"Spar... ah..."

Because everyone blocked Wan Ziyu's sight, Wan Ziyu didn't see the spar on the coffee table. He followed Wan Ling'er's hand, and his face suddenly became dull. On the coffee table, there were more than a dozen brilliant The radiant spar, the colorful light that emanates, makes people feel dizzy.

"You... you... where did you get so many crystals?" Wan Ziyu looked shocked.

"Brother Ziyu, in order to save you, we have already consumed nine top-quality crystals." Seeing Wan Ziyu's shocked expression, Master Suxin smiled too.

"Nine...nine...exquisite spar..."

Wan Ziyu stared at the dim crystal stones beside the cloud bed, and was shocked from ear to ear, and then turned into a look of pity.

"Brother Ziyu, don't be distressed. You can survive, which proves that brother Ziyu's life span is not over. This is God's will. Well, brother Ziyu has just recovered. There must be many things to do. The poor nun will not bother you. Brother Yu, see you by fate." Master Suxin bent down to pack her things.

"Master, you can take these crystals." Seeing that Master Suxin was about to leave, Wan Ziyu said hastily.

"Thank you brother Ziyu for your kindness." Master Suxin shook his head too, "It must be that each of these crystals is hard-won. How can Poor Nihede possess so many crystals? Brother Ziyu should collect them carefully so that we can save them. Prepare for emergencies."

"Ziyu knows that my master has always been a bodhisattva, but if my master doesn't take some spar, I, Wan Ziyu, will have trouble sleeping and eating! Master, please don't refuse Ziyu's kindness. Besides, my master will hang a pot to help the world, No remuneration, just keep some crystals by your side, so that you can ask other people who should be saved to accumulate some merit for Zi Yu."

"Hehe, since Brother Ziyu said so, then the poor nun should be respectful rather than obedient. Forget it, I'll take two crystals!" Master Suxin nodded with a smile, walked calmly to the side of the tea table, and picked up two crystals. stone.

"Wait a minute, master!" Wan Ling'er said suddenly.

"Niece, if you have something to say, say it."

"Master, this spar can't be taken for nothing." Wan Ling'er rolled her eyes.

"Ling'er, don't be rude!" Wan Ziyu scolded with a pale face.

"Niece, just say yes." Master Suxin didn't care too much, and gently put the spar back on the coffee table in his hand, without any sign of reluctance.

"Then I'll tell you..." Wan Ling'er walked up to Mrs. Suxin, wrapped her arms around her neck affectionately, whispered into her ear, and made Mrs. Suxin chuckle from time to time.

"Alright, don't worry, Ling'er, it's all a matter of little effort, and my spar will definitely not be taken for nothing."

After Wan Ling'er finished speaking, Master Suxin bowed slightly to everyone, and naturally picked up two crystals from the coffee table, and floated away.

Before leaving, Master Suxin took a look at Zhao Yuan, and there was a trace of regret in his eyes. This son is full of heaven and has excellent bones, but it is a pity that he is old and has no aura.

Watching Master Suxin leave, Zhao Yuan felt inexplicable respect.This nun is calm and unhurried in her gestures, and she is not surprised by the temptation of a large pile of crystals. Her indifference to utilitarianism is really very human.

"Ling'er, what did you say?" Chen asked.



"Ling'er, where did you get these spars?" Wan Ziyu's eyes fell on Zhao Yuan, "Is it him?"


"Xiao Zhao, tell me." Wan Ziyu looked at Zhao Yuan, not angry but arrogant.

"Master, I don't know if you want to hear the truth or a lie?"

"How do you say that?" Wan Ziyu was taken aback.

"If the master wants to listen to the truth, Xiao Zhao has nothing to say. If the master wants to listen to lies, then Xiao Zhao has to think about it first, so as not to reveal his flaws and be questioned by the master. It is not beautiful."

"...Hahaha, what a shame, you've pushed it all the way." Although Wan Ziyu was smiling, his face was filled with anger.

"Ziyu, forget it." Chen Shi gave Wan Ziyu a wink.

"Hmph, for Madam's sake, I'll forgive you first and step down."

"Thank you, master." Zhao Yuan bowed and exited the secret room.

"Ling'er, I didn't let you back down!"

"Ahem...Father...I'm giving you and mom some private space..." Wan Ling'er, who had sneaked to the door originally, looked embarrassed.

"Damn girl!" Mrs. Chen scolded with a smile.Now Chen's mood is extremely good, watching the father and daughter fight with a smile.

"Do you think dad will let you go if you don't make it clear?" Wan Ziyu sneered.

"Father, you have always taught your daughter to be a heroine who stands up to the heavens and to the ground, and she must speak her words. So, this time, my daughter has made a decision. She would rather die than speak, and will never betray father's teachings!"

"Ahem... You never took your words seriously before." Seeing Wan Ling'er's expression of preferring death to surrender, Wan Ziyu coughed twice.

"It's not too late to make up for it. Starting today, I decide to keep my oath."

"You made an oath?" Wan Ziyu's expression changed dramatically.

"Yes." Wan Ling'er said firmly.

"Okay, okay, if you don't say it, don't say it, Dad is not rare! By the way, are all these crystals for me?" Wan Ziyu sighed, suddenly salivating, and looked greedily at him with his eyes. The pile of crystals on the coffee table.

"Hmph, don't even think about it, it's Linger's spar."

"Ah... cough cough... this... this..." Wan Ziyu looked disappointed, rubbing his hands anxiously, circling around the pile of crystals like ants on a hot pot.

"Father, for the sake of being good to Ling'er, I can give you two!"

"Ah...haha... two top-quality crystals... Thank you Linger, thank you Linger, Linger is just good..." Wan Ziyu squatted down hurriedly, his eyes staring like lanterns, and carefully selected the crystals , Picking up one and putting down the other, he couldn't put it down, and for a while, he didn't know how to choose.

"Father, they're all about the same, just these two!"

Wan Ling'er walked over, picked two at random and stuffed them into Wan Ziyu's hands, then swept the crystals into the skin bag with a single brain, and the secret room immediately became dark and dull.

"Let me see more, see more... just watch for a while, watch for a while... my dear, just take a look..."

Wan Ziyu grabbed a spar with one hand, and chased after Wan Linger's butt, with a fawning expression on his face.

Seeing the father and daughter chasing after each other in the room, Chen's face was filled with a happy smile. This family was finally complete again.

The hardest days are over.

Wanjia West Courtyard has restored its former peace and tranquility.

After the Chinese New Year, the east courtyard gradually became lively, some workers went to work one after another, and more and more merchants purchased goods.

During this time, Zhao Yuan seldom went out to help. During the day, he stayed in his room to practice, and at night, he and Wan Ling'er went to Xiaoyang Mountain to dig snow caves to find dead bodies.

Fortunately, Zhao was originally an idler in the East Courtyard. Apart from cleaning the stables and feeding the horses, he was not responsible for other specific tasks, and no one noticed him.As for Deaf Jia, he didn't care about Zhao Yuan at all, he worked hard every day, and didn't need Zhao Yuan's help.

It is not an easy task to dig out the corpse from the tens of millions of tons of snow.Although Zhao Yuan learned a lot of calculation methods from Gauss, they were all dead calculation methods, and the environment that caused the avalanche at that time was extremely complicated. In addition to lightning, steep rocks and trees, and the direction of the hillside could make the avalanche The direction of the avalanche produces countless changes.

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