wicked immortal

Chapter 593 The Origin of God

"But, but..." Wan Ling'er wanted to refute, but couldn't say anything.

"Ling'er, usually, some ancient gods are at their weakest after being resurrected. Under such circumstances, the first thing that comes to mind is to recover some strength as soon as possible and have the ability to protect themselves."

"Well, even if he retreats."

"If he didn't retreat, he would have followed the sound." Zhao Yuan said lightly.

"Ah... By the way, the battle just now was earth-shattering, will it alarm the god's referee?" Wan Ling'er suddenly turned pale with shock.

"He has come."

"What?!" Everyone was stunned, and even Fairy Caixia, who was calm and calm, had a tense expression on her face.

"Don't worry, I've let the Thirteen Evil Young Masters set up a battle formation, he won't find it here, and I've already set up restrictions in a radius of tens of miles, as long as we hide in this Sun Mountain, he won't be able to find it for the time being." to us."

"Temporarily...just temporarily..." Wan Ling'er was like a frightened bird, with a look of panic on her face. The thrilling battle just now really frightened her, which made her feel the power of some ancient magic weapons for the first time.

"Ling'er, don't worry, we are already invincible. The worst plan is to give up killing the referee of God, leave the earth immediately through Shigu's teleportation array, and escape. In short, don't worry everyone, Shigu is here In my Sumeru ring, I can leave at any time, now, I am waiting for the dragon god."

"The referee of God can't find us, why can that shit dragon god find us?" Mingyue asked with a puzzled expression.

"The power of God's Judgment is that in the thousands of years on the earth, countless strange treasures have been collected. Those strange treasures are left by some ancient immortals and cultivators. They are very powerful. In fact, they are not very powerful. It seems to be bound by some kind of mysterious power. I guess, the gods are afraid that they will lose control of the judgment of the gods, so they put restrictions on them, so that they can not only have immortality, but also cannot become immortals. Therefore, as long as you know After their details, it is not difficult to avoid them, then the Celtics have been hiding for thousands of years..."

"Then why was the dragon god able to find you?" Fairy Caixia asked.

"I have the Nilin from the black forest giant dragon on me. This Nilin should be able to exude a certain aura familiar to the dragon clan." Zhao Yuan smiled wryly.

"Ah...the dragon god can find you anytime and anywhere?" Mingyue shouted.

"Theoretically yes, but this is only a theoretical existence. Once I actually refine the dragon armor, this problem should not exist."

"Didn't you refine the dragon armor?" Tomorrow looked at Zhao Yuan in surprise.

"I thought I had refined the dragon armor, but it wasn't until the battle just now that I realized that I haven't refined the dragon armor at all, and I haven't even grasped the essence of the dragon armor." Zhao Yuan sighed.

"Congratulations Zhao Lang!" Fairy Caixia laughed suddenly.

"Why congratulate him?" Wan Ling'er was taken aback.

"Zhao Yuan has already comprehended the mysteries of the dragon armor. With time, he will definitely be able to improve to the next level!"

"Really?" Wan Ling'er looked at Zhao Yuan suspiciously.


Zhao Yuan smiled and nodded.

Just as Fairy Caixia said, Zhao Yuan had indeed comprehended the secret of the dragon armor during the battle just now.

In fact, the dragon armor of the dragon clan is not just as simple as the dragon armor. The secrets of the dragon clan are all in the dragon armor, and the tyrannical power of the dragon clan also comes from the dragon armor.

At the beginning, the inexplicable dragon soul in Zhao Yuan's Lingtai world formed countless dragon veins. In fact, it was all because of the dragon armor.

The power of the dragon armor lies in its ability to summon ancient dragon souls.

In the tens of thousands of years, countless dragons died due to various reasons. Although these dragons have no possibility of resurrection, they still have powerful dragon souls. These dragon souls are not only It can form dragon veins, and can also shade dragons and believers with the power of inheritance.

When Zhao Yuan was locked by the white jade finger, it was because of the tyrannical power provided by the dragon soul in the Lingtai world, otherwise, Zhao Yuan would have been turned into powder by the white jade finger.

