wicked immortal

Chapter 596 Cold Wave

What a powerful magic weapon!

Rao Zhao Yuan urged the body of the stove to keep everyone warm, everyone's brows and hair were covered with a layer of hoarfrost, and ice condensed on the leaves and branches at the entrance of the cave.

Everything on the earth was frozen, with a radius of tens of miles, there was no sound at all, and the silence made one feel suffocated, as if the air had been frozen.

The cold wave is still going on.

The fierce cold wave has not subsided in the slightest. Wave after wave, the entire sky began to crackle and rain down fist-sized hailstones. The hailstones fell densely between the mountains and mountains of the Sun Mountain Range. The branches of some big trees were broken, and some small trees , was directly beaten to pieces.

People saw that around the giant dragon god, ice crystal shackles actually condensed, surrounding the giant dragon god.

It is obvious that the dragon god has been trapped by the ice crystal shackles.

it's too cold!

A woman's body is inherently yin, and even though she was protected by Zhao Yuan, she still couldn't resist the ferocious cold wave. Fortunately, Wan Ling'er got a few fiery red pills from Xumi Ring, and each of them stuffed one into it. , after the elixir entered the belly, a warm current immediately spread all over the body, and the limbs and bones felt a little warmth, and everyone felt much more comfortable.

"What kind of magic weapon is this? It's so powerful!" Wan Ling'er patted the short hair on her head, and the icicle fell to the ground, with a look of lingering fear on her face.

"God knows what magic weapon it is, it must be an ancient magic weapon!" Tomorrow rubbed his hands and stamped his feet.

"This magic weapon has not exerted its maximum power yet." Zhao Yuan said thoughtfully with a serious face.

"What?!" All the girls asked in unison, all in shock.

At this moment, although everyone felt a little better after taking the elixir, they could still feel the cruel cold that dripped into ice. They couldn't imagine how much pain the Dragon God at the core was enduring.

"This time is when the sun is rising, and when the yang is flourishing and the yin is declining. If it is the time when the yang is flourishing and the yin is declining, the power of this extremely cold magic weapon will be multiplied." Zhao Yuan said.

"so far so good……"

A group of women rejoiced again and again.

"Zhao Yuan, can the dragon god resist the extreme cold air?" Fairy Caixia asked.

"I'm not a god, I don't know. Besides, even a god, it is impossible to calculate the fate of a god at the level of the dragon god." Zhao Yuan smiled wryly.

"Then... then... what should we do?" Mingyue asked with a worried expression.

"Watch what happens."

"Aren't we going to fight?" Wan Ling'er looked puzzled.

"In this state, can you still fight?" Zhao Yuan sighed.

"..." Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

At this time, everyone was resisting the invasion of this terrifying cold wave, and they had no extra strength to fight at all. Even if they forced themselves onto the battlefield, they would probably only have the fate of fleeing.

"What if the judge of the gods kills the dragon god?"

"There is nothing we can do." Zhao Yuan shook his head and said, "Even if we make a move, the best time is after the judge of the gods kills the dragon god. If we make a move now, we will definitely be caught in the ice crystal shackles and cannot extricate ourselves. It is very likely that the entire army will be wiped out like being trapped by that white jade finger."

Thinking that the white jade was about to point at him, everyone fell silent.

What Zhao Yuan said was right. Now everyone doesn't even know where the god referee is. If they rush out blindly, they will immediately become the target of attack. Moreover, the most important thing is that no one has found a way to deal with it.

"If the Dragon God dies, shall we return to the Great Qin Empire?" Wan Ling'er asked suddenly.

"No!" Zhao Yuan replied immediately.


"We are already in an endless situation with that God's referee. If he does not die, he will definitely hunt down and kill the thirteen villains on Earth. Moreover, after he becomes the only God's referee on Earth, he loses the check and balance of power and becomes The more unscrupulous he is, it is very likely that he will use means to hunt us down, or use the gods to hunt us down. He has this ability. In order to avoid future troubles, he has no choice but to kill the grass. As long as the judge of God is killed, the earth will be completely liberated I don’t know when the gods want to train the referee of the gods again, when the time comes, the liberated earth will bloom with a hundred flowers, which will be beneficial to the future of mankind..."

