wicked immortal

Chapter 65 Women's Minds Men Don't Understand

Zhao Yuan rushed into the cave like a whirlwind, the cave was pitch black, and the pair of burning fires had been blown away without a trace by the fierce wind. Fortunately, Zhao Yuan never left his bag, and tied it with a rope. On the waist, even when you are running for your life in a panic, the burden is still hanging on your waist.

light up the candle.

The light of the candle pierced the darkness.

To Zhao Yuan's relief, the cave didn't collapse even tens of meters into the cave, and even the house where the cultivator Yun Ke lived was not affected, but countless stones fell from the roof of the cave, and the decayed log cabin was destroyed by stones. The pieces were smashed to pieces.

Fortunately, the green stone was not damaged, otherwise, it would not be easy to find a new huge stone to block the entrance of the Yangshan Leopard Cemetery.

The two walked into the cave, starting from the wooden house, and there was no way to go after walking too far, because one end of the cave, which had existed for countless thousands of years, had completely collapsed, and countless huge stones were stacked on top of each other. Crowded, filling every inch of space.

"How did you get here?" Looking at the stones blocking the cave, Wan Ling'er gasped.

"How far did you plan to bomb?" Zhao Yuan couldn't help asking.

"That... cough cough cough... that's the place..." Wan Ling'er blushed, lowered her head and dared not look at Zhao Yuan, her voice was like the buzzing of mosquitoes.

"You mean to say that you were going to blow up the cave wall that was knocked open?" Zhao Yuan opened his eyes wide and looked at Wan Ling'er.


"Sister, your error is too big, it is several hundred meters away from that place. You know, this is going to kill people!"

Zhao Yuan was so angry that he had an unbearable urge to grab Wan Ling'er and beat him up.

Thinking about it now, Zhao Yuan was afraid for a while. When Wan Linger went to work, he was nearby. He suddenly wanted to see what strange things Wan Linger's "Danjie" made, so he went outside. , if he hadn't come out at that time, Wan Ling'er certainly wouldn't have come out either. The cave collapsed in just a split second, and they had no time to escape. At this moment, they were already buried alive in the rocks...

"I was not careful..." Wan Ling'er sensed that Zhao Yuan was getting angry, so she didn't dare to talk back, she scratched the dust with her toes awkwardly, with a pitiful look on her face.

"Okay, okay, it doesn't matter if you blow it up, you don't have to worry about the corpse being found anymore. I will teach you how to do it when you have time in the future, so that you don't want to blow it up again." Seeing Wan Ling'er's pitiful face, Some do not blame, sighed.

"Teach me what?"

"Teach you some practical skills. Everything in this world is traceable, including the power of spar, the power of pills and the power of aura. If we can't find it, it just means that we haven't found it yet." It’s just finding a way, it’s not unfathomable, understand?”

"not understand."

"...Uh... just to tell you that before you blow something up next time, you can experiment a few times to find the law of power. When it's time to use it, you can control it as you like."

"If I had said that earlier, I would have understood. Why is it so complicated? There are traces and unfathomable things, I'm sorry!" Wan Ling'er spat at Zhao Yuan.


"Where's my black little sword? It won't be buried, right?!" Wan Linger asked suddenly.

"What is your little black sword? It's my little black sword, okay?" Zhao Yuan frowned.

"Hey, let me just tell you, why are you so nervous?" Wan Ling'er gave Zhao Yuan a blank look.

"That's good."

Zhao Yuan took out the small black sword on his waist.

This was the first time he had observed the little black sword carefully.

Just at first glance, Zhao Yuan was able to confirm that this was a good sword, because its workmanship was extremely exquisite, the scabbard was made of black sandalwood, inlaid with some exquisite and delicate metal patterns, it took some thought to see it.

Pulling out the small ink-colored sword, the cold air was overwhelming.

The metal of the black sword is completely different from that of the Ice Excalibur. It is pure black, even the blade does not have the slightest luster. However, it is precisely because of this unique color that it is not ordinary at a glance.

