wicked immortal

Chapter 703 Death God's Disciple

It was an assassination that could not fail.

Like Zhao Yuan, Roma is now fighting to the death.There is no doubt that if this assassination fails, Rohm's military career will also end.

Roma is very clear about his position in the Crusaders. Once he is useless, he will be the first person to be sent to a military court. The high-level people in the kingdom of heaven hope to see him sent to the gallows. There are also eight hundred.

Rom was wearing a broken felt hat, with his head bowed, some muddy water was wiped on his face, and he carried a dead pig on his shoulders, and slowly moved forward in the crowd.

Rom is a very good assassin, he has enough patience, when he approached the vanguard, his approaching speed became slower and slower, and the men he led also approached Zhao from all directions at the same speed Original.

There are many masters around Zhao Yuan, but no one has noticed Rom. Rom's image and slow intrusion method made everyone ignore his existence.

At this moment, Rom became an invisible person.

The dead pig on Rom's shoulders provided Rom with excellent cover, because many refugees picked up some drowned animals on the road and carried them on their backs for emergency needs.

As the killer with the highest achievement in the kingdom of heaven, Rom not only has excellent camouflage skills, but also has an unknown ability. He can completely hide his murderous intentions and approach the target quietly like a god of death...


In assassination operations, sometimes skills are only secondary, the most important thing is how to get close to the target and find the most appropriate timing.

The closer to the assassination target, the higher the chance of success.

In the kingdom of heaven, Roma has a mysterious master. So far, no one knows who Roma's master is, because that master is so mysterious that even Roma has never seen the true face of the master.

However, Rom knew the master's name - Thanatos.

It wasn't until Roma in an accidental religious activity that he knew that Thanatos was the name of the god of death.

Rom doesn't care about the title "Grim Reaper". His withdrawn character is doomed to lack respect for anyone, even if the other party is the terrifying Grim Reaper.

When teaching killing skills, Rom made an astonishing decision to ascertain whether the master was the God of Death—to assassinate the God of Death.

Rom's assassination made ghosts and gods afraid.

Rom hit a hit, and his master was killed. The moment he knew the master died, Rom believed that the master was really the legendary god of death.

Of course, the Grim Reaper killed by Rom was only the body of Grim Reaper, and the powerful soul of Grim Reaper did not die. After the Grim Reaper was reborn, he met Rom and said only one sentence, "You are a teacher."

After that, Rom never saw Thanatos, the god of death, and Rom became a violent teenager with cold blood.

When Rom was arrested and imprisoned for the first time, the church's most powerful force was used, and even a paladin was killed by Rom...


There is no doubt that Rom is a killer that even the gods fear.

The target is getting closer and closer.

In the eyes of others, Rom carrying the dead pig is a refugee carrying all his property.

Roma's stride was tough.

Rom occasionally raised his head and looked around with a pair of empty eyes. He found that his 26 subordinates had already rushed to 21.

Originally, Roma thought that it would be good to have six of the 26 subordinates, but 21 had greatly exceeded his expectations.

The more men you have, the more chances of success you have.

Rom buried his head, and walked humbly without saying a word. He didn't dare to be too blatant, because he noticed that as the target got closer, the surrounding eyes became more and more vigilant, one by one His gaze seemed to shoot through his internal organs...


This Zhao Yuan is really not simple, in just a few days, he recruited so many good players.

Finally, Rom saw the back of the long-haired golden armor surrounded by countless people.

At this time, Rom was still at least ten feet away from Zhao Yuan, which was already the limit that Rom could get close to, because with Zhao Yuan as the center, layers of protection formed a ten-foot circle of protection.

Rom didn't dare to force his way, he could only look for opportunities.

At this time, Rohm's 21 subordinates were already in their positions, waiting for Rohm to issue orders.

After walking for more than ten miles, Rom found that the security around Zhao Yuan was too strict, and a group of young men with stern expressions surrounded him like an invisible iron wall, and there was no chance to get in.

It's noon.

Originally, Rom thought that Zhao Yuan and the others would stop to rest and eat something at noon, but they didn't show any signs of stopping, instead they accelerated their pace.