Zhao Yuan is not from the dragon clan, but he made the dragon armor into a part of his body. It is for this reason that he can accept the power inherited from the dragon clan.Of course, Zhao Yuan is not a real dragon, he can only borrow the power of the dragon soul, but once Zhao Yuan completely refines the dragon armor, he can use it freely, surpassing the dragon.

In fact, Zhao Yuan's utilization of the dragon armor has far surpassed that of the owner of the dragon armor. If the giant dragon in the Black Forest knows that Zhao Yuan can transform the dragon armor into a horny layer covering the whole body and then change it arbitrarily, it is absolutely true. It was beyond shock.

It was dawn.

Everyone hid in a hidden cave, waiting for the arrival of the dragon god.

In order to ensure safety, everyone worked together to arrange refinements in the cave.

"If there is no teleportation array, can the dragon god reach the Great Qin Empire in Zhanyun Continent? If he can't go to the Great Qin Empire alone, why don't we sneak away?" Just as everyone was practicing, Wan Linger suddenly asked curiously. road.

"No, I once promised the giant dragon in the Black Forest, I promised to help her find Brother Long, no one will stand without faith! Zhao Yuan, who was sitting at the entrance of the cave, looked down at the vast mountains, his star pupils shone with the light of wisdom .

"I guess, the ancient gods should have the ability to teleport over a long distance without the need for a teleportation array," Fairy Caixia said.

"I agree with Sister Fairy's opinion." Mingyue immediately raised her hand.

"As long as you say what others say, if it's really that easy, why would the earth be ruled by a few human cultivators for thousands of years?" Ming Ri poked Ming Yue's head and cursed.

"I think those gods with great supernatural powers should be able to reach any place, because the power of human belief is an illusion, which comes from nothing. I hope that the gods I believe in have natural power that humans don't have." Wan Ling'er said .

"Is the dragon god a god with great supernatural powers?" Mingyue asked curiously.

"This... I don't know about this..." Wan Ling'er froze.

"Wan Ling'er's idea has a certain truth. Those ancient gods were born from the power of human belief. When humans imagined them, they already possessed infinite mana, and those mana were to make up for the power of human beings. Congenital insufficiency. I think that the supernatural powers of the gods still come from the imagination of human beings. If they are endowed with terrifying power by human beings at the beginning of their birth, then this power should be maintained forever."

"Could it be that the dragon god is also a god imagined by the power of human belief?" Fairy Caixia asked.


"Why do humans imagine dragons? Are they helpful to humans?"

"This is easy to explain. Human beings live in groups. In the long river of evolution, even fantasies will produce logic and practicality, and logic and practicality will give birth to the world of immortals and gods. As well as the world of comprehension, these imaginations are all based on the social structure of human beings. For example, in some myths and stories in the past, there will be heavens, heavens and regions, as well as the existence of Satan and the Lord of Hell. These existences are actually a perfect The human social structure is just that the power of belief and imagination of human beings endowed them with more powerful power. As for the god of giant dragons, it is the product of this perfect structure. For humans, there should be species like giant dragons in the fairy world Appearance, or, a species like a giant dragon should also be enslaved by the gods, just like humans enslave cattle and horses..."

"According to what you mean, isn't the god of giant dragons some kind of divine beast raised by gods?" Wan Linger's face showed doubts.

"Yes, if the gods really come from the power of human belief, then the emergence of the dragon race is only to enrich the species in the gods and immortals. Human beings, which are exactly the same as humans, still occupy an absolute dominant position. As for the dragon race Why did it break away from the control of human beings and become an independent race? It can only be said that human thinking is too complicated, because some people need to enslave the dragon race, so some humans regard the dragon race as a totem belief, thinking that the dragon race is more noble than human beings. Race, after the conflict between these two forces, there is a contradiction between the dragon clan and the gods. At this time, the dragon clan has been endowed with independent thoughts and abilities by humans, and does not need to be attached to human life. After the contradiction deepens, The dragon clan is likely to have a war with the gods, compete for the power of human belief, and even try to compete for dominance..."

"It's so complicated..." Mingyue patted herself on the head.

"It's actually not complicated. The reason is very simple. As long as the gods and immortals come from the power of human belief, then it means that there is another human world. The first human beings there are composed of gods. Their power , originated from real human beings, whether it is a god or a beast, it is incomparable."

"It seems that the power of faith is the key!" Fairy Caixia said.

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