wicked immortal

Chapter 611 Keep Upgrading

Fang Yong's face was dull, at this moment, the battlefield between the two quickly moved downstairs, and the thrilling battle process was completely presented in front of Fang Yong.

The bodies of a group of middle-aged men also petrified.

Things went beyond their guesses.

No one would think that Kuang Biao would lose, and no one would have thought that Kuang Biao would lose so quickly. He was defeated as soon as he fought, and was forced to retreat one after another by the long-haired young man's punch after punch.

In fact, Kuang Biao hadn't lost yet, but almost everyone believed that it was only a matter of time.

The long-haired young man's movements were swift and precise, and every time he pushed Kuang Biao into a dead corner, he had to retreat to avoid it. There was no room for counterattack at all, and he was completely passive defense.

Kuang Biao did not admit defeat. In his challenging career, he had encountered several masters like Zhao Yuan who had high morale at the beginning, and his endurance and tenacity made him win at the last moment many times. , He believes that when he only needs to support another stick of incense, this long-haired young man will be exhausted, and at that time, he will fully counterattack.

The flame of victory burning in Kuang Biao's heart was extinguished bit by bit by Zhao Yuan mercilessly.

Zhao Yuan's pair of stormy fists showed no signs of being exhausted, just like the torrential river, stretching endlessly.

What's even more frightening is that Kuang Biao felt that the opponent's strength not only did not weaken, but became more and more fierce, both in speed and strength, they were constantly increasing.

At this moment, Kuang Biao had an illusion that the other party was like a molting beast, which was constantly transforming, and every time it transformed, it would become stronger and more ferocious...

In the city of exile, Kuang Biao was famous for his endurance and willpower, but today, Kuang Biao met his opponent.

Zhao Yuan's character is equally tenacious, with iron-like willpower, and he never looks back on what he decides. In all the previous battles where he was in a weak position, he always had the fearless courage to fight against the odds.

Today's Zhao Yuan is not what it used to be. Not only is his style of doing things more decisive, "The Enemy" has also reached a terrifying illusion, and his strength has become stronger by countless times.

If Zhao Yuan uses the mental method of "The Enemy of Ten Thousand Enemies", or activates magic weapons such as spiritual energy and flying swords, Kuang Biao is not Zhao Yuan's general. However, this is a rare opportunity for Zhao Yuan. After all, The inner spirit of "The Enemy of Thousands" is to temper the physical body, making the physical body stronger, so powerful that it ignores any magic weapon.

The physical body cultivation in the city of exile is more primitive, more direct and more pure. If it is combined with the cultivation method of "The Enemy of Ten Thousand Enemies", it will definitely be of great benefit.

In the field of self-cultivation, many practitioners regard "The Enemy of Ten Thousand Enemies" as a book for strengthening the body, but in fact, "The Enemy of Ten Thousand Thousands" is indeed a secret book of cultivation, a secret book of cultivation with the right sword.

The cultivation in the city of exile is a kind of physical cultivation in an absolute sense, without any real cultivation skills hidden in it. All of them have an ultimate goal - a super physical body.

Now, Zhao Yuan completely uses his body to fight Kuang Biao.

Fighting Kuangbiao seemed to have a mysterious force summoning the primitive power lurking in Zhao Yuan's body, and that power was released along every cell of Zhao Yuan, giving Zhao Yuan a hearty joy.

During the battle, Zhao Yuan had a very strange feeling. To outsiders, every movement he made was as fast as lightning, but he himself felt that his movements were like the slow motion of movies on the earth. All moves are broken down.

Everything in the world became dull in front of Zhao Yuan.

The rhythm of time seems to be getting slower and slower.

Zhao Yuan's thinking became extremely quick. During this crazy battle, he could hear the exclamations and conversations of the onlookers, and he could even hear the buzzing of flying insects...


The entire city of exile has become a finely detailed handicraft painting in Zhao Yuan's brain, with every detail.

The fighting became more and more ferocious and brutal.

The two of them had retreated under the gorgeous building, and there was an empty square. On the square, there was a huge stone sculpture over five feet long. The stone sculpture was a naked rough man running crazily. Extremely vivid, the muscles of the limbs are bulging, full of movement, as if the stone sculpture is about to run at any time.

When they reached the square, the two suddenly stopped attacking without warning.

The two stood quietly, as if a raging flame shot out from their eyes.

The boiling fighting spirit has not weakened in the slightest.

Zhao Yuan was secretly surprised.

