wicked immortal

Chapter 613

"Congratulations on the promotion!"

Looking at Kuang Biao's fanatical gaze, Zhao Yuan smiled.

"Gulu Gulu..." Kuang Biao really wanted to speak, but unfortunately, as long as he opened his mouth, a mouthful of black blood would come out, and he couldn't make a sound at all.

"After you recover from your injury, we'll have another hearty battle!"

Zhao Yuan seemed to know what Kuang Biao wanted to say.

Kuang Biao nodded his head vigorously, with a look of relief on his face.


With a muffled sound, Kuang Biao just nodded his head slightly, his body lost his balance, and he fell straight backwards, and the diamond rock with a radius of several meters around his feet turned into powder, forming a deep pit. On the huge square, it looks extremely unsightly.

"Kuang Biao has advanced to Cosmic Hunter!"

Seeing the diamond powder around Kuangbiao's fall, City Master Fang Yong's eyes widened suddenly, and he almost threw himself on the window with an incredulous expression on his face.

"Yes, the moment he made contact with that long-haired young man's fist, he was promoted." A middle-aged man clenched his fists tightly, with an expression of excitement on his face.

It's 20!

20 years!

It has been 20 years since the city of exile has advanced to the level of space hunter.

The inconceivable expression of the city lord Fang Yong turned into excitement, and immediately, he was already in tears.

Under the eyes of thousands of people, Zhao Yuan strode up to Big Beard and Zaza.

Before Zhao Yuan could open his mouth, Zaza, who looked terrified, had already given away all his property. He never dreamed that he would actually offend a space hunter.

With an excited face, Huang Dong unceremoniously swept away the belongings in Zhaza's hands, with an abominable look on his face.

Surrounded by Huang Dong's kitten and Xiaoping, Zhao Yuan walked towards the small stone house. Along the way, the people retreated like a tide to make way, and everyone looked at Zhao Yuan with a sense of awe. color.

Usually, it is difficult for ordinary people to see the battle between space hunters.

Zhao Yuan did not expect that the battle just now not only allowed Kuang Biao to advance, but also brought many onlookers to a whole new level. The strength of the entire city of exile was due to the battle between him and Kuang Biao got a boost.

Just after Zhao Yuan left, City Lord Fang Yong and a group of middle-aged people shot at Kuang Biao's side like ghosts.

Soon, the news of Kuang Biao's promotion to the space hunter spread to every corner of the city of exile, the whole city of exile was immersed in carnival, people gathered together, repeatedly talking about the earth-shattering battle just now, and Zhao Yuan The scene of sympathy with Kuang Biao is even more enjoyable to talk about.

The birth of two space hunters at a time is a great joy for the city of exile who has not advanced to a space hunter in 20 years.

At this time, almost everyone regarded Zhao Yuan as the space hunter of the city of exile.

In fact, not only some people regard Zhao Yuan as the city of exile, but also Fang Yong and others regard Zhao Yuan as their own at this time. The reason is very simple. If Zhao Yuan is the space hunter of the city of space, With all the advantages, he will never let Kuang Biao seriously injured.

The middle-aged man who wanted to kill Zhao Yuan was secretly glad that he didn't make a big mistake...


"Are you a space hunter?"

After entering the hut, the kitten Huang Dong and Xiaoping asked in unison, their eyes filled with endless admiration.

"Yes." Zhao Yuan's heart moved. Although he didn't know how powerful the space hunter was, since everyone thought he was a space hunter, he simply admitted that he could still inquire about the news of the space hunter.

"My God, a space hunter has come to our house!" The kitten rubbed his eyes, as if he couldn't believe his eyes.

"Cosmic Hunter..." Xiaoping trembled and stretched out his arm, wanting to touch Zhao Yuan, but he was frozen in the air, not daring to make the next move.

"Boss, let's go hunting!" Huang Dong said enthusiastically.

"There will be a horde of beasts soon, it's too late to go hunting." The kitten also expressed hope, but said regretfully.

"We can go to the sea of ​​clouds!" Huang Dong looked hopeful.

"Ah... Yunhai, you are crazy!" The kitten turned pale with shock.

"That's right." The dull Xiaoping looked forward to the kitten's lead and immediately nodded in agreement.

"I'm not familiar with Yunhai, let me tell you."

The three of them told Zhao Yuan everything about Yunhai's situation.

