wicked immortal

Chapter 675 Get Through the Teleportation Formation

Zhao Yuan felt a familiar force - Dragon Soul.

In Zhao Yuan's Lingtai world, there are countless powerful dragon souls. Whenever Zhao Yuan's life and death are in crisis, those dragon souls will support Zhao Yuan. Zhao Yuan is already very familiar with this power.

Suddenly, Zhao Yuan's heart moved, and his face exuded a radiant glow.

Between the lightning and flint, Zhao Yuan comprehended the mystery of the dragon soul.

If all the dragon souls and giant dragons in the world are transformed by the dragon soul of the dragon god, then, that is to say, dragon souls can exist in various forms, and the dragon veins formed by dragon souls have great impact on human beings. It has a certain protective effect. While protecting, the dragon soul will thrive because of the strength of the person who has obtained the dragon veins, forming a virtuous circle that complements each other.

This is an endless cycle. As long as human beings do not perish, the dragon soul will live forever and die together with the sun and the moon, because the dragon soul has bound its own destiny to the prosperity of the entire human race.

No wonder, the dragon will become a symbol of the royal family in the East, and it is called the Ninth Five-Year King.

There is no doubt that it is through the dragon veins that the Dragon Soul has obtained the support of the highest authority in the East and the most powerful power of faith. The royal totem of the Ninth Five-Year Lord prevents the dragon soul from being broken due to the change of power.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yuan couldn't help admiring the far-sighted gaze of the dragon soul who had been dispelled.

Now, even if Zhao Yuan knew the secret of the Dragon Clan, he still couldn't drive away the Dragon Soul, because the Dragon Soul brought him too many benefits, not only the ability to borrow powerful power, but also the indestructible dragon armor.

Of course, the dragon souls stationed in Zhao Yuan Lingtai World are also like time bombs. They will become more and more powerful with time. While they are strong, they will protect a group of human beings to become strong. Will become a competitor for Zhao Yuan's power of faith, making Lingtai world gradually out of Zhao Yuan's control...

The Dragon Clan is already invincible!

Zhao Yuan was a little bit annoyed, but there was nothing he could do. He could clear all the dragon souls in the spirit platform world, but compared to the benefits he gained, he would lose more. The spirit platform world without dragon souls is like a puppet without a soul , without the driving force for sustainable development.

Most importantly, Zhao Yuan didn't want to lose the powerful defensive power of the dragon armor.

Generally speaking, the existence of the dragon soul has both advantages and disadvantages, and the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Perhaps, the dragon god who solved the war just saw this point, so he dared to gamble and bet on the fate of the dragon clan. Focus on the prosperity of human beings.


Zhao Yuan suddenly thought of the western dragon Celtic. Obviously, Celtic is also one of the countless dragon races bred by dragon souls. However, their fate is much more tragic than that of the eastern dragon. In the west, they are regarded as dragons. Evil incarnate, some warriors and nobles, use dragon slaying as a stepping stone to status and success.And slaying dragons has also become a fashion.

They are all descendants of dragons, the gap is really too big.

In any case, the fate of the Dragon Clan depends on the power of human religious beliefs. It seems that one cannot sit back and relax by relying on human beings. If the Western religion completely suppresses the Eastern religion, then the fate of the Dragon Clan will also be determined. will dim the future.

However, Zhao Yuan is gratified that the Dragon Clan is still standing in the Eastern cultivation world, and although Zhao Yuan does not think that he is in the Eastern cultivation world, all the exercises he cultivates belong to the Eastern cultivation world, and it is precisely because of this reason , This has attracted countless dragon souls to station.

Zhao Yuan didn't know that the Lingtai world had an irresistible allure for the dragon soul in the dark...


While Zhao Yuan was thinking about it, the flame patterns around the Sun Temple, which had been revived with life, seemed to be burning. The entire Sun Temple seemed to be surrounded by raging fire, and the visual impact was extremely thrilling.

In the flames, there are countless giant dragons cruising, all kinds of colors, looming, the dragon sees the head but does not see the end.

Zhao Yuan saw that Fenxian was also looming in the flames.

Sure enough, it is a magical weapon. During this change, it still locked the black dragon tightly. Inexplicably, Zhao Yuan was afraid for a while. When he was in Sun Mountain on Earth, he was almost covered by the burning fairy. Live, with his ability at that time, I'm afraid he would have been crushed and turned into ashes long ago.

