wicked immortal

Chapter 572 The place of the purest faith

The only constant in life is change...

What a torment it would be if life remained numb for tens of thousands of years!

No matter how compassionate a person is, if he is allowed to face death every day, he will become insensitive.

Human beings are intelligent creatures that need passion to regulate their emotions. Except for some paranoid people, very few people maintain eternal passion for one thing or work. Even unswerving love will be diluted by a long time.

Human beings have been evolving and changing, and human life is always full of passion. From swimming in water to crawling on land and then to walking upright, human beings seem to have endless goals.

Why don't human beings lack passion?Because human life is short, and short is not enough to satisfy the desire in the heart.

Judging from Celtic's words, it is obvious that an endless life also needs passion to maintain. When life becomes without any expectations, life itself will become a heavy burden.

The ambition of the human heart has produced a powerful force of faith, thus, the gods are born out of nothing, and the gods can almost completely satisfy all human wishes, have endless life, and surpass the power of nature, so what will the gods have? Target?

Why do immortal gods and practitioners live?

Is it to live to become stronger?

All the while boarding the plane, Zhao Yuan was thinking about this seemingly simple but unanswerable question.

There are countless interpretations of the true meaning of life in the human world, but those are only suitable for the human world, not for the gods with endless lives.

Human life is like a fleeting moment, and there is no time to fulfill all dreams...

Celtic also seemed to know that Zhao Yuan was thinking, so he didn't bother Zhao Yuan, he boarded the plane until Celtic broke the silence.

"You are just an ordinary cultivator. For your life, it is just the beginning. At least, you will not feel lonely for hundreds or even thousands of years." Celtic said to Zhao Yuan with his spiritual thoughts.


"You will find that in front of you, different goals will never stop. For example, when you were in the Great Qin Empire, there will be many people who want to surpass them. After you surpass those people, your realm will improve. Many more powerful people will be found, and after surpassing the more powerful people, more powerful people will appear again, this is an endless cycle for ordinary cultivators."

"Yes, endless reincarnation."

Zhao Yuan smiled wryly.

At the beginning, Zhao Yuan's goal was to kill Hua Toutuo and then find out who was behind the scenes. However, intentionally or unintentionally, the people involved became more and more extensive, from Eunuch Wu to Lu Naluo to Master Wang Ruolin .

More and more people died under Zhao Yuan's knife. Cultivators from various sects, wolf monsters and Sanxians, even after killing Hua Toutuo and the behind-the-scenes black hand Sanxian, there appeared an unheard of black-winged Kunpeng , after living in the Great Qin Empire, he encountered the referee of God again...


Zhao Yuan found that he was no longer seeking revenge, he seemed to be stuck in a huge quagmire and struggling.

When will this never-ending cycle end?

Zhao Yuan couldn't find the answer.

According to Zhao Yuan's plan, after taking revenge, he will find a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters to live his life. However, this seems to be an extravagant wish that will never be realized, because now he has made more and more enemies, and they are becoming more and more powerful .

The old Taoist Xuantian of the Demon Core Continent.

There are many ancient gods behind the Judgment of the Seven Great Gods.

Now, he wants to resurrect the ancestor of the dragon. It seems that getting involved in the dispute between the dragon and the enemy has become no suspense...

Not bad!

Zhao Yuan suddenly smiled slightly.

All along, Zhao Yuan has always been an open-minded person, and he doesn't push himself into a dead end. He feels like a magnificent picture scroll is slowly unfolding in front of him, and all kinds of gods are coming on stage...

The true meaning of life, endless life, endless reincarnation, for Zhao Yuan, it is still very far away, there is no need to think hard about it.

It's good to be in a high place, but if you want to feel the coldness in a high place, you have to stand on a high place first!

It's good to be lonely as a master, but if you want to experience the loneliness of a master, you must first be a master at the top.

If you want to peek into the secrets of the gods and practitioners, you need to fully enter the mysterious world and explore the mysteries by yourself...


Zhao Yuan and Celtic talked about the destination this time.

The last Celtic settlement!

It wasn't until this moment that Zhao Yuan knew that "Celtic" was no longer the name of a specific person, but the name of a race.

During the chat, Zhao Yuan had a general understanding of the Celtics.

Today Celtic descendants mostly live on the west coast of Europe, they mainly live in Brittany, Cornwall, Wales, Scotland, the Isle of Man and Ireland.However, the Celts were once widely distributed on the European continent, and in '8 BC a branch of the

He even wandered as far as Asia Minor, and named his territory Galatea.They were a military force not to be underestimated until the rise of Rome.

In 385 BC, the Celts sacked Rome. This tragic history has been remembered by the Romans. From 59 to 49 BC, Julius Caesar defeated the Celts in Gaul. former shame.Although the Celts were gradually influenced by the Roman Empire, they still worshiped their own gods and goddesses when the entire empire officially accepted Christianity, including the dragon god.

Zhao Yuan was not surprised by the result. He had carefully read the general history of the world. He had already discovered that the changes in human history were mainly influenced by religion. Submerged in the rolling battle of faith...


The goal of Zhao Yuan and Celtic this time is in a small mountain village in Scotland.

According to Celtic, this isolated mountain village has maintained the most persistent and ancient belief for thousands of years. The Celtic blood here is also one of the purest blood in the world, because, This race never intermarries with outsiders.

This mysterious village, which is not known to outsiders, looks no different from other places, but their life retains ancient customs and habits, and they firmly believe in the Dragon Clan.

When Zhao Yuan arrived at this small village, the small village looked peaceful and serene, no different from other villages.

However, when Zhao Yuan observed carefully, he would find that the inner world of the people here was extremely strong, and everyone had a devout expression that was almost paranoid.

Obviously, the human beings here have fanatical beliefs that are loyal and unswerving.

The God of Giant Dragons is a giant dragon from the East. Why does it have such fanatical and loyal followers in the West?

Could it be that the Eastern Dragon and the Western Dragon belong to the same race?Or, are both branches evolved from the same race?

When Zhao Yuan entered the world of comprehension, the gods gave him the impression of being complicated and confusing.

While Zhao Yuan was thinking, under the leadership of Celtic, the two arrived at the home of an elder in the village.

The elder has a gray beard and cannot tell his actual age. His deep blue eyes are shining with wisdom, and the kind smile on the corner of his mouth makes people feel respectful.

The elder looked at Celtic with a pious gaze, with a kind of fanaticism that did not match his age, as if seeing an angel descending...

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