wicked immortal

Chapter 604

With a lot of time, Zhao Yuan meticulously built the world of the Lingtai. The spring, summer, autumn and winter in the world of the Lingtai evolved without stopping for a moment. The animals and plants of the earth and the unique environment gave birth to a large number of new species.

Both animals and plants show diversity and development. Some unprecedented plants make Lingtai world full of vitality, while some mutated herbivores and carnivores form a new food chain.

To Zhao Yuan's surprise, because of the dragon veins formed by the dragon soul, countless geomantic treasures were born in the Lingtai world, and these geomantic treasures gave birth to some brand-new species, among which there appeared some sun-like dragons. The beast of the mountain leopard.

The earth-shaking changes in the Lingtai world did not make Zhao Yuan happy. He had to leave here and find a way home, otherwise, he would fly forever.

Human beings live in groups, and some truths need to be contacted with human beings to comprehend them. Even cultivators need to practice hard in the human world to become immortals. In the long history of human cultivation, no one has ever heard There is a precedent for the practitioner to be able to ascend to Dao without contacting anyone...


During the boring flight, Zhao Yuan is not safe, because in the starry sky, traps are everywhere, there will be black holes that swallow everything, there are meteorites whistling past, and terrifying cosmic storms.

On the seventh day of No.20, Zhao Yuan arrived at a vast meteorite field.

From a distance, Zhao Yuan didn't think the meteorite belt was so huge, but when he reached the edge of the meteorite belt, he realized that the meteorite belt was beyond his imagination. It seemed that the entire starry sky was occupied by meteorites.

In addition to the vastness and boundlessness of this meteorite belt, the size of the meteorites is also extremely terrifying. Some meteorites can be called small planets, with a diameter of more than tens of kilometers.

The only difference between meteorites and planets is that they are not round, but irregular in shape, some are like a huge rock falling off, and some are like moving mountains.

Now, Zhao Yuan is flying without any purpose. He can completely bypass this vast and dangerous meteorite field. It's easy to get lost.

Zhao Yuan's goal was a bright planet. He didn't know why he wanted to go to that planet, but his intuition told him that there might be a glimmer of hope if he steadfastly flew in one direction.

For a long time, Zhao Yuan believed in his intuition, which made him survive crisis after crisis.

Breath of life!


A black shadow jumped out from behind a meteorite without any warning, and rushed towards Zhao Yuan, the speed was as fast as a black lightning bolt.

As soon as the warning sign rose, Zhao Yuan's body changed direction sharply, abruptly overflowing hundreds of meters in the void, and the lightning-like beast brushed past Zhao Yuan.

After Zhao Yuan avoided the beast's sneak attack, he immediately turned around and saw that his pupils constricted, like pinholes.

On a boulder hundreds of feet away, a pitch-black ferocious beast stood on the top of the boulder, looking down at him from above.

pitch black!

Zhao Yuan couldn't find a better adjective to describe that ferocious beast, because except for a pair of eyes that shot cold light, that ferocious beast was covered with dark hair. It looked like a black panther on Earth, but it looked more It is huge and ferocious, and its slender body contains infinite explosive power.

The beast sat quietly on top of the boulder, staring at Zhao Yuan with a pair of eyes.

Zhao Yuan naturally didn't know that he was now in the territory of this ferocious beast. Here, the ferocious beast is an invincible existence. The beast never thought that its never-ending hunt would be easily dodged by the opponent.

The ferocious beast also seemed to realize that this human being was not to be trifled with, and the cold eyes showed hesitation.

In this meteorite belt, it is not easy for any powerful existence to hunt its prey. Many times, the hunters are hungry.Because of this reason, beasts cherish every hunting opportunity very much.

There is no doubt that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

In the meteorite belt, human beings are not the most powerful existence, but they are the most difficult prey to hunt, because they are very cunning, good at hiding, and they have weapons. If you want to hunt them, the difficulty will increase exponentially .

Usually, ferocious beasts operating in meteorite areas rarely prey on humans, but they will never be polite to weak humans.

Compared with other prey, in addition to delicious meat, some items carried by humans, especially crystals, are also very attractive to beasts. Often, beasts will take risks and attack humans who are active in groups...


Of course, human beings are not weak. Among human beings, there are also powerful hunters. They all like to hunt alone in the meteorite area.

Fewer people means fewer people sharing their prey.

High risks are accompanied by high rewards, which makes the beasts take risks, and it also makes humans take risks.

Huang Dong's hands kept jumping on the dense rocks, his movements were nimble, his naked feet were like cats, and after gracefully landing on the meteorite, the meteorite did not make the slightest vibration, as if there was no impact at all.

In Huang Dong's hand, he held a dark serrated dagger, shining with a dim light.He has been following this mammoth for nearly 20 days, and he has been looking for the best opportunity for a sneak attack. However, this mammoth is extremely alert, and he has no chance to strike at all.

When Huang Dong was anxious, he suddenly saw a long-haired young man flying over with a long sword.

Seeing that person flying in the air, Huang Dong was stupefied. He has lived for more than ten years, and he has never seen anyone able to fly in a straight line in the sky. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't believe it even if he was killed...


Just when Huang Dong was dumbfounded, the Mengmao he had been following suddenly jumped towards the volleying man.

Huang Dong didn't issue a warning, because he knew the speed of the hammer, and in this space, a warning would only distract people.

Mengmai means a beautiful beast, but Mengmao is not only beautiful, its destructive power is extremely terrifying. In the meteorite belt, Mengmao's combat effectiveness can definitely rank among the top ten.

In the city of exile, Huang Dong is considered a low-ranking existence among hunters. It is for this reason that he hunts at the edge of the meteorite belt. Those herbivores also have extremely terrifying fighting power.

Fighting with the beasts moving in the meteorite belt, even if it has an absolute advantage, is an extremely dangerous action, because the fight between the snipe and the clam may often benefit the fisherman lurking around.

Huang Dong didn't issue a warning, he was afraid of distracting the long-haired young man.

Zhao Yuan stared at the beast on the huge meteorite, feeling ecstatic in his heart.

There are beasts, which means there is life.

In fact, Zhao Yuan has already discovered Huang Dong hiding in the dark.

Although this beast was ferocious, it was pitifully weak to Zhao Yuan.

Meng Mao didn't dare to take the initiative to attack Zhao Yuan, but that didn't mean Zhao Yuan wouldn't fight back.

Zhao Yuan put away his long sword, and unexpectedly punched that savage maul through the air.

Is he crazy?

Huang Dong looked at the young man with flying hair in horror, he couldn't imagine that there are still people who dare to fight against Mengmao head-on, and they are unarmed.

It's crazy!

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