A vaguely ancient and mysterious spell resounded from the Temple of the Sun. With the urging of the spell, a deep and dark vortex appeared in front of the huge broken statue of the Temple of the Sun—the teleportation array!

Looking at the unfathomable teleportation array, Zhao Yuan suddenly realized, no wonder he couldn't find it, it turned out that this teleportation array needs the body of the Black Dragon King to activate.

I don't know what is the connection between the Good Fortune Jade Slip and the teleportation array destroyed by Yan City Lord?It is very possible that there are several ways to open this teleportation array, and the Good Fortune Jade Slip is just one of them.Of course, these are all speculations, the Fortune Jade Slip has been destroyed, and the secret behind it will forever be lost in the long river of cultivation history.

The wheel of history rolled by, countless mysteries were ruthlessly crushed, some of them were uncovered, and more were crushed to pieces, and the truth could never be found...

"This teleportation array can go to many places, but this king can only activate the teleportation array and cannot send you to your destination. Please ask for blessings!" The Black Dragon King suddenly revealed his figure and let out a sinister laugh .

"I know."

Zhao Yuan stood in front of the teleportation array, closed his eyes slightly, neither happy nor sad, and began to explore the world of the teleportation array, a strange force began to overflow from the limbs of the body.

Magic Core Continent.


Battle Cloud Continent...


Both the Black Dragon King and the Heaven-Defying Monkey looked at Zhao Yuan who was exuding brilliance with incredulous faces. They were ancient beasts, so they naturally understood that Zhao Yuan had already comprehended the mystery of the teleportation array in just a moment.

"I know the destination." Zhao Yuan slowly opened his eyes, and in the deep eyes, a divine light suddenly appeared, but the vast stars were in vain, making people intoxicated and unable to extricate themselves.

"you are vicious!"

The Black Dragon King showed disappointment on his face. He didn't have any good intentions. He knew that behind the teleportation array, there were countless dangerous lands. In some places, the environment was harsh and monsters were rampant. , Once you fall into it, you will never be reborn, even if you are immortal, without the teleportation array, if you get lost in it, don't even think about it.

"let's go!"

Zhao Yuan drew out the flying sword and activated the aura shield, and a group of cultivators stepped into it with excited faces.

"Can... can you take this king... can you take me?"

Just as Zhao Yuan activated his spiritual energy and was about to leave, the Black Dragon King suddenly spoke and looked at Zhao Yuan with hope.


Zhao Yuan flatly refused, the Black Dragon King had evil intentions, if he was with him, it would definitely be a big hidden danger, not to mention, there seemed to be irresolvable hatred between him and Xiao Hei, so forcing him along would only increase troubles.

"Hey, you won't end well either!" The Black Dragon King said with a sinister smile.

"How do you know?" Zhao Yuan's heart skipped a beat.

"Do you think this king will tell you?" The Black Dragon King looked up to the sky and laughed wildly.

"White Dragon King?" Zhao Yuan smiled lightly.

"Ah..." The Black Dragon King was taken aback, and opened his mouth wide. He didn't expect Zhao Yuan to guess the answer immediately.

"Sure enough, it is the White Dragon King. Hey... you dragon clan, you claim to be noble, but in fact, you are all a group of selfish, sinister and cunning wretches. It is impossible to regain the glory of the ninety-five kings back then." Zhao Yuan Long sigh.

"Fart!" The Black Dragon King cursed hysterically as if he had been stabbed by a needle suddenly.

"Are you farting? You know for yourself. In the past thousands of years of your Dragon Clan, have any outstanding figures appeared? What else can you do besides fighting in the nest? Do you know how many low-level Dragon Clans have sacrificed to restore the former glory of the Dragon Clan? Sacrificing your life for righteousness, dedicating your own life? However, you giant dragons with bodies have no thoughts, and have evolved a tyrannical torso in vain... One day, your dragon clan will become the hunting targets of the warriors and become extinct In the world of comprehension." Zhao Yuan looked compassionate, and he thought of poor Celtic.

"Extinction... Impossible... Impossible..." The Black Dragon King murmured to himself.

"Why is it impossible? Once human beings no longer need the dragon soul, the dragon soul will be completely disappeared, and those so-called dragon veins will also become tasteless... If you want the dragon clan to grow stronger, you must cooperate with human beings and fight against each other. It's not for selfishness to stab a knife in the back and add insult to injury."

"Do you know the dragon's veins?" The Black Dragon King's body shook.

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