wicked immortal

Chapter 637 Ghost Stone Ghost Beast

The Tianzhu Gap is an unfathomable gap formed at the break between the city of the sky and the sea of ​​clouds. Because the cliff in the section is too high, the starlight cannot shine into it. Looking down, the Tianzhu Gap is so dark that you can't see your fingers. Cold.

The farthest distance of the Tianzhu Gap is tens of thousands of miles, and the closest point is nearly a thousand miles. Most of the places in the middle are extremely clean voids. Human activities are here, full of dangers, full of uncertain dangers, except for some powerful ones lurking in the gap. The prehistoric and ferocious beasts, the greatest threat comes from where there is no leverage.

Although the sky chasm that has lost gravity can fly, if the flying human cannot control the direction and flies towards the opposite of the unfathomable sky chasm, it will be a disaster.

In that dark and deep chasm, human beings will lose the meteorites they rely on, completely lose their direction, and float in the darkness forever, even if it is a rock wall that is close at hand, it is still out of reach...


After reaching the chasm, Kuang Biao's expression became serious.

This is the place where Yan Shaojie wanted to take Qiongshu away, and this place is also the place where thousands of herbivores rushed up from the rock wall.

"Is there a problem?" Zhao Yuan didn't think there was anything special about this gap, because he once lurked on the rock wall, planning to use Hua Toutuo's evil spirit to sneak attack Yan Shaojie. At that time, he checked carefully and didn't think it was dangerous.

"This chasm gap is one of the most famous natural hazards in the meteorite belt, because the depth of this chasm is thousands of miles deep, and tens of thousands of miles deep. Repulsion, turbulence, invariance, and black holes... Those who can pass through here need to have a lot of experience in addition to their skills, otherwise..."

"What would happen if we just flew over like this?" Zhao Yuan asked.

"It's hard to say, because of the repulsive force of the two continents, plus some giant ghost stones floating inside, the repulsive force of the ghost stone itself will disturb the repulsive force between the large land masses, forming turbulent currents. Once humans get involved in it, they will be deeply trapped. In the dark chasm."

"What is a ghost stone?" Zhao Yuan was taken aback.

"It's just some meteorites with huge repulsion. They wander between the chasm like ghosts, affecting the environment of the chasm. On some ghost stones, ghost beasts live. They attach to the ghost stones and hunt here."


"Yes, ghost beasts. However, ghost beasts are just a general term. They are not specific beasts. As long as they live on ghost stones, they are all called ghost beasts."

"Why can people from Sky City come here so easily?"

"No one can come here easily. If the people of Sky City could come here easily, they would have invaded the city of exile on a large scale. This chasm is actually the first line of defense for the city of exile. Because of the chasm, exile The city of the sky and the city of the sky can live in peace for thousands of years."

"The city of exile can't beat the city of the sky?"

"Hehe...it's not the same level." Kuang Biao showed a wry smile on his face.

"Well, does it mean that there is still a route needed to safely reach the Sky City?" Zhao Yuan did not continue to ask how powerful the Sky City is, because he will go to the Sky City soon, and he will know when the time comes.

"Necessary. Usually, the ghost stones in the chasm still have a certain trajectory. Although it is not [-]% sure, it is better to avoid getting too close to the ghost stones as much as possible. And experienced hunters can measure the approximate location of the ghost stones." Location."

"That's a problem."

"Actually...we don't have to worry, because we have the golden eagle in the sea of ​​clouds leading the way." Kuang Biao glanced at the golden eagle in the sea of ​​clouds pretending to be sleeping on Zhao Yuan's shoulder.

"Quack..." The golden eagle in the sea of ​​clouds suddenly opened its eyes, stared at Kuang Biao and yelled, looking violent and hurting others.

"Ahem...it seems unwilling to lead the way." A trace of embarrassment appeared on Zhao Yuan's face.

"Understood, the Golden Eagle in the Sea of ​​Clouds is a psychic creature, so naturally he doesn't bother to do the rough work of leading the way." During this period of getting along, Kuang Biao has already touched some of the habits of the Golden Eagle, and immediately flattered him.


