wicked immortal

Chapter 615

The goal of everyone is the core earth of the sea of ​​clouds, the zone in the clouds.

The cloud zone is formed by mountain breaks, and the meteorites broken by the high mountains still maintain the direction of the mountains. If it is not for the unfathomable cliffs and abyss that appear from time to time, it is easy to mistake this place for land.

As the distance from the city of exile gets farther and farther away, perhaps because of the less and less dust in the universe, the starlight is extremely bright and pure, and the visibility is very high. Human eyesight can reach hundreds of feet away. Plants can be described as full of details.

What surprised Zhao Yuan was that he didn't encounter any ferocious beasts on this journey, and when he heard noises occasionally, he could only hear the sound and not see the shape.

Everyone couldn't find the reason, because Kitty and the others had no experience in hunting in the sea of ​​clouds at all, and their eyes were all black.

Because of the lessons learned from the sneak attack of the scorpion, people keep a safe distance from the ground when they are on the road, and try not to walk on land unless they need to borrow strength, especially those dark abyss, which is the most important thing to be wary of heavy.

Zhao Yuan has been using "quietness" to search a radius of hundreds of miles, but he has never found any traces of human activities. However, Zhao Yuan vaguely felt that those people seemed to be approaching them. This feeling is indescribable. , is purely an intuition.

After more than two hours, Zhao Yuan and his party approached the cloud zone.

After arriving in the cloud zone, Zhao Yuan discovered that the gravitational force of the land was getting stronger and stronger, and the three kittens could no longer fly in the air and could only walk on the ground. Fortunately, the caracal dragon tied with the meteorite was still floating in the air. In the air, it can be guided forward without too much effort.

Although the plants on the ground are still low, they are getting more and more lush. The thick moss is like a blanket on the ground, and the air is filled with the fragrance of plants.

Because of the lush plants, the walking speed is getting slower and slower.

"Didn't it mean that there are many ferocious beasts here?" Zhao Yuan asked suspiciously.

"Yes, that's what they say..." Huang Dong looked depressed. Originally, he wanted to rely on Zhao Yuan, a space hunter, to hunt more prey, but now, this plan seems to have failed. There was no sign of the beast.

What made Huang Dong feel gratified was that he had already hunted a caracal dragon, so he would not return empty-handed.

"Hey, look to the east!" Xiao Ping, who had just jumped into the air and pulled the corpse of the caracal dragon, suddenly shouted excitedly after landing.

"What?" Kitten was very displeased with Xiaoping's fuss.

"Qiong tree, Qiongshu, it's Qiongshu!" Xiaoping said incoherently.

"Qiong tree?!" The kitten's delicate body trembled, and she stared at Xiaoping with wide eyes, as if she wanted to see something in his eyes.

"Really, that's right, it's really Qiongshu!" Xiaoping looked excited.

"Wow...it's really Qiongshu!"

Huang Dong couldn't wait to jump on the corpse of the Jiaojiao, raised his eyes to look at it, and immediately let out an earth-shattering laugh.

Zhao Yuan also jumped onto the corpse of the dragon, and saw a towering tree in the distance, which was particularly eye-catching among the low plants. Of course, it was not the tree's body that caught the eye. Tall, after all, it was the Qiongshu that exuded a kind of gleaming light, which was not ordinary at first glance.

"What kind of tree is Qiongshu?" Zhao Yuan asked curiously seeing the three people salivating.

"The leaves you ate last time were the leaves on the Joan tree." Huang Dong shot a fanatical gaze from his eyes.


Zhao Yuan nodded.

At this time, Zhao Yuan already had a certain understanding of Qiong Ye and its magical effect.

Because of the unique environment of the city of exile, there is a lack of edible green plants, and the leaves of the Joan tree can not only easily supplement the nutrients needed by the human body, but also can strengthen the body, allowing the human body to adapt to the harsh environment in the universe .

Humans in the city of exile can obtain basic Qiongshu leaves for free before the age of 15. Once they reach adulthood, they need to exchange prey for Qiongye.In the city of exile, hunter is not the only profession, there are many other professions, such as cobbler, shoemaker, blacksmith and so on. These professions are the basic social structure of the city of exile, and most of these practitioners are It is people who are not good at hunting. Their existence makes the city of exile a complete social structure. If you want to exchange materials from them, you also need Qiong Ye.