The hilt is entirely made of metal, and the shape design is very suitable for the grasp of the palm. It feels better than that of the Ice Excalibur. The texture is fine but not slippery, and the workmanship is not at the same level.

The only thing that makes Zhao Yuan dissatisfied is that this little ink-colored sword is really too light.

Every day Zhao Yuan was chopping firewood with an iron ax weighing more than ten catties, and suddenly he was holding a small sword not much bigger than a dagger, and immediately felt light and light.

"Are you dissatisfied?" Wan Ling'er asked Zhao Yuan, seeing Zhao Yuan frowning tightly and showing no joy.

"Too small and too light." Zhao Yuan shook his head.

"Brother, this is a short sword! Do you understand short swords?!" Wan Ling'er looked depressed, she had deep feelings for Mo Xiaojian, and she couldn't tolerate others saying bad things about Mo Xiaojian, even if it was contempt.

"I like heavy weapons."

Zhao Yuan gently waved the small sword in his hand, a little disappointed.

In fact, when he first discovered the Frost Excalibur, Zhao Yuanming knew that the Frost Excalibur was a rare magic weapon, but he still gave it up and replaced it with a printed copy that everyone in the cultivation world has. The Ice God Sword is too light, it feels like nothing in the hand.

"Then give it back to me." Wan Ling'er was overjoyed and spread out her palms.

"Why should I give it back to you? This is my sword." Zhao Yuan inserted the sword into the scabbard with a calm face.


Wan Ling'er was so angry that she couldn't speak at once, her face was flushed with suffocation, and she stomped her feet fiercely, but there was nothing she could do.

"Let's go, it's almost dawn."

"Let's go!" Wan Ling'er snorted coldly.

"Aren't you going to take these rags with you?" Zhao Yuan glanced at Wan Ling'er's bottles and utensils.

"If you don't take it away, I will come again."

"Well, just pay attention to yourself."

"Don't tell me you won't come again?" Wan Ling'er asked suddenly.

"What am I doing here?"


Wan Ling'er stomped her feet fiercely again, pouted her lips, pulled out the Ice Excalibur and put it under her feet. After Zhao Yuan stepped on the Ice Excalibur, she immediately soared into the air, scaring Zhao Yuan into a cold sweat, and hurried to death Hug Wan Ling'er's slender waist.

"Why are you hugging so tightly? What do you want to do? Eat tofu!" Wan Linger scolded.

"Grandma, how did I offend you?" Zhao Yuan was in the air, not daring to speak harshly, so he could only ask for forgiveness.


Wan Ling'er didn't speak, and suddenly accelerated, flying faster and higher all the way.

Even though Zhao Yuan rides Wan Linger's flying sword every day, he still has some fear of heights. The higher he goes, the more he is afraid. Now that he has reached the high altitude clouds, his legs tremble like sifting chaff, and his hands hug Wan Linger desperately. Linger, afraid of falling.

Zhao Yuan really wanted to ask Wan Ling'er where he offended her, but he didn't dare to speak in the high altitude, he could only think wildly about where he offended Wan Linger just now.

Poor Zhao Yuan is a big man who knows how delicate women are. He racked his brains and couldn't think of a way to offend Wan Linger. He could only close his eyes and pray that Wan Linger would let him go after venting quickly.

This flight actually flew out of the boundary of Xujiaqiao.

In the sea of ​​clouds, Zhao Yuan couldn't tell the direction, but he felt that the occasionally exposed mountain peaks under the sea of ​​clouds were getting steeper and steeper, like sharp swords piercing into the sky.

At this time, the sky was already bright, and the east was showing a white belly.

In Xujiaqiao, there has been no sunshine for several days, but in this sky, you can see the far east, there seems to be red clouds surging,

Zhao Yuan saw the most majestic and magnificent sunrise...

Suddenly, a thin parabola rises from the dark blue clouds. This line is translucent red and shining with golden light, splashing up like a boiling solution, and then rushing upward like a rocket.

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