If you simply look at the strength of the body, Kuang Biao is undoubtedly the most powerful master Zhao Yuan has encountered since his debut, enough to compete with the four gods.

Although the exercises practiced by the four great gods are physically tyrannical, strictly speaking, the four great gods are not purely physical cultivation, because Gang Qi is actually a branch of self-cultivation, but it is not recognized by the self-cultivation world.

When Zhao Yuan was secretly surprised, Kuang Biao's inner shock was undeniable.

In the round of battle just now, Kuang Biao was completely at a disadvantage.

Not only Kuang Biao was shocked, but also the thousands of people watching were shocked. Among these thousands of people, there are countless masters, so naturally they saw the clues.

The city lord also had a solemn expression on his face.

The fighting style of this long-haired young man is refreshing. It is very similar to Kuang Biao's desperate style. Not only is his physical body stronger, but also in terms of skills, the long-haired young man is also superior.

How old is he?

The city lord and a group of middle-aged people glanced at each other.

A trace of doubts arose in people's hearts.

In the city of exile, except for some gifted wizards, fighting skills increase with the years, and, in order to acquire fighting skills, the only way other than hunting in meteorite belts is to keep challenging master.

However, in the city of exile, no one imitates Kuang Biao, because challenging human masters is far more dangerous than hunting in the meteorite belt, and they are often killed. After all, not everyone has Kuang Biao's skills.

Some masters of the new generation would rather go deep into the meteorite belt to hunt than easily challenge human masters.

At the age of a young man with long hair, it is impossible to have a long training time at all, which means that it is impossible to have a wealth of fighting experience. However, from the current point of view, his fighting skills are extremely proficient. Fighting Kuang Biao He didn't feel the slightest jerky feeling when he was fighting, which shows that his fighting skills are the result of thousands of years of training in actual combat.

Could it really be the hunter of Sky City?

The mayor frowned.

The city of exile advocates actual combat ability, and pays attention to the fighting style of fighting like a tiger in one go; while the city of the sky focuses more on the training of skills, and there are advantages and disadvantages between the two.

The overall strength of the city of exile has always been stronger than the city of the sky, but the individual strength is not satisfactory.For thousands of years, the number of space hunters born in the city of sky is dozens of times that of the city of exile.

In the past 20 years, the city of exile has not advanced to a space hunter, while two space hunters have appeared in the city of sky. The gap between the two can be seen.

Cosmic Hunter, this is the pain in the heart of the city lord Fang Yong.

Among the new generation in the city of exile, none of them have seen the power of the space hunter, and they only learned some gossip about the way of the space hunter.

No one knows the power of a space hunter better than the city lord, because his brother is Fang Hai, the most famous space hunter in the city of exile.

Now, the Exiled City pins all its hopes on Kuang Biao, who is considered to be one of the masters most likely to advance to the space hunter.

Because of this, Kuangbiao's challenge in the city of exile won the tolerance of most people.

The beast tide is approaching, the space hunters should be back!

Whether it is the City of the Sun or the City of Exile, the return of the space hunter is a top priority, because it is not only to resist the beast tide, but also to set an example for the new generation of the city, so that they have a goal to fight for.

The battle is on!

Just as the city lord Fang Yong was thinking, the battle began.

This time, it was Zhao Yuan who attacked first.

Zhao Yuan looked at Kuang Biao with a solemn look on his face.

The battle just now gave Zhao Yuan a great understanding. This kind of understanding is hard to describe in words, as if he has found the true meaning of life, he can only feel it, but cannot express it in words.

Seeing Zhao Yuan approaching step by step, Kuang Biao, who clenched his fists tightly, looked solemn, and he felt that the long-haired young man in front of him was constantly changing.No!That's not a change, that's a promotion.

If he hadn't experienced it personally, Kuang Biao couldn't believe that a person would advance continuously in a short battle. You must know that many people can only advance once in their entire lives.

Kuang Biao knew that it was not an illusion, he had clearly felt that the young man with long hair had advanced to a new level, a level of perfect merit.

The fighting spirit surged wildly in the square, and the city of exile, which had never been windless, was swept by gusts of wind, and the surrounding towering trees were blown up and their branches and leaves were blown up, making whistling sounds.

In the face of strong pressure, Kuang Biao, known for his perseverance, did not flinch.

Kuangbiao's bones made a crackling sound like firecrackers, and he felt that some of his strength had been sublimated.

Seeing Zhao Yuan walk by step by step, Kuangbiao's eyes revealed a frenzy...


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