wicked immortal

Chapter 713

After bidding farewell to Tu Lao Er, Zhao Yuan personally put on his clothes and led a few hundred cavalry to outflank the Crusaders' rangers.

Zhao Yuan's initiative made the Rangers excited.

The crusader rangers like to fight in the field more than siege battles. They have always been looking forward to the soldiers of the Great Qin Empire going out of the city to fight with them.

Immediately, a large number of crusaders gathered from all directions to the city of Zhenshuiguan.

However, what made the crusader general vomit blood was that after only a few raids, the opponent retreated behind the high city wall, and did not leave the city despite the shouting and scolding.

The Crusaders naturally didn't know, Zhao Yuan didn't have the heart to fight with them in the wild, he just took a little action to divert the attention of the Crusaders, and cooperated with Tu Laoer's army to leave quietly...


The world-renowned Liujiaoting Battle kicked off.

In the military history of the Great Qin Empire, the Battle of Liujiaoting can be regarded as a classic battle in which infantry ambushed cavalry, and it was also a turning point in the battle between the Great Qin Empire and the Crusaders. Some small towns in the Great Qin Empire were encouraged.Countless people with lofty ideals and passionate youths have thrown themselves into the raging anti-Crusader battles.

Tu Lao Er and the others never imagined that they would go down in the annals of history because of a small battle.





At dawn, two hundred masters and five thousand Qin soldiers finally arrived at the Liujiao Pavilion and swam to the shore by the moonlight.

The golden eagle in the sea of ​​clouds and the monkey against the sky still firmly control the sky. When they encounter the black-winged Kunpeng, they immediately kill them, even the underground sentinels.

The Heaven-Defying Monkey is not a cultivator. He is known as the Heaven-Defying Monkey, and he is the head of the Four Famous Monkeys. To him, killing people is commonplace.

As for the golden eagle in the sea of ​​clouds, it is a carnivore, predatory, and backed by a monkey against the sky, it is merciless when it comes to murderous people.

No one thought that an army of thousands of people would emerge from the water, because this place was already controlled by the Crusaders.

After landing, they simply wrung out the water on their clothes, and the soldiers went into battle. At this time, the two hundred masters had already lurked in the crusader barracks in the darkness before dawn.

The horn of the charge sounded, and the sound of killing shook the sky. The five thousand infantry who approached the Liujiao Pavilion did not rush towards the Crusaders' barracks like a tide.

In order to catch the Crusaders by surprise, the Daqin soldiers who