wicked immortal

Chapter 630 Two strong meet


Bakai let out a long roar, and suddenly jumped into the crowd of beasts. His weapon was a two-foot-long Mitsubishi thorn. The Mitsubishi thorn seemed to have been processed by a certain process. It was not dazzling in the sun, and emitted a A frightening breath of death.

chi chi...

The power of the Mitsubishi thorn was extremely terrifying, where it passed, blood flowed like a river, and beasts fell to death one by one. In just a few breaths, behind Bakai, dozens of large herbivores had already fallen to death.

Contrary to Zhao Yuan's wild fighting style, Bahai's movements are agile and light. In the beast tide, he is calm and unhurried, and the efficiency of the Mitsubishi thorn is also extremely high. Every kill is extremely precise. Among them, none of them fail, it can be called perfect, and its visual impact is also extremely shocking.

Soon, Bahai killed Zhao Yuan.

"You're here." Zhao Yuan punched a ferocious beast away, and asked something unnutritious.

"It's better to die vigorously on the battlefield than just waiting to die on it." Bahai laughed.

"Let's fight together!"

"Fight alongside!"

Both of them are men, so they don't need too many words, just a look, a movement, and they understand each other naturally.

Soon, the two began to fall into a bitter battle.

Zhao Yuan's wild fighting style and the joining of the space hunter Bahai made the hunters excited for a while, but they still couldn't reverse the situation in the city of exile. Seeing the tide of beasts coming from all directions, the hunters on the top of the cliff All of them are heartbroken.

At this time, Zhao Yuan and Bahai are like a drop of water in the ocean, falling into the ocean, it is just a fleeting and insignificant wave.

The end is near.

Zhao Yuan's battle awakened the wildness of the hunters at first, but this did not arouse people's desire to survive, but instead made them more desperate.

Desperation is in the air like a virus.

Zhao Yuan's divine sense monitored everything, and he immediately realized that in order to change the way of fighting, he must arouse the hope in people's hearts and let them participate in the battle to change their own destiny.

It is better to teach people to fish than to teach people.

As long as Zhao Yuan enters the realm of phantom, he can repel the terrifying beast horde by himself, but he knows very well that he can't do this, because he can't protect this city forever, what he has to do is to set people on fire The torch of hope in the heart ignites the fighting spirit in people's hearts.

Impressively, Zhao Yuan let out a long roar that pierced the clouds and cracked the rocks.

Amidst the howling sound, a golden light appeared from the sky, like a golden lightning bolt, and in the blink of an eye, that ball of golden light appeared above Zhao Yuan's head.

The golden eagle in the sea of ​​clouds.

"Noble golden eagle, let the honor spread throughout the city of exile!" Zhao Yuan said loudly.


The Cloud Sea Golden Eagle seemed very satisfied that Zhao Yuan added the word "noble" in front of its name, which greatly satisfied its vanity. After making a few ear-piercing chirps, it began to flap its wings and fly towards the beast. Fly to the periphery of the tide...


The scene in front of them fell into the eyes of the hunters, and their eyes showed shock.

In the city of exile, there are also many humans keeping pets, but it is unheard of for people to keep golden eagles in the sea of ​​clouds as pets.

People saw that the Golden Eagle in the Sea of ​​Clouds was indeed astonishingly powerful, and there was a short period of turmoil and uneasiness in the beast crowd, but it did not affect the entire beast herd, and soon, the beast herd became orderly again.

Although the Cloud Sea Golden Eagle is powerful, it is not powerful enough to scare away the ocean-like beast tide. Besides, there are even more powerful beasts lurking in this beast tide. Facing this huge herd of beasts, Yunhai The golden eagle does not dare to take risks easily.

The Golden Eagle in the Sea of ​​Clouds can live to be six hundred years old because of its intelligence. At this moment, naturally, it will not do some stupid things that are beyond its capabilities.


An earth-shattering roar sounded.

Suddenly, the ocean of beasts also stopped rushing, and the huge wasteland became quiet.

The Golden Eagle fluttered its wings and floated motionless in the air.

Under the golden eagle in the sea of ​​clouds, there is a black animal with a whole body. The animal is a herbivore, but its shape is like a black panther. Its hair is extremely shiny, making its body strong and elegant, and its steps are even more leisurely and extraordinary. The herbivores around it keep a distance of several feet from it, and their eyes are full of awe. .