Sure enough, the golden eagle in the sea of ​​clouds let out a happy cry.

"Well, why not call that black monkey out to lead the way." Zhao Yuan hesitated for a moment.

"Ah...it...it's too dangerous..." Kuang Biao's heart beat violently when he thought of the mountain of corpses.

"The Sea of ​​Clouds Golden Eagle won't lead the way, so I can only call it." Zhao Yuan sighed.


The Golden Eagle in the Sea of ​​Clouds screamed a few times dissatisfied, and after stabbing Zhao Yuan's head with its sharp beak a few times, it jumped into the air, flapped its wings and flew towards the chasm. It hurts to shave.

Seeing the golden eagle flying into the sky in the sea of ​​clouds, Zhao Yuan and Kuang Biao looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

This golden eagle in the sea of ​​clouds is just a flat-haired animal after all, just a little bit of agitation, and immediately put on the saddle and tried his best.

It seems that bringing the black monkey into the world of Lingtai still has some effect. At least, it can be used to restrain the golden eagle in the sea of ​​clouds, lest it ride on its head and domineering.

The flying posture of the golden eagle in the sea of ​​clouds is very graceful, hovering in the air, drawing one after another beautiful lines, because the speed is too fast, it actually weaves a huge gold, just like a great artist.

Zhao Yuan discovered that the golden eagle flying in the sea of ​​clouds is faster and more comfortable flying in the chasm than in the sea of ​​clouds.Very agile.

Can the golden eagle in the sea of ​​clouds fly in the universe?

Zhao Yuan felt a faint aura emanating from the golden eagle in the sea of ​​clouds, and that aura was the driving force for it to fly freely in the chasm.

Suddenly, Zhao Yuan realized a problem.

The ferocious beasts living in this meteorite belt are likely to be descendants of pets or mounts left by some ancient cultivators. Their ancestors were originally some spiritual beasts. The descendants of the spirit beasts evolved into what they are now.

As for those herbivores, they are spirit beasts raised by gods or cultivators. After losing their owners, they began to reproduce naturally, forming the current huge race and forming a new food chain...


Inexplicably, Zhao Yuan's blood boiled with enthusiasm for his idea.

If the beasts that were active here were all descendants of spirit beasts, then his initial guesses were confirmed, and these guesses coincided with those on Earth.

Ancient Earth is one of the battlegrounds.

Zhanyun Continent is one of the battlefields.

And this meteorite belt is also one of the battlefields.

It seems that the war for the power of faith in those years involved a very wide range, even the barracks of the gods or practitioners were attacked, so that the continent split apart, forming the unique environment of the meteorite belt today.

With the cocoon peeling and spinning, Zhao Yuan is gradually restoring the original battle between gods and demons.

Is this the camp of cultivators or the camp of gods?

At present, Zhao Yuan's understanding of the meteorite belt is only limited to the giant spirit god, because the hunters in the city of exile in the meteorite belt all claim to be the descendants of the giant spirit god.

Zhao Yuan, on the other hand, knew very little about the Giant Spirit God. He didn't even know whether the Giant Spirit God was a god or a human cultivator, because, in ancient mythology, some human cultivators were also regarded as gods.

In fact, after the continuous birth of strong human beings, the distinction between gods and cultivators has become very blurred, because comprehension also has the ability to move mountains and seas like gods, and some ordinary humans usually regard cultivators as feathers. The gods who become immortals.

In fact, in ancient times, the earliest cultivators were fanatical believers of the gods. They were loyal to the gods and became the spokespersons of the gods. Therefore, it is only natural to regard them as gods.

After self-cultivation began to become popular among human beings, some powerful practitioners gradually unveiled the mystery of the gods and lost their awe of the gods. This trend gradually spread. In this way, a force dominated by human practitioners was formed. , This force is so powerful that it can fight against the gods.


Suddenly, there was an angry cry from deep in the chasm.

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