wicked immortal

Chapter 553 Humans and Dragons

Although the Celtic illusionary dragon lowered its head, it was still more than a foot long, and its back was already on the ceiling. It had a strong body, a long and thick neck, horns on its head, a frilly head, and sharp teeth. And a long tail, making the whole room extra crowded.

Its limbs are strong and powerful, and a pair of bat-like giant wings are half-opened behind it. Its body is covered with scales to protect it.

The teeth of the giant dragon are sharp and sharp, curved inwards, shining coldly, and can easily tear apart prey at a glance.

The giant dragon stared at Zhao Yuan with a pair of eyes full of ferocity.

Zhao Yuan was still sitting, motionless like a rock, and Li Mozhu beside him was already scared out of his wits, and the body shrunk beside Zhao Yuan shivered like chaff.

Whether it is Zhao Yuan or Celtic, they have subverted Li Mozhu's thinking.

"If I were you, I would sit down obediently instead of scaring humans with my teeth and claws." Zhao Yuan stared at the dragon expressionlessly.

The atmosphere is tense.

In the room, there was a suffocating silence, and a needle could be heard.

Although the giant dragon looked like he could violently hurt others at any time, he didn't dare to attack Zhao Yuan, because, she knew, not to mention that she hadn't recovered her supernatural powers, even in her heyday, it wasn't necessarily the young man with long hair. As a human opponent, she could feel the tyrannical power contained in Zhao Yuan's body...


Celtic's body began to shrink, and with a slight crackling sound, he turned back into a human form.

The tense confrontation is over.

"I'm not your enemy." Zhao Yuan said lightly.

"It won't be my friend either." Celtic looked indifferently. She didn't believe in humans. Whether it was a western dragon or an eastern dragon, they were naturally hostile to humans. Besides, dragons were inherently suspicious races.

In Celtic's memory, their group is the stepping stone for the strong human beings.

The dragon is also born in the belief illusion of human beings. The only difference is that this belief fantasy is not worship, but comes from hatred and destruction, as well as the negative evil emotions of human beings.

In the East, there is a saying that "a dragon has nine sons, and each son is different". In fact, among the nine sons of the dragon, most of them are greedy, murderous, and will be revenged, which appropriately expresses the darkness of human nature...

If the eastern dragon still has a beautiful side, then the western dragon is the embodiment of evil. In the western mythology and epic, there are many human heroes who slaughtered the dragon, and there are very few stories about praising and praising the dragon.

In fact, human beings not only imagine giant dragons, but also demon gods like Satan. These demon gods are much higher than giant dragons, because many evil-hearted people provide these demon gods with a steady stream of power of faith.

In the western human world, giant dragons have been turned into the embodiment of evil. Naturally, giant dragons are also extremely wary of people.

In fact, Celtic used to have a large number of loyal believers, but because they fell behind in the battle with Christianity, the number of believers decreased sharply in the end, and their supernatural powers could not be restored to their peak state, and they hid in the human world. , constantly migrating, for fear of being found by those people, walking on thin ice, it can be said that the nerves have been in a tense state, and now that Zhao Yuan has seen through his identity, it is conceivable that he is on guard.

In the dragon's memory, human beings are synonymous with meanness and shamelessness, and they must not be trusted.

"Since there is a treaty with the gods, why did those people chase you down?" Zhao Yuan didn't want to argue with Celtic, so he continued to ask.

For Zhao Yuan, this is a rare opportunity. Without Celtic, he would never know the relationship between gods and humans.

"No one wants their enemies to be resurrected. In order to dominate the power of faith on the earth, the dominant gods began to arrange seven people to monitor the earth. They call it the judge of the gods!" Celtic gritted his teeth, his eyes seemed to be It shot out like a raging fire.

"So, those people were left behind by the gods on purpose?"

"Yes, they use the pretext of maintaining the religious order of mankind, but they are doing some mediocre things and secretly controlling the religious belief of mankind."

"In other words, they actually violated the treaty of the gods?"

"Of course, in the treaty of the gods, it is clearly mentioned that the gods who died in battle have the right to be resurrected, but they ignore these rules, hunt down the resurrected gods before their supernatural powers have recovered, and collude with humans to suppress some religions , you only need to look at modern history, and you will find that most of the wars of human beings involve religious beliefs. If this continues, sooner or later, a large-scale religious war will break out on the earth. tidy……"

"Since their goal is the revived gods on the earth, why do they hunt down the cultivators from outside?" Zhao Yuan has been puzzled by this question.

"They are afraid that the news will spread, and they are also afraid that the gods related to the gods who died in battle will come to reveal the truth, so they block the earth under the pretext of preventing outside cultivators from gaining the power of faith on the earth..."

"I see!"

Zhao Yuan suddenly realized.

To put it bluntly, the god referees on earth are actually puppets of a group of gods, who use their hands to kill dissidents.

Now, Zhao Yuan has clarified the relationship between gods and humans...

"Do you have to rely on the power of faith to recover your supernatural powers?" Zhao Yuan was very puzzled by Celtic's weakness.

"No. In order to prevent the birth of cultivators on the earth, the gods imposed a ban on the joint force of the earth, and hunted down all the beasts and monsters. Both the beasts and the monsters are extinct. The earth no longer produces magic cores and crystals. Therefore, I The only thing I can rely on is the power of faith, but because of the long time and the development of science and technology, my believers are getting fewer and fewer, so the recovery of supernatural powers is very slow..."

Zhao Yuan suddenly realized.

No wonder I need to grab spiritual energy from outer space every time I practice, and the cultivation of the Thirteen Evils also needs the help of spar.

In fact, when Zhao Yuan read the myths about the earth, something was wrong, because in the early myths, there were all kinds of mythical beasts and monsters, but now, there is no trace of them on the earth.

Now, Zhao Yuan understands why there are no mythical beasts and magical beasts on Earth.

"If you can help me kill the remaining six god referees, I can help you get out of here." Zhao Yuan threw out the bait.

"Why should I leave here? This is the earth, with a population of nearly ten billion. Its powerful power of faith is inexhaustible. There is no place for cultivation. I don't know how many practitioners want to smuggle in." To Earth." Celtic sneered.

"What if I help you recover your magical powers?"

Zhao Yuan made a slight move, and summoned dozens of top-quality crystals from the Sumeru Ring.

"Ah... the ultimate magic core!"

Celtic stood up abruptly, with a shocking and greedy look in his eyes, and his graceful body trembled slightly due to excitement.

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