wicked immortal

Chapter 599

No one understands why Guo Futou chose the stone pagoda as a defensive position, because, at the beginning of the war, Guo Futou had every chance to escape from Penglai Xiandao, but he did not escape, but led the soldiers to retreat in the woods , and finally, entered the square stone tower to hold fast.

"I have heard that General Guo is brave and invincible. As long as the general submits to our court, I can guarantee that General Guo will become a great general above ten thousand people, and he will be prosperous and wealthy for the rest of his life..." Outside the tunnel, there was a voice urging him to surrender. sound.

"I will still need to think about it!"

Guo Futou answered loudly, but there was a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth.

"General, you have been thinking about it for two days. Today is the deadline. General, please think twice!" The other party's tone became tough.

"What joy is there in life for a man, what fear is there in death, don't think twice, let's fight!"

Guo Futou seemed to know that it was impossible to delay. Holding his giant axe, he stood up with a long smile. That tyrannical body was like an iron tower, and the soldiers around him also stood up one after another. They are full of the tragic color of seeing death as home.

"General, please take care of yourself!" A long sigh came from outside the tunnel, and that sigh was full of regret.

"General, we will cover you..."

"No need!" The guard's words were immediately interrupted by Guo Futou.

"General Zhao has been missing for many days, general, why bother!" A guard said earnestly, hoping that Guo Futou could break through the encirclement.

"Fairy Caixia once came back, General Zhao will definitely be able to come back, no matter what, someone Guo wants to protect this stone pagoda from being destroyed, even if it is blood splashed for five steps!" Guo Futou's rough face was full of anger The color of determination.

A group of guards did not speak any more, they all looked solemn, forming a human wall in front of Guo Axe.

After many days of fighting, with almost no food to replenish their physical strength, the soldiers were exhausted.

What made the soldiers support it was because of Guo Futou's strong belief.

On the battlefield, Guo Futou has a strange appeal. Like a magnet, he twists the soldiers into one rope, unites them around him, and emits ten times or even a hundred times the strength.

Many people are born heroes, and there is no doubt that the taciturn Guo Futou is a born hero. He is not good at words, but his every move makes the soldiers worship him enthusiastically.

Guo Futou's personality charm does not lie in his taciturn character, but in his body language.

In the eyes of the soldiers, Guo Futou always said what he said. On the battlefield, Guo Futou, who was in a high position, always took the lead. Even among thousands of troops, Guo Futou never considered his own comfort.

In the Great Qin Empire, being under the command of Guo Futou is a supreme honor.

Among the younger generation of generals in the military, Guo Futou is second only to Zhao Yuan.

Guo Futou was able to win the love and support of the soldiers, not only because Guo Futou had the courage to take the lead and be invincible, but also had a great relationship with Zhao Yuan, because in the military, Guo Futou was the only one who clearly supported Zhao Yuan generals.

In the upper echelons of the Great Qin Empire, Guo Futou was loved and hated by people. If it weren't for the disciple of General Chang Kong, his upright character would have made him dismissed and returned to the field long ago.

Even so, Guo Futou was still excluded by some nobles in the military. This expedition to the Er nationality, it stands to reason that Guo Futou should be on the front line to break the ground, but he was sent to the almost deserted Penglai Xiandao ...


The fate of life seems to be pushed by an invisible and huge hand, even if you are unwilling to move forward, it will push you forward.

The rolling wheels of history are destined to make Guo Futou a person who will go down in history. Even if he is stationed in this wild place, he has encountered the greatest enemy of the Great Qin Empire for thousands of years.

When the cross flag appeared on the sea level, Guo Futou knew that the war had begun, and Guo Futou became the first senior general of the Great Qin Empire to contact the cross.

Countless battleships stretched all the way to the sky, with battle flags waving.

Not only is there an invincible fleet riding the wind and waves on the sea, but there are also huge black birds in the sky. On the backs of the birds are warriors wearing armor and holding longbows.