"Zhao Yuan, why do you keep emphasizing the future interests of humans on Earth? Does it have something to do with us?" asked tomorrow.

"The earth is the birthplace of human civilization, and it is also the planet where the gods were born. Whether it is a natural planet or a spiritual world of the gods, most of them copy the social structure of the earth. If the earth is liberated, it means that the Great Qin Empire Humanity is also liberated."

"That is to say, the future of mankind on Earth is closely related to the future of mankind in the Great Qin Empire." Tomorrow suddenly realized.

"It's not just the Great Qin Empire in the Zhanyun Continent, but it is closely related to the human beings in the entire universe."

"Hey, I still don't understand..." Mingyue touched her forehead.

"Hehe, it doesn't matter if you don't understand. In short, remember that human beings are the source of the power of the gods. Therefore, human beings have the right to decide their own future, not to be swayed by the gods they imagined." Fairy Caixia smiled.

"Yes, I believe that no one wants to be a puppet being manipulated." Wan Ling'er licked her dry lips.

"Zhao Yuan, do you think there are good people among the gods?" Mingyue asked delicately.

"Hehe, this is not a problem. In any group, there will be good people and bad people. Moreover, the so-called good people and bad people depend on how you look at it. For example, I am in the Great Qin Empire, but the notorious the wicked."

"I'm different, and I'm also an extremely vicious person." Fairy Caixia laughed.

"Hmph, in my opinion, those righteous and righteous people are the real villains." Wan Ling'er snorted coldly.

"You can't say that. Generally speaking, most of the people on the list of wicked people are indeed bad people full of evil. It's just that a small number of people have conscience or have been framed by others. Belly men steal and women prostitutes, but no matter what, they still advocate justice, and justice is the mainstream value, so we can't generalize, we must see his two sides in everything." Zhao Yuan stared into the distance In the silent battle, the giant dragon remained motionless, but one could feel the surging power emanating from its body. Obviously, it was not so easy for the judge of the gods to kill the dragon god.

"Zhao Lang's thinking seems to have changed, and he is no longer cynical." Fairy Caixia looked at Zhao Yuan meaningfully.

"During this period of time, I have read a lot of historical materials on the earth, and I have also come into contact with some human thoughts on the earth. It is inevitable that these thoughts will have some influence on me." Zhao Yuan withdrew his eyes and looked at Fairy Caixia with deep eyes.

In Zhao Yuan's eyes, Fairy Caixia is not just a woman, but a confidante. Among a group of women, Fairy Caixia can best understand Zhao Yuan's inner world. There is an indescribable tacit understanding between them.

To put it simply, Zhao Yuan and Fairy Caixia are both on the villain list. They have similar backgrounds, a lot of common language, and some ideas are infinitely close.Of course, what Zhao Yuan said was extremely surprising to Fairy Caixia. You must know that it took her hundreds of years to understand some of the truths. Much less.

Fairy Caixia has always been amazed by Zhao Yuan's profound thoughts. Zhao Yuan's thoughts are like full of magic power, which fascinates Fairy Caixia deeply.

A man's temperament and charm come from a strong heart, and a strong heart requires not only force as a backing, but also thoughts.

There is no doubt that Zhao Yuan can attract women because of his strong and unyielding inner world.


Suddenly, a muffled sound from a distance interrupted everyone's chatting. Everyone looked, and the giant dragon god who was like a sculpture had already moved. In addition to the flying hair, the white robe was also moving. There was a sound of hunting, as if a fierce wind was blowing.

The shackles of ice crystals disappeared, replaced by flying snow.

The whole sky became gray, and if you don't use your eyesight, you can't see the dragon god in the sky at all.

Zhao Yuan was not happy because the dragon god broke free from the shackles of ice crystals, but the expression on his face became more and more serious.Zhao Yuan knew that after the dragon god broke free from the shackles of ice crystals, the judge of the gods began to create domain worlds.

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