wicked immortal

Chapter 535 Faith Change

"Is it possible that you have a way to deal with me?" Zhao Yuan smiled lightly.

"Whether there is, you know for yourself." Although the man didn't say that there was any way to deal with Zhao Yuan, between words, he was tit for tat and never backed down.

"I know your method, but you don't know how to use it, because it will kill a lot of people." Zhao Yuan said disapprovingly.

"You are wrong!" The man said solemnly: "If it is what you think, then most of the countries on the earth have collapsed, but in fact, the environment on the earth is still peaceful, those people can't do anything. To do whatever they want, because, they know very well, all our secret agencies are staring at them, once our country reaches the point of life and death, that is, when the fish dies, we are not sure whether we can win the final victory, but, we can be sure , when things deteriorate to that point, they will also pay a heavy price."

"Who are they?" Zhao Yuan asked with a frown.

"I don't know. No one knows their purpose. They are outside the law. According to our intelligence data, they are the ones who have done many criminal cases on the earth. Moreover, they have always controlled the global finance and religion. Faith, even the Holy See and the Vatican are inextricably linked to them."

"They control Christianity?" Zhao Yuan was taken aback. This news surprised him. It seemed that things had come back to the original point. Everything was for the power of faith.

Could it be that they are the spokespersons of God?

"I can't be sure, but what is certain is that the Holy See of the Vatican has their support!" The man nodded affirmatively.

"What about Eastern Taoism and Buddhism?" Zhao Yuan asked thoughtfully.

"I don't know the specific situation, but from some clues, I can feel that the slightly influential religions on the earth are inextricably linked with them."

"Is it related to them all?"

Zhao Yuan couldn't help being taken aback.

Things seem to be getting more complicated.

If those mysterious cultivators are the spokespersons of the gods, it stands to reason that they should be completely loyal to the Xuantian old way like the believers in the magic core continent, but why are they related to all religions?

"Yes, that's for sure!" The man nodded.

"In this case, they don't seem to have any influence on the earth, why do you still want to deal with them?" Zhao Yuan was puzzled.

"No! The impact is huge. Their existence has caused human technology to stagnate, because their influence has extended to every corner of the earth, and there is enough evidence to show that they are acquiring backlogs that can change human life. The power of science and technology in this way delays technological change. According to the dnd we have obtained, they are also human beings, that is to say, the power they possess can be possessed by other human beings, but there is no one on earth that can match them Then, we can think that they are a selfish group, they are unwilling to share powerful power with human beings, and they are even restricting the technological development of human beings, and they hope that the earth will always be in a primitive state... "

"So, you're going to deal with them?"

"Yes. Any country has this idea. Of course, no country dares to put it into action. Therefore, the current delicate balance has been formed."

"This balance has been broken because of my appearance!"

"Yes, but you are not the first cultivator to break the balance. On the earth, there have been many similar accidents. Before the Second World War, several countries had the opportunity to break the balance. However, after all, they were discovered. As a result, they initiated the Second World War and rebuilt the order of the earth. In recent decades, there have been several opportunities, but all involved are a few small countries. These countries, where regimes have collapsed and leaders have been killed, are still in utter chaos."

"In other words, anyone who challenges their authority will receive a devastating blow from them?"

"This is for sure. Of course, different countries will choose different attack methods. Usually, for some big countries that have the ability to fight back, economic strikes become their first choice. For example, the Great Depression in the United States, the Great Depression made the United States exhausted. The second is assassination. Historically, the death of many leaders has been a mystery, and I believe there is inseparable news about them. As for some small countries, they are more direct, subverting their regimes, and completely destroying them politically."

Zhao Yuan was silent for a while.

Now, he was a little confused and couldn't figure out the purpose of that group of people.

If it is just to satisfy their own rights, then those people have already done it. Although they do not directly control the entire earth, in fact, they are already the most powerful people on the earth. The earth shook.

If some of the wars on the earth are launched behind the scenes, what is their purpose?

Battle of Faith?

This seems a little unreasonable, because, according to the recent history of the earth, human beings have not had large-scale sudden conversions because of wars.


Zhao Yuan thought of the Sanxian who had spent decades racking his brains to come to Earth. .

What would I do if I were the undead Sanxian?

I will find a small country, and with the help of the government, slowly build up a large number of believers, and gradually gain the power of faith...

Zhao Yuan felt suddenly enlightened.

Obviously, the root cause of the war between the earth and practitioners is the war of faith. Those who rule the earth regard all outsiders as enemies, and they are maintaining the current belief structure of the earth.

If my conjecture is correct, then it means that those powerful figures are not working for a certain god, but for a group of gods.

After Zhao Yuan reached the state of "wisdom mind", his thinking was extremely quick, and he immediately thought that there seemed to be conflicts among those people...

The reason is very simple, because, through the historical changes of the past few hundred years, although the religious beliefs on the earth have not undergone earth-shaking changes, in fact, qualitative changes have taken place. For example, Buddhism, which was originally popular in India, was eventually expelled from India , and Taoism, which is flourishing in China, has declined, and Muslims are suppressed everywhere...

Most importantly, Western Christianity seems to be spreading globally.


"Our risk is very high, so I must know the specific benefits of our cooperation." The man interrupted Zhao Yuan's thoughts.

"Presumably you already know about the Thirteen Evil Young Masters, they are examples!"

"Mr. Zhao, I have to remind you that what you are doing now is extremely dangerous. If we hadn't blocked the news for you, those people would have followed thirteen teenagers to find you. By then, not only you are in danger, Thirteen innocent teenagers were also involved." The man said with a serious face.

"I didn't expect this." Zhao Yuan was taken aback.

"Don't underestimate each other, their influence on Earth is beyond your imagination!"

"Thank you for the reminder." Zhao Yuan nodded.

"Hmm. The thirteen youngsters are indeed fierce, but that's far from enough. If we just need a group of fighters who are not afraid of death, we have thousands of choices, and there are countless strange people."

"Let's just say it, as long as I can satisfy you, I can satisfy you." Zhao Yuan doesn't like this kind of protracted negotiation, he prefers a direct transaction method.

"We want the real method of self-cultivation, including the skill of controlling the sword when you left the Sun Mountain Museum."

"No problem!" Zhao Yuan nodded.

"You can do it?" The man was taken aback, but Zhao Yuan agreed without hesitation. In his mind, this would be a round of difficult negotiations.

"Of course there is no problem. However, the premise is that you will help me provide information about who, because they are our common enemy. In addition, I need something else."

"What?" The man's expression tightened, he had no objection to the group of people, he was worried that Zhao Yuan's request would not be satisfied.

"It's nothing, just need some animals and plants... We'll talk about these later, things are a bit complicated."

"Animals and plants... There's no problem with this. Even endangered animals, we have a way to get them." The man's nervous expression eased.

"That's good." Zhao Yuan was overjoyed.

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