It turned out that thousands of years ago, the city of the sky, the city of exile, and the sea of ​​clouds were one huge land. Later, for unknown reasons, this huge land suddenly broke into countless pieces, and the largest of them The city of land and sky and the city of exile are occupied by humans.

The sea of ​​clouds is not a piece of land, but the density of meteorites in the sea of ​​clouds is very high, one piece after another, it is called the sea of ​​clouds.

Because of the high density of meteorites in the Sea of ​​Clouds, except for the lack of the sun, its ecological environment is very similar to that of the Sky City and the City of Exile. However, it is not suitable for human habitation, and it is mainly occupied by some ferocious beasts.

According to a space hunter who has been to the sea of ​​clouds, the beasts in the sea of ​​clouds are very ferocious. Even herbivores have extremely cruel temperaments. Moreover, they all have their own territories, and even animals dare not invade them.

The sea of ​​clouds is not far from the city of exile, and you can go back and forth without taking it for a day. However, because the sea of ​​clouds is extremely dangerous, only the super strong space hunters dare to enter, and ordinary people will never dare to step over the thunder pool.

I have never heard of a case where ordinary people came out alive after entering.

"Okay, let's go to the sea of ​​clouds!" Zhao Yuan stood up long.

"Ah..." Xiaomao and Xiaoping looked dull.

"Shall we leave now?" Huang Dong was a newborn calf who was not afraid of tigers, with an eager look on his face.


Zhao Yuan strode out.

"Shall we... shall we go?" Xiaoping looked at the kitten stammering, with a look of fear on his face.

"up to you!"

The kitten snorted coldly and chased after it.

With a sad face, Xiaoping closed the stone door and followed behind the kitten.

Not long after Zhao Yuan and his party left, the lord of Fang Yong and the core figures of the City of Exiles all arrived at Huang Dong's house, knocked on the door respectfully, and waited outside.

No matter where it is, the strong can get enough respect.

As a space hunter, it was natural for the city lord to greet him in person. Unfortunately, Zhao Yuan went out. After inquiring, he found out that Zhao Yuan had gone hunting in the sea of ​​clouds. After hearing the news, Fang Yong and his party immediately looked at each other in dismay.

"Oops, the beast horde is coming soon." A middle-aged man turned pale with shock.

"They went to the Sea of ​​Clouds, probably wanting to come back before the beast horde, don't worry about that." City Master Fang Yong shook his head and said.

"At such a critical time, what are they doing in the sea of ​​clouds?"

"Maybe it's experience..."


Everyone couldn't agree on a reason, so they had to arrange people to stay at Huang Dong's house, and when Zhao Yuan came back, they could get the news as soon as possible.

Zhao Yuan and his party walked eastward along the cliffs of the city of exile. The scenery along the way was steep and majestic, with flying waterfalls and magnificent scenery. Zhao Yuan marveled at the uncanny craftsmanship of nature and the magic of the creator.

After walking for more than ten miles, led by the kitten, he fell down the cliff and jumped for dozens of miles in the void, until he arrived at a meteorite belt.

It really is a well-deserved reputation.

The dense meteorites stretched all the way to the sky, as if there was no end to the sea of ​​clouds.

There is no sun in the meteorite belt, but it is not dark and dark. There is just a clean sky above the meteorite belt. The bright starlight shines on the meteorite belt along this sky. See everything at a glance.

Along the way, Zhao Yuan was amazed.

The secret book of meteorites in the sea of ​​clouds is beyond Zhao Yuan's imagination. One piece is connected, and the cracks are still consistent in some places. It can be seen that a huge stone has been broken into countless fragments, and then suspended in the air, forming a piece. Jagged giant jigsaw puzzle.

In the sea of ​​clouds, most places can be walked on foot, and occasionally there will be some unfathomable cracks. It is said that there are some extremely ferocious beasts lurking in most of these cracks.

Compared with the city of exile, the sea of ​​clouds is dark, and in the sea of ​​clouds, towering trees are extremely rare, most of them are clumps of shrubs and weeds, and the moss is thicker than other meteorite belts. A thin layer of almost transparent water mist clings to the ground like a ribbon.

Another strange ecological environment.

Here, there is no water source, but the thin layer of mist provides water for the plants, and, from the shape of the plants, it can be inferred that the plants here absorb water through the exposed branches and leaves...


Zhao Yuan's body stopped suddenly, his brows twitched, his long hair fluttered automatically without wind.

"Where is anyone?"

The kitten looked around, but under the bright starlight, there was no one.

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