Veggie Leopard!

The hunter on the top of the cliff let out an exclamation.

The legendary vegetarian leopard!

On the top of the cliff, there was a suffocating silence, and a needle could be heard.

In the meteorite belt, there are countless legends about the vegetarian leopard, but at least for hundreds of years, no one has ever witnessed the true face of the vegetarian leopard, because the vegetarian leopard is very similar to the black panther in the meteorite belt, the only difference between them is a One eats grass and the other eats meat. Normally, human beings can't tell the difference. Only when animal hordes gather, can they tell the difference, because it is impossible for a carnivorous black panther to be among herbivores.

Although vegetarian leopards don't eat meat, their combat effectiveness is many times more fierce than that of carnivorous black panthers. They mainly live in the edge of meteorites, where there are few people. Hunters, it is also difficult to encounter vegetarian leopards.

Of course, it is luck not to meet the vegetarian leopard. It is said that the combat power of the vegetarian leopard is so fierce that even ordinary space hunters cannot match it. Only advanced space hunters can protect themselves. It is extremely difficult to hunt them .

The vegetarian leopard stood quietly on a raised rock, like a proud king, with a pair of eyes shooting a thrilling gaze.

At this time, the vegetarian leopard raised its head and stared at the golden eagle in the sea of ​​clouds, motionless, like a lifeless sculpture.

Inexplicably, a tense breath filled the air.

The sea of ​​clouds golden eagle stared at the vegetarian leopard with a pair of sharp eyes, full of fighting spirit.

Because the distance is too far, people can only see the golden eagle in the sea of ​​clouds and the vegetarian leopard standing still and facing each other. However, humans can feel that the vegetarian leopard is accumulating strength, and its strength is constantly superimposed, ready to attack.

The frozen vegetarian leopard is in motion, like a compressed spring.

The golden eagle in the sea of ​​clouds fluttered its wings at high speed non-stop, blowing howling winds, and the wind was surging, and a pair of protruding claws shone with a heart-pounding metallic light under the sun.



With two earth-shattering roars, the cloud sea golden eagle and the vegetarian leopard moved at the same time without any warning, like two sharp arrows leaving the string at the same time and turning into two bolts of lightning.

The speed of the Golden Eagle in the Sea of ​​Clouds did not cause a sensation among the people. After all, the Golden Eagle in the Sea of ​​Clouds is the king of the air and is good at flying in the air. However, the vegetarian leopard is a land animal, and in this gravitational city of exile, it cannot compete with the weak gravity. Compared with the meteorite belt, here, no animal can easily jump into the sky.

The vegetarian leopard swayed slightly, its powerful hind legs seemed to be equipped with springs, and suddenly exerted force, its elegant body jumped up, like a black lightning shot towards the golden eagle in the sea of ​​clouds.

People were dumbfounded.

The distance between the golden eagle in the sea of ​​clouds and the ground is at least thirty feet. People can't even dream that a beast on land would attack a bird of prey that is tens of feet high. This has broken the limit of human imagination.


Because the speed was too fast, people couldn't see the vegetarian leopard and the golden eagle in the sea of ​​clouds clearly in the air. They only saw the black lightning and the golden lightning colliding heavily in the air, making a dull impact sound, and a cloud was blown in the air. The fierce hurricane, the hunters far away on the top of the cliff, felt the strong wind blowing against their faces, and the mighty force was surging in the air.

The impact was just a moment of lightning and flint. After that, the two groups, one black and one gold, separated at the same time. In the air, several black and golden feathers floated in the air.

The Vegetarian Leopard firmly gained the upper hand, because the Golden Eagle in the Sea of ​​Clouds was knocked flying hundreds of feet upside down, lost control in the air, kept rolling and whining.

On the other hand, the vegetarian leopard landed on the ground gracefully and calmly, and then ran again. It ran in the direction in which the Sea of ​​Clouds Golden Eagle rolled. Its purpose was very clear, to chase and kill the Sea of ​​Clouds Golden Eagle...

The speed is getting faster and faster, and behind the vegetarian leopard, there is an afterimage that is tens of feet long, which is appalling.


Amidst the exclamations of the people, the vegetarian leopard jumped up after a run-up of several tens of feet, and rushed towards the golden eagle in the sea of ​​clouds...

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