wicked immortal

Chapter 556

"Okay, I'll just trust you once. If you reveal our secret, I'll go find your brother Li Mosong." Zhao Yuan was silent for a while, staring at Li Mozhu with star-like eyes.

"You...you are too despicable!" Li Mozhu looked angry, and Zhao Yuan's threats shattered her hard shell.

"If I'm not mean, are you going to share the secret with your best friend?" Zhao Yuan turned a blind eye to Li Mozhu's anger and remained calm.


"When I was very young, I knew a few women who boasted that they could keep a secret. As a result, if one of them knew something, the rest of them knew about it. I once asked why. The reason is very simple. , They will all share their secrets with their best friends, and their best friends will also have several other best friends, and as a result, as long as one of them knows, it is equal to everyone in the world."

"..." Li Mozhu opened her mouth, wanting to refute, but in the end she didn't speak, because, just before that, she wanted to share this shocking secret with a best friend.

It can be foreseen that Li Mozhu's best friend must not only have Li Mozhu as a friend, she will also have other best friends, and her other best friends must also have her other best friends...


Li Mozhu couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat at the thought that the secret would spread at a sub-power speed.

"Actually, you may not understand the current situation. Even if I don't pursue it, once the news leaks out, the judge of God will come to your house, and then, members of your Li family will use various forms to Lie dead on the street..."

"Don't talk about it, I will keep it a secret!" Li Mozhu showed a trace of fear on her face, she realized the seriousness of the matter, after all, a strong man like Celtic would have to live with it in the face of being chased by the judge of God drag on.


A smile on the corner of Zhao Yuan's mouth was fleeting, and he walked towards the nearest alley, he had already achieved his goal.

At this time in the United States, it is already dawn.

Taking advantage of the shadow of the building, Zhao Yuan grabbed Li Mozhu's slender waist. Amidst Li Mozhu's screams, Zhao Yuan's body ran up the wall like an arrow off the string.

The realm of flying to the moon.

Compared with the flight of Yujian, the speed of Flying to the Moon Realm is not inferior, and its change of direction is more flexible. It can run freely on various obstacles on the outer wall, like a zigzag lightning, which is extremely terrifying.

The speed of flying to the moon is extremely fast. Compared with Yujian's flight, it is naturally much more bumpy.However, compared with flying with Yujian, the fly in the ointment of Flying to the Moon is that it is inconvenient to fly with people. Moreover, with Zhao Yuan's current cultivation level, it is impossible to fly long distances, and it is impossible to cross the vast Pacific Ocean.

During the fast running, Zhao Yuan shot into the sky like a cannonball.

The moment Zhao Yuan took Li Mozhu up into the sky, an old man who was exercising in the garden on the roof saw it and was stunned. When he wiped his eyes and looked again, Zhao Yuan's figure had already disappeared. Without a trace, the old man wiped his eyes again, thinking that his eyes were hallucinating...


In the sky, Zhao Yuanqing drew out his flying sword and activated the aura shield. Li Mozhu, who was frightened out of his wits and pale, regained some of his blood. However, her messy hair made her look extremely embarrassed.

"Zhao Yuan...can you teach me..." Li Mozhu, who gradually calmed down from his shock, asked.

"You also heard that the earth is restricted by the gods, so you can't practice." Zhao Yuan politely refused.

"Oh..." Li Mozhu was disappointed.

"Do you know why female gods are extremely rare among the gods from all walks of life?"

"Eh... I don't know..."

"Because, because of the relationship between women's physique, they are not suitable for self-cultivation. In addition, the process of self-cultivation is boring, and most women can't stand loneliness. The female self-cultivation who has achieved success is even rarer."

"Those Seven Fairies, Queen Mother of the West, and Guanyin Bodhisattva, aren't they women?" Li Mozhu retorted unconvinced.

"Hehe, I have also studied ancient myths and stories, and there have been some goddesses and immortals. However, those goddesses seem to have no supernatural powers, and they have no status in the world of gods. As for you The Guanyin Bodhisattva, he is not a woman, but an out-and-out man."

"Ah... Guanyin Bodhisattva is a man?"

"The allusion says that it is because Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva was originally one of the twelve disciples of Yuanshi Tianzun, a Cihang Taoist. During the Conferred God War, the scattered flowers on the top and the five qi in the belly were cut off. He was extradited to Buddhism and became Guanyin Bodhisattva. In fact, the ancient lamp-burning Buddha, Manjusri Bodhisattva, and Samantabhadra Bodhisattva in Buddhism were all originally Taoist figures.”

"There is another saying. The Huayan Sutra says: 'The Brave Husband Avalokitesvara'. Avalokitesvara is Avalokitesvara. It is called the Brave Husband in the scriptures, which proves that Avalokitesvara belongs to a man. However, from the aspect of Avalokitesvara's manifestation, then It is difficult to decide whether he is a man or a woman. Because the appearance of the Great Bodhisattva is not for fun, but for saving lives. What kind of body the Bodhisattva needs to be shown by all living beings, the Bodhisattva will show what kind of body for all living beings. If there is a For those sentient beings who need Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva to show a male form to be saved, the Bodhisattva will show a male form. It is not the Bodhisattva's own problem, but it is manifested according to the requirements of all sentient beings. I can't be the master. As for Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva's female body, it has its own reasons. It makes sense."

"I understand. Master Celtic said that the power of human belief depends on the imagination of believers. Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva was originally a man, but because of the needs of believers, he had to compromise and turn into a goddess... The power of our human faith is really powerful, it can actually change the gender of Guanyin Bodhisattva!"

"Ruzi can be taught!"

Seeing Li Mozhu draw inferences from one instance, and Bingxue is clever, Zhao Yuan gave a sigh of admiration.

"If I keep doing good deeds and gradually gain followers, will I become a fairy directly?" Li Mozhu suddenly seemed to have discovered a new continent.

"It's possible in theory, but it's impossible in reality."


"According to some allusions, there are many mortals who have been turned into immortals by gods because of their good deeds, leading people to be good. If you no longer participate in the religious beliefs of the mortal world, then it means that any religious behavior of the gods on earth may trigger a catastrophic religious war. Naturally, it is impossible for mortals to be extradited to become immortals..."

"It's no wonder that good people don't live long, and disasters last for thousands of years!" Li Mozhu said indignantly.

"According to my speculation, after the covenant of the gods, the earth has become a place where the gods thought they could ask for the power of faith, and the gods would no longer dedicate themselves to mankind, even if wars, diseases, plagues, droughts and other disasters followed one after another Even the gods will not perform miracles. In ancient times, in order to gain human believers, the gods would run around, spread clouds and rain, and make the earth's weather smooth and so on."

"Only after the covenant with the gods, human morality began to decline." Li Mozhu suddenly realized.

"Yes." Zhao Yuan nodded.

"It seems that those so-called judges of the gods are helping the evildoers!"

"I think their original intention should be to avoid the destruction of the earth. However, in the endless years, they lost their way and became the vassals of the gods."

"Zhao Yuan, if you want to kill them, don't you want to make enemies of all the gods?" Li Mozhu asked worriedly.

"No, I still have many friends." Zhao Yuan shook his head.


"Those gods who died in battle, and the relatives and friends of those gods who died in battle."

"However, they haven't been resurrected yet!"

"Don't worry, as long as the remaining six god referees die, those gods with the power of faith will be resurrected like mushrooms after a spring rain. At that time, those gods who try to prevent their resurrection will be their worst enemies... "

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