[ps: Crazy for red tickets, favorites...]


With a loud noise, the yellow talisman suddenly exploded in front of the two of them, causing them to turn their backs on their backs, their faces scorched black, and their hats fell off, revealing their disheveled black hair, in a state of embarrassment.

"Hahaha, you know how powerful I am!" Wan Linger laughed triumphantly in the air.

"Kill her!"

Mingyue and Mingri climbed up from the ground one after another and saw that their robes were blown to pieces, their chests were filled with murderous intent, they shouted angrily, waved their long swords in their hands, their aura boiled, and they actually jumped into the air, chasing after Wan Ling'er.

Wan Ling'er didn't panic, although her aura was weak, but relying on the advantage of the speed of the Ice Excalibur, she was not afraid at all, turned back and flew towards the sky unhurriedly, sprinkled yellow talismans along the way, Floating in the air, forming a barrier.





A series of explosions sounded from the talisman in the air. Mingyue and Mingri were blown up like crazy, and they drove the flying swords to dodge in the air. There were many dangers. In the end, they could only watch Wan Linger carry Zhao Yuan away.

When Master Suxin heard the sound and chased them out, the two of them had already been blown to death, their clothes were torn apart, and they were almost naked. If it wasn't for the two people's high-power aura body protection, they would have been blown up long ago dead body...

Master Suxin reprimanded the two of them and took them back to the mountain, just treating them as a joke and not taking it seriously.

Mingyue and tomorrow gritted their teeth and went back to the mountain without mentioning it.

Wan Ling'er drove Zhao Yuan at full speed, singing along the way, feeling extremely happy, but Zhao Yuan watched the battle at a close distance, but was terrified. This was the first time he saw a battle between cultivators, and it was also the first time he saw Fighting in the air made him feel the terrifying power of a cultivator.

Seeing that Mingyue and Mingri could not be killed by such a powerful talisman, Zhao Yuan was terrified for a while.

Zhao Yuan recalled the process of attacking and killing Hua Yunzong's disciples in the cave. At that time, if the two of them used spiritual energy to protect their bodies, even if they let him kill them, they would not be able to kill them.Thinking about it now, it's like a dream, even Zhao Yuan can't believe it, he actually killed two cultivators who could fly with swords...

While thinking wildly, inexplicably, Zhao Yuan, who was originally afraid, suddenly lifted his spirits, and felt an urge to boil his blood.

This shows that cultivators do not use spiritual energy to protect their bodies all the time, and those who do not have spiritual energy protection are no different from ordinary people.

They are not invincible, they also have weaknesses, and they can also be killed. As long as they have a strong body, they can also kill a cultivator. The biggest trick is to be fast, and you can't use spiritual energy to protect the cultivator. Chance.

If you reach the first level of brute force in "The Enemy of Ten Thousand Enemies", you should be able to kill the practitioner with ease.

Of course, that refers to sneak attacks.If it is combined with Wan Ling'er's powerful talisman, it will be invincible...

However, Zhao Yuan immediately vetoed this unrealistic idea. He couldn't manipulate the talismans at all. Those talismans seemed to be floating in the sky, but it was not that simple. Blown away by the wind.

"Zhao Yuan, we're almost at Xujiaqiao. Let's walk home. It's broad daylight, and Yu Jian's flight is a bit shocking."

"Yeah." Zhao Yuan nodded, he understood that most cultivators are very taboo, except in extremely urgent situations, they generally don't show any difference in front of ordinary people, and as for Yujian flying, don't even mention it.

When some cultivators honed their skills in the rivers and lakes, most of them used horses to travel, and very few people used flying swords as a means of transportation.

In fact, if you want to increase your life experience and use a flying sword instead of walking, it is meaningless, because even a junior cultivator can fly thousands of miles every day. If you have a good sword like Wan Linger, you can fly thousands of miles every day. It's not impossible, in that way, the meaning of tempering life will be lost.

