wicked immortal

Chapter 627 Disagreement

Twenty hours later, it will be time for the sun to go out.

Zhao Yuan was notified to hold a meeting in the conference hall.

Through these few days of understanding, Zhao Yuan has a new understanding of the city of exile.The City of Exiles is a highly free and highly privatized city, where both life and property are protected by a code of "Fairness, Justice and Freedom".

Because of this law code, the prosperity of the city of exile was formed.

According to historical records, when the Barracks Continent was torn apart, the canyon of the city of exile was actually a huge prison. After hundreds of years, the soldiers followed one after another, and finally maintained the dignity of the code.

It was also because of that battle that the city of exiles became what it is today.

In the city of exile, everyone will swear to fight for the code of the city of exile, and among them, protecting the city of exile is everyone's obligation.

According to the code, there is only one kind of person in the city of exile who is not restricted by the code, and that is the legendary invincible hunter.

Of course, if you have the money to go out, if you don’t have the money to contribute, there are many unwritten rules in the city of exile. For example, every ten years when there is a beast tide, the owners of some Qiongshu will distribute Qiongye for free.

Here, it is worth explaining that in the city of exile, every viburnum tree has an owner.

In this understanding, Zhao Yuan also gained some in-depth understanding of Sky City.Unlike the City of Exiles, which advocates fairness, justice and freedom, the City of Sky is a dictatorial city, and everything is decided by the city owner. The entire space city is almost the private property of the Yan family.

It is precisely because of the different concepts that the Sky City and the City of Exile are incompatible.

Of course, apart from the different ideas, the humans in Sky City have a sense of superiority, because they used to be the masters of the Barracks Continent, while the City of Exiles is a place where thieves, robbers, and rapists gather ...


Zhao Yuan attended the meeting alone, Huang Dong and others were not qualified to attend the meeting.

The deliberation hall is a spacious and bright building, but the inside is very simple, with some long stools.

Nine respected elders were already seated at the elders' seat in the meeting hall.To Zhao Yuan's surprise, he originally thought that those respected elders should be masters, but they were ordinary people, but the people who attended the meeting were all masters, exuding a powerful aura, although they were just quiet Sitting there quietly, it is like a mountain.

The meeting started with a lot of noise, people arguing with each other, like a vegetable market.

After half an hour, Zhao Yuan understood what everyone was arguing about.

It turned out that the scale of this animal swarm surpassed any previous records in history. Facing the ocean-like animal swarm, everyone felt extreme pressure.

The entire city of exile was panicked.

Under such circumstances, some people believe that human beings should form death squads to drive away beasts and relieve the pressure after the sun goes out.

Some people also think that the city should be built high and more weapons should be prepared for emergencies.

Some people suggested that those ferocious beasts came for Qiongye, why not just take off the Qiongye, and then temporarily avoid the edge, and after the beast tide is over, everyone will return to the city of exile...


Hearing all kinds of suggestions, Zhao Yuan couldn't help but smile wryly.

Except for agreeing to the initiative of humans to attack, Zhao Yuan thinks that other suggestions are not feasible.

Prepare more weapons, how much is appropriate?Zhao Yuan already knew that this city of exile was extremely barren. Not only was it lacking in metal, but even the materials for making bows were extremely rare. The so-called combat weapons were nothing more than daggers, and the better ones were axes and long knives. There are not many long weapons such as spears.

To put it simply, the weapons in the city of exile are not suitable for long-distance combat. If you want to resist the beast, the only way is to fight the beast close to hand.

Thinking of the beast covered with bone spurs, Zhao Yuan couldn't help but smile wryly. He couldn't imagine how a human's thin body would fight in the crowd of beasts.

If it is ordinary people, I am afraid that they will be trampled into meat in an instant.

As for picking Qiong Ye, that's just talking, because there are very strict rules for picking the leaves of the Qiong tree. Once the amount is exceeded, the Qiong tree will wither or even die, and it will take at least decades to recover.

"Okay!" City Lord Fang Yong waved his hand, and the meeting hall became quiet.