Rom's opponent is the hunter of the meteorite belt.

In order to ensure Zhao Yuan's safety, Teng Lao recruited nearly two hundred excellent hunters from Lingtai World to act as Zhao Yuan's close body guards. Not a single fly is spared.

Rom's face became more and more gloomy.

According to this situation, it is impossible for him to get close to the target.

The distance of ten feet has become an insurmountable gap.

Even the best assassins have certain requirements for distance. After all, this is the era of cold weapons, and there is no sniper rifle that kills people invisible on the earth.

"Stand back!" a stern voice shouted.

The murderous Rom immediately aroused the vigilance of a hunter. For the hunters in the meteorite belt, they need to be on guard against some ferocious beasts at all times to survive in the harsh meteorite belt. Even a little bit of murderous intent is enough. get their attention.

Rom's body stiffened. He didn't expect that just a slight mood swing would arouse the vigilance of the opposing guard.

At the same time, several hunters surrounded Rom.



Rom suddenly let out a scream, and his body fell straight on the ground, twitching, foaming at the mouth, and the not very big dead pig on his shoulder also fell to the ground with a "bang".

"What's the matter with you..." A hunter didn't realize that Rom was an extremely dangerous person, he just checked suspicious targets routinely.


The moment the hunter lowered his head to inquire, suddenly, there was a thrilling piercing sound outside, followed by a series of screams.

Crossbow arrows!

The faces of the hunters suddenly changed, and they all turned their heads to check.

Among the crowd, someone suddenly shot crossbow arrows at the same time. The powerful crossbow arrows made the scene bloody and immediately caused a commotion. At the same time, the hunters saw at least twenty targets rushing towards Zhao Yuan. ...


not good!

Just when the crossbow arrows caught the eyes of the hunters, the piglet that fell on the ground suddenly turned upside down, spread its hooves, and rushed towards Zhao Yuan crazily inside the human legs.

"Catch that pig!" The hunters in the meteorite belt were not ordinary hunters, they all had been tempered and immediately realized that there was something wrong with that pig.

A bright dagger flew towards the little pig's head, and the dagger went straight through the little pig's head.

oh oh...

An astonishing scene appeared, the little pig did not fall down, let out a terrifying roar, and charged inward like a beast from hell.


Just when everyone was stunned, Kuang Biao appeared in front of Little Pig, and a sharp long knife slashed down in the air...


The little pig's head was cut off, but people had not had time to breathe a sigh of relief. The little pig without its head was still alive, and was still running hysterically in the direction of Zhao Yuan. It's five feet away.

Behind Zhao Yuan is Fuji Lao.

Fuji Lao also has a unique weapon-steel whip.

The steel whip came down like a thunderbolt in the air.


Under an earth-shattering sonic boom, the headless piglet was cut in two by the waist, and the front and rear legs of the severed piglet were still bouncing on the ground. There was no trace of blood on the broken section. The flesh is pitch black and looks very strange...

"It's a puppet pig... Get out of the way!"

Zhao Yuan yelled loudly, jumped up, and rushed towards the struggling little pig.


Before people could react, the split piglet suddenly exploded, and countless pieces of dark meat shot out from the sky...


"No, it's poisonous!"



A series of screams.

The front of the refugee army was in chaos, and 21 of Roma's subordinates had already launched a suicide attack. It was a life-and-death battle.

The sudden explosion of the pig made the situation even more chaotic. At this moment, the refugees near Zhao Yuan thought it was the end of the world.

Rom was lurking in the crowd, his gloomy eyes, cold as those of a crocodile, fixedly stared at the young man with golden armor and long hair.

Zhao Yuan is Roma's target.

Originally, Rom thought that he would have to go through some twists and turns to get close to Zhao Yuan, but he didn't expect that Zhao Yuan rushed over to rescue a group of subordinates.

There is a way to heaven if you don't go, but there is no way to hell you come!

In Rom's eyes, there was a cold killing intent. Suddenly, the entire refugee camp seemed to be frozen, and an extreme cold swept the entire space.

Death is coming...

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