Except for underage children, anyone needs to pay to get Qiongye. In the city of exile, there is no free lunch. Everyone must make themselves stronger. The only result of being eliminated is death.

In the city of exile, Qiongye is not only a consumable, but also one of the most important currencies. Many people will use Qiongye as a payment method.

Qiongshu in the sea of ​​clouds!

Unowned Qiongshu!

Get rich!

Get rich!

In the eyes of Huang Dong, Xiaomao and Xiaoping, a frenzied light shot out.

"Let's go... Brother Yuan, why don't you go?" Huang Dong urged.

"and many more."

Zhao Yuan made a silent movement, staring intently at the majestic Joan tree in the distance, he had a feeling of extreme danger, it felt like quicksilver pervasive.

The silvery starlight generously scattered on the earth, the sky was so pure that there was no trace of impurities, and the starry sky was vast and deep.

Zhao Yuan discovered that the tall Qiong tree grew on a hilltop. The hilltop was not high, and the terrain above it was slightly higher, which looked like an undulating slope.What is strange is that, unlike the luxuriant Qiong tree, there is no grass around the hillside, and there are jagged rocks everywhere, like beasts lurking in the darkness. , Among the chaotic rocks, there are many skeletons of large beasts, and human skeletons mixed in, which is inexplicably chilling.

"so quiet!"

At this time, Kitty and the others also noticed something was wrong.

With the Joan tree as the center, there is no sound for tens of miles, just like a lifeless picture scroll unfolded under the bright starlight, there is a suffocating and maddening tranquility.

Among the bare rocks, there was a breath of death, and the cold air hit people.

"There are guardians here!" Xiaoping's voice trembled.

"What is a guardian?" Zhao Yuan was taken aback.

"I've also heard people say that in the sea of ​​clouds, there are many exotic flowers and herbs. Those things usually have some magical functions. On the body, the skin on the body will be covered with a layer of armor to improve defense capabilities. There is also a blue vine that can satisfy hunger. It is only the size of a thumb and can go without food for several months. Some space hunters, They will bring some to the depths of the universe to practice, and they will not return for decades..."

Under Xiaoping's explanation, Zhao Yuan understood.

In the sea of ​​clouds, some magical plants will be guarded by ferocious beasts, known as guardians.

Of course, in Zhao Yuan's view, the so-called guardian is just a title for human beings, but in fact, those beasts guarding around those magical plants are more because they use these plants as bait and wait for rabbits.

Qiong Ye is extremely precious in the city of exile, and in this sea of ​​clouds, there is actually such a big Qiong tree growing lushly. It seems that the fighting power of this guardian beast is extremely terrifying, at least, it is so terrifying that even a space hunter would have to Otherwise, he would have been killed by an experienced space hunter long ago. After all, this Qiongshu is too eye-catching in this wasteland, so eye-catching that no one can ignore its existence...


Eddie frowned at the lush Joan tree.

Eddie is no stranger to this Joan tree, because he had been here decades ago. For a few Joan leaves, he lost three companions, and those companions were infinitely close to the universe hunter exist.

Behind Eddie, there is a young man with a big belly. The young man looks pretty good-looking, but his eyes reveal a look of obscenity, his lips are bloodless, and his teeth are uneven. He is not a good person at first sight.

This young man with a big belly is not simple, he is Yan Shaojie, the only son of Yan, the lord of Sky City.

Yan Shaojie coveted this Qiongshu for a long time, taking advantage of many experts rushing back due to the beast tide, he immediately led a group of experts to the sea of ​​clouds.

This time, Yan Shaojie was determined to win. In addition to the cosmic hunter Eddie to help out, there were also five masters who were infinitely close to the cosmic hunter to follow. The lineup was extremely luxurious.

"Shaojie, this tree has grown here for thousands of years. Naturally, there is a reason for it. We can just pick a few Qiong Ye. Why do we need to dig it away? Besides, if we dig it away, we won't be able to leave quickly, and we will definitely be with you." That cloud sea golden eagle clashed..."

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