Wan Ling'er pressed down the flying sword and landed on the official road leading to Xujiaqiao.

"Ling'er, you don't go to the Cixin Zhai in Shenlongshan in the future. The two nuns of Mingyue and Mingri will do their own way, narrow-minded, and turn their faces to kill people at every turn. It is very dangerous for you to be with them." Thinking of the strong murderous intent emanating from Mingyue and Mingri , Zhao Yuan couldn't help reminding.

"Hmph, it's not that easy to kill me. I'm going to see what they can do to me. I, Wan Linger, are not so easy to bully." Wan Linger snorted coldly.

"Anyway, you have to pay attention."

"Don't worry, I will be on guard against them. Although I can't beat them, but if you want to kill me, it's a dream!" Wan Ling'er didn't show any fear on her face, but was full of confidence.

"Ling'er, why can't you see the flying swords of Mingyue and Tomorrow?" Zhao Yuan asked, seeing that Wan Linger didn't listen to advice, and didn't bother to pester him, so he changed the subject.

"They have the Sumeru Precepts. Hmph, it's not like they have a good master, and there are a lot of people who give them things." Wan Ling'er saw that Zhao Yuan kept mentioning the names of the two nuns, and got angry. replied angrily.

"What is the Sumeru Precept?"

"The Sumeru Ring is a kind of ring that can hold things. The small one can hold some clothes and long swords, and the large one can hold a lot of things. It is said that some Sumeru Rings contain a world, even a small Yangshan can be put in."

"Halo... Xiaoyang Mountain can also be put in... If the Wan family has one, wouldn't even the warehouse be saved?"

"Brother, you put it lightly, why does our Wan family have one... Don't say that our Wan family can't afford it, even if we sell the entire Xu Family Bridge, we still can't exchange for a Sumi ring to hold Xiaoyang Mountain. "

"...so expensive?" Zhao Yuan was stunned.

"It's not just expensive. Those things are not about money. No matter how much money you have, they won't sell them, because those who have those things will never be short of money. Besides, they can really hold small things. The Sumeru rings in Yangshan are all legendary artifacts, if you want to buy them, you can't find anywhere."

"What about those ordinary Sumeru Rings?"

"My good brother, don't say anything about ordinary Xumijie!" Wan Ling'er looked at Zhao Yuan with an idiot expression.


"Do you know how much the sumeru ring used by those two thieves is worth?"

"do not know."

"Hmph, it's strange if you know. Let me tell you, the Xumi ring in their hands requires at least ten top-quality crystals to exchange for. Moreover, if you have crystals, they may not necessarily exchange them with you."

"Ten top-grade crystals?" Zhao Yuan was stunned. He thought that according to the preciousness of the top-quality crystals, it would be no problem to exchange ten or eight Sumeru Rings. He never dreamed that one Sumeru Ring would cost ten pieces. Only top-quality crystals can be exchanged, and they may not be available in stock.

"It is very troublesome to make the Sumeru Ring. In addition to some rare materials, it also requires great supernatural powers. In the Great Qin Empire, there are very few people who can make the Sumeru Ring, and they are very mysterious. I heard that they are Sanxians and the like. The characters all live in seclusion in overseas fairy mountains, or among ordinary people, and they can't be found. Occasionally, they will make one or two Xumi rings for sale for money. If you have money, then you can trade successfully."

"Then why do Mingyue and Mingri each have one?"

"I told you that they have a good master. Master Suxin is very famous in the cultivation world, and her popularity is very good. People often give her some rare medicinal materials and treasures. What does it matter to have two Sumeru rings?"

"That's... bad..."

"What's wrong?"

"I didn't return all night yesterday, and I didn't go to work all day today..."

"What a fuss! What are you afraid of? I'm here." Wan Linger held Zhao Yuan's hand. After returning from Shenlong Mountain, Wan Linger suddenly felt a sense of crisis. In some respects, she subconsciously became more active.

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