This is an army that has never been heard of. They came from the other side of the sea.

Guo Futou didn't flinch, he led two thousand soldiers to fight against the army that he had never seen before on this pitifully small isolated island.

As soon as the battle started, Guo Futou's army was dealt a fatal blow from the sky. Huge birds flew across the sky, sharp arrows shot like locusts over the isolated island, and soldiers fell one by one like harvested wheat. .

Guo Futou immediately led the surviving soldiers to hide in the forest of Penglai Xiandao.

In the forest, the power of warriors was brought to the extreme by Guo Axe, even those birds and archers passing by at low altitude became the souls of the dead under Guo Axe's giant axe.

Guo Futou gave the army that appeared suddenly a head-on blow, and the corpses in the forest of Penglai Xiandao were piled up like a mountain. However, Guo Futou had no hope of victory at all, because hundreds of thousands of troops began to land on the island, and they laid out a vast array of land on the island. .

Just when everyone thought that Guo Futou would break through, Guo Futou suddenly killed a carbine and retreated into the huge stone tower. The maze inside the stone tower became the enemy's nightmare. under the axe.

During several days of fierce fighting, the generals of the enemy army knew Guo Axe's name and his position in the Great Qin Emperor's army.

It is precisely because the enemy generals knew the identity of Guo Futou that Guo Futou was able to live until now, because a living senior general is much more useful than a dead senior general.

No matter what era it is, it is the best choice to subdue the local senior generals, because that is not only a physical victory, but also a spiritual blow to the enemy.

Killing the enemy's senior generals will only arouse the hatred of the enemy, and it will also establish a steadfast and unyielding positive figure for the enemy.

For soldiers, dying in battle is an honor.

If Guo Futou died in battle, no one would laugh at him. Instead, his name would go down in history and be admired by countless people. After all, the enemies he faced were dozens of times larger than him.

In order to make Guo Futou succumb, the enemy's senior generals tried their best to promise some benefits.

No one understood the anxiety of the enemy general.

During the ten days of short fighting, the intensity of the fighting was beyond his imagination, which caused enormous psychological pressure on the army. ,

If the soldiers of the Great Qin Empire were so tenacious and unyielding, then conquering the Great Qin Empire would be easier said than done!

At this time, Guo Futou was no longer just a high-ranking general, but represented the spirit of the Great Qin Emperor's leader.

To destroy the enemy, the first priority is to destroy the enemy's spirit, followed by the spirit.If you want to enslave a country, you must make the country lose its faith. There is no doubt that Guo Futou will become the spiritual belief of the Great Qin Emperor and his people.

Since it is impossible to eliminate the opponent mentally, the only option is to eliminate the opponent physically.

There is no room for negotiation.

The supreme commander of the Crusaders, General Gore, stood at the gate of the stone tower, with a solemn expression, like a lifeless sculpture.In front of the huge stone gate of the towering stone tower, firewood piled up like a mountain.

After ten days of fighting, Gore developed a sympathetic respect for Guo Futou, which is the respect among soldiers.

"Ignite!" Gore spit out two words coldly.

"Yes, General!"

A pair of soldiers holding torches lit the pile of firewood in front of Shimen. The monstrous flames instantly engulfed Shimen. Cover your mouth and nose with a wet towel...


Guo Futou, who had already prepared for a decisive battle, found that the soldiers in the corridor suddenly retreated like a tide, and the sound of footsteps gradually faded away until they disappeared.

What are they going to do?

Why step back?

A puff of pungent smoke swept in, and the soldiers coughed...

"No, the smoke is poisonous, retreat!" Guo Futou was shocked.

The crowd ran wildly along the corridor.

The stone tower is a completely enclosed building. In fact, except for the secret room, the labyrinth-like corridors inside the stone tower are all connected.

At this moment of life and death, there was no choice left, Guo Ax directly smashed open the stone door of the secret room.

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