"Everyone, I have checked a lot of historical events. In history, the largest beast swarm has been at least 1000 years old, and the number of beast swarms that almost turned the city of exile into ruins is far less than the number of this beast swarm. In other words, this time the beast tide has broken the number of any previous beast tide, which means that this time the beast tide crisis will be the most serious crisis in the city of exile. It is very likely that the beast tide After the tide, the city of exile will become a barren land, hundreds of thousands of residents in the city will be displaced, and some old, weak, sick and disabled will also lose their shelter..."

Fang Yong's voice was a little hoarse, which made people feel inexplicably heavy.

"City Lord, since you can't escape, why don't you give it a go!" A big man suddenly stood up and said with pride.

Zhao Yuan couldn't help but took a deep look at the man. The man was majestic, wearing a black vest and leather armor, and his exposed arm muscles bulged, as if he contained endless power.

"City Master, what the third brother said is right, we can't sit still, even if we die, we must die on the battlefield, and die vigorously, instead of being chased and trampled by ferocious beasts, and die without dignity!" A man with a huge ax on his back The man also stood up.

"City Lord think twice, there are natural dangers in this barracks canyon that can be used as a guard of honor. Every time there is a wave of beasts, we have survived safely. Why should we take the risk of taking the initiative to attack? If we take the initiative to attack and anger the herd of beasts, wouldn't it be self-defeating?" An elder with a gray beard stood up. , said tremblingly.

"That's right, you were killed in battle, what should we do?" Another elder echoed.


All of a sudden, the crowd started arguing again, each of them was so blue veined and spitting.

After some debate, Zhao Yuan understood.

Now, it is divided into two factions, one is the radical faction mainly hunters, they have always believed that they should take the initiative to attack the arrogance of beasts; It is necessary to take risks, in case the herd is angered, it is not beautiful.

The differences have become more and more serious, and the two parties have reached the point where they slapped the table and threw the bench.

City Lord Fang Yong appeased everyone again, and then announced the vote.

Without any suspense, the conservative faction with the numerical advantage won, and a group of hunters got up and left angrily.

When the meeting ended, Zhao Yuan was still sitting on the stool in a daze, he didn't even have time to speak, the matter had already been settled...


"It's over?" Zhao Yuan looked at Fang Yong who came over.

"I can't do anything." Fang Yong shook his head, a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"How did the beast tide survive before?" Zhao Yuan asked.

"After the sun goes out, they will flood into every corner of the city of exile like a tide, eating all the edible green plants in the city of exile, and some of the ferocious herbivores will gather in the inner city barracks, trying to break through The human line of defense..."

After Fang Yong's brief introduction, Zhao Yuan understood why those elders tended to be more defensive, because most of the beast hordes in the past were tortured in the outer city of the city of exile, and did not spread to the inner city.

"The beast tide this time is different from the past." Zhao Yuan reminded.

"I know that too, that's why I let you attend the meeting."

"Huh?" Zhao Yuan couldn't help being taken aback, he didn't understand why things would involve him.

"Are you an exile from Sky City?" City Lord Fang Yong stared at Zhao Yuan with deep eyes, as if he wanted to see through Zhao Yuan's soul.

"Exile?" Zhao Yuan was taken aback again.

"I have checked the population files of the city of exile, and there is no information about you. In fact, no one in the city of exile knows you... As for Huang Dong and the others, I have already asked him from the side. He is in the meteorite belt. I met you while hunting..."

"Well, I'm an exile." Zhao Yuan didn't want to get entangled in this issue. No matter what, he always needed an identity. As for what identity, he didn't care at all.

"It's also possible, it's a spy." Fang Yong's gaze became extremely sharp.

"Hehe, tell me, what do you want me to do?" Zhao Yuan smiled.

"Now is an extraordinary period. It is absolutely impossible for City Lord Yan to send an expert like you to the City of Exile to spy on news. Then, you should be an exile who committed crimes in the City of Sky..." Fang Yong looked calm when he saw Zhao Yuan The originally sharp eyes softened a lot.

"It really doesn't matter who I am, the most urgent thing now is to get the city of exile to tide over the difficulties." Zhao Yuan said lightly.

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