letter" Wan Linger mentioned was a paper butterfly that could fly, so it was no wonder that the window paper had to be poked a hole.

This paper butterfly is too powerful. If they all communicate in this way, the postmen of the Great Qin Empire will lose their jobs.Immediately, Zhao Yuan thought that this kind of thinking was obviously a little unrealistic. The Great Qin Empire had hundreds of millions of people. If letters were delivered in this way, even the most powerful cultivators would die from exhaustion.


Just when Zhao Yuan was thinking wildly, there was a slight sound of piercing through the air, and the pink paper butterfly hovered outside the open window paper for a while, as if it had spotted it, it plunged into the room and entered. Behind the room, the pink paper butterfly seemed very proud of successfully entering it. It flew a few times in the air, danced for a while, and then fell to the head of Zhao Yuan's bed.

"Are you better now? Are you still having diarrhea? I'm so annoying." The beautiful handwriting on the letter made Zhao Yuan's heart warm.

"I'm fine. Why bother?"

"Well, my father is not good."

"What happened to your father?"

"I don't know who I fought with, and I was seriously injured. After I came back, I was unconscious."

"Have you ever gone out?"

"Yes, I went to Shenlong Mountain to find a doctor, have you seen me?"

"Well, when you came back, I saw that there was another person beside you. Is that doctor good?"

"Yes, she's a very good doctor, but she can't do anything about my father's injury."


"My father's dantian was pierced by a flying sword, hurting his soul. Ordinary medicine stones are no longer effective, and a lot of spar is needed. But it doesn't matter. My mother is selling the property. In a few days, I will have money to buy spar .”

"Want to change the seller's property?" The two chatted back and forth, and when Zhao Yuan saw the news that Wan's family was going to change the seller's property, his body couldn't help shaking.

"Yes, we need a lot of top-quality spar to rebuild the damaged dantian. Our family now has to feed thousands of disaster victims, which is very expensive. In addition, the roads are blocked by heavy snow, and mobs are fleeing to commit crimes. The goods in the east courtyard cannot be turned into cash for the time being. It can only be sold as a property.”


"Zhao Yuan, I'm afraid I won't be able to go out to play with you in the future."


"I want to sell the Frost Excalibur. The doctor at Shenlongshan contacted me with a buyer who offered 5000 million imperial coins. If there is a bargain, it is estimated that the transaction can be 8000 million."

"Don't sell."

"No, I'm afraid the family doesn't have enough money. My father needs a lot of crystals."

"That's fine, you still have a little ink-colored sword, you can sell one."

"No, as I said, the small black sword is yours."

"I do not need."

"You'll need it in the future. Don't worry, I'll buy another good flying sword when my father gets well. Our Wanjia makes a lot of money."


"Mom will cover me with a quilt later, I'm going to bed, Zhao Yuan, you should go to bed early too."



The two chatted and chatted until the early hours of the morning.

Zhao Yuan didn't know that Wan Ling'er was sweating profusely every time she sent an email, because her aura couldn't control the paper butterfly to fly such a long distance, and the paper butterfly was able to fly to the East Courtyard entirely thanks to her The refined "flying on the grass" elixir.

Flying on Grass is a very common Jianghu elixir, which can temporarily stimulate the potential of the human body. Wan Linger was whimsical, soaked the paper butterfly in the elixir of Flying on Grass, and then drove it with spiritual energy. Surprisingly, The paper butterfly was able to fly up after stumbling. Wan Ling'er experimented several times and added some talismans. After making improvements, the paper butterfly was finally able to fly to Zhao Yuan's room in the east courtyard.

Of course, even with the help of the flying elixir on grass, Wan Ling'er was still exhausted. After all, every time a paper butterfly flies, it still needs a lot of spiritual energy.

When Wan Ling'er fell asleep, Zhao Yuan didn't sleep. He read Wan Ling'er's letterhead from beginning to end, over and over again.

These words, like torches in winter, made Zhao Yuan feel infinite warmth.

For Zhao Yuan, this kind of repeated reading of the letter can imagine Wan Linger's cute appearance when writing the letter, which makes Zhao Yuan have boundless daydreams...

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