wicked immortal

Chapter 558 Small Universe

In Zhao Yuan's hands, he grabbed a few spars and began to activate his spiritual energy.

In fact, the energy of the spar is already dispensable to Zhao Yuan's cultivation, but because Zhao Yuan's Lingtai world is still under construction, the energy of the spar can be input into the Lingtai world endlessly.

Now, it is already a critical moment in the world of Lingtai, Zhao Yuan inputs a large amount of spar energy almost every day, fortunately, in Zhao Yuan's Sumeru Ring, the spar is piled up like a mountain.

Every time Zhao Yuan used the spar, he would think of Wan Ling'er, a small fortune fan. If Wan Ling'er hadn't bought a large number of magic cores in the Magic Core Continent, he didn't know when he would be able to build a prototype of this Lingtai world. Migrating animals and plants, let alone even think about it.

Although Zhao Yuan's cultivators have gone through ups and downs, in many respects, they are smooth sailing. For example, the conditions for Zhao Yuan to build the Lingtai World can be said to have refreshed the history of the comprehension world.

In the history of comprehension in the Great Qin Empire, there has never been a comprehensionist who could have a mountain of crystals like Zhao Yuan.

There is God's will in the dark. When he was in the Wanjia East Courtyard, Zhao Yuan obtained dozens of divine beast crystals in Xiaoyang Mountain.

Afterwards, Zhao Yuan got hundreds of spars in Heishanling's Heiyan Valley.

Then, he obtained a mountain of magic cores in the magic core continent.

It has to be said that Zhao Yuan was surprisingly lucky on the spar.

After the energy of the spar was poured into the gods of the Lingtai world, Zhao Yuan began to activate the mental method of "The Enemy of Thousands".

The mentality of "The Enemy of Ten Thousand Enemies" flows in Zhao Yuan's heart, summoning the power of primitive savagery.

crackle crackle...

In a burst of explosions like firecrackers, the aura in Zhao Yuan's body became more and more saturated, reaching the peak state of Flying to the Moon.

At this time, Zhao Yuan's body began to crystallize a lot, and a string of mysterious runes was solidified in the sea of ​​​​qi, forming a small universe of endless life. The pulse roared towards the sea of ​​qi, like densely packed rivers converging towards the sea of ​​qi.

Zhao Yuan's domineering body and the cultivator's aura complement each other and complement each other, which makes Zhao Yuan's physical strength longer and longer. The muscles on his body are like granite, full of infinite explosive power.

For a long time, Zhao Yuan's cultivation has been based on "The Enemy of Ten Thousand Enemies", supplemented by spiritual energy. His cultivation mode can be said to be unprecedented.

In the history of self-cultivation, there has never been a practitioner practicing two completely different exercises at the same time.

"The Enemy of Ten Thousand Enemy" is about cultivating the physical body, while the spiritual energy is completely good at mana.

Usually, a cultivator only needs a healthy body, and it is extremely rare for a cultivator who pursues physical tyranny.

Of course, many cultivators in ancient times entered the Tao through martial arts, but they only focused on cultivating the physical body and never practiced spiritual energy.

Under this unique training method, Zhao Yuan's promotion speed has been advancing all the way, constantly transforming. During this transformation, Zhao Yuan's Dragon Armor and Wuwu Seal have also become stronger and stronger, forming a Two impenetrable lines of defense.

Zhao Yuan's stamina became more and more frightening, and he didn't feel tired at all after flying for several hours. A steady stream of spiritual energy surged through the eight extraordinary meridians, like the Yangtze River, with an endless stream.

Zhao Yuan, whose eyes were darkened, didn't even know that his current state, in the cultivation world, was called the realm of the small universe.

What is a small universe?

Through cultivation, the eight extraordinary meridians of the human body are closely connected with the universe, forming a small universe of the human body.Not only is the human body itself a small universe, but the human body universe and the universe of heaven and earth constitute a macrocosm in which man and nature are one.

This method of classification and connection is based on the principle of functional characteristics and dynamic connection. Things with the same function, the same behavior, the same dynamic or static attributes, and mutual induction are all classified into one category, which embodies the "correspondence between heaven and man". The overall concept and holographic thought of "harmony between man and nature".

The greatest magical effect of the small universe is that without the help of any external force, the energy of the body can reach the point of inexhaustibility.

In the world of self-cultivation, many self-cultivators dared to leave the planet only after they possessed a small universe, experienced in the vast starry sky, came into contact with one civilization after another, and felt the mysteries of the universe...


Zhao Yuan didn't know that he had already reached the realm of the cultivator's small universe, and he didn't even know that the realm of the small universe was actually the realm of an immortal.

In the Great Qin Empire, even if it is as powerful as Fairy Caixia, it cannot enter outer space to explore the mysteries of the universe.

During the training, apart from the obvious tyranny of his body, Zhao Yuan's dragon armor no longer looks like a dragon armor. It looks more powerful and close-fitting, like a human armor.

For the change of the dragon armor, Zhao Yuan has always been puzzled, but only after communicating with Celtic, he understood the mystery.

The giant dragon trapped in the water pool of the Black Rock Valley should also be a mythical beast imagined by humans. Her scales are originally the power of belief that humans have created out of nothing. Then, when the dragon armor is tempered by Zhao Yuan, it will be as Zhao Yuan's willpower cannot be transferred, and in Zhao Yuan's mind, there must be a perfect armor that he imagined. Then, under the influence of Zhao Yuan's power of faith, the dragon armor transformed into the perfect armor that Zhao Yuan imagined. ...

The realm of phantoms!

Suddenly, Zhao Yuan's heart moved, and at the moment he thought of the dragon armor and the power of faith, he suddenly thought of the realm of illusion.

If it is explained from the perspective of human physical science, it is impossible for the human body to change, and this problem has been entangled with Zhao Yuan, because after he was on the earth, he learned a lot of scientific knowledge. Influenced by modern science, and just now, he comprehended the mysteries of the realm of illusion.

Everything comes from the power of faith.

Belief in others is a kind of strength, and belief in yourself is also a kind of strength.

Perseverance, perseverance, and indomitable character are all manifestations of one's own beliefs. If this belief is turned into a force, it is only natural to physically change the form of human beings. After all, the power of human belief is so strong that Able to give birth to omnipotent gods.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yuan concentrated his attention, and his expression was extremely solemn.

A strange scene appeared. Amidst a burst of crackling explosions, Zhao Yuan, who was in the spiritual energy shield, became bigger and bigger, and the spiritual energy shield also became bigger and bigger. In just a few breaths, Zhao Yuan Yuan's body was already ten feet high, like a shining golden iron tower...

"Ah... Zhao Yuan..."

Li Mozhu, who was dozing off, was woken up by the crackling sound. He opened his eyes and saw Zhao Yuan in golden armor, like a mountain to look up at, screaming in fright.

"It's okay." Zhao Yuan laughed, and his body slowly changed back. At this moment, he already felt unwell, because he hadn't broken through the realm of Flying to the Moon, but just now he was forcibly moving into the realm of phantom.

"You... how did you do it?" Li Mozhu looked at Zhao Yuan in awe. The visual impact of the scene just now was too shocking.

"The Realm of Illusion."

"It's fake!" Li Mozhu patted his chest and let out a long breath.

"No, it's true. It's just that it can't be explained by science. By the way, do you know Pan Gu who created the world?"

"I know. Does he really exist?" Li Mozhu couldn't help being taken aback.

"Whether the heavens and the earth were opened by Pangu is impossible to verify. Many of them were shaped by later generations. However, the creation of the heavens and the earth just fits the illusion of my current practice. When the chaos first opened, he supported the blue sky with his hands, and his feet Stepping on the earth, let your body grow one foot taller every day. As his body grows, the sky grows one foot higher every day, and the earth thickens by one foot every day. After another 8000 years, the sky gets higher and higher, and the earth gets thicker. It's getting thicker and thicker, and Pangu's body has grown as long as 90000 miles..."

"According to the myth, Pangu finally opened up the world by virtue of his divine power. But Pangu was also exhausted. Before Pangu died, the breath he exhaled from his mouth turned into clouds that flutter in four seasons; his voice turned into the sky. his left eye became the sun, his right eye became the moon; his hair and beard became the stars of the night sky; Blood became rivers; tendons became roads; muscles became fields; teeth, bones, and marrow became underground mines; skin and fine hairs became vegetation on the earth; sweat became rain. Legend has it that Pangu His spirit soul also became a human being after his death. Therefore, it is said that human beings are the spirits of all things in the world..."

"Didn't it mean that gods are transformed by the power of human belief! Why did Pan Gu exist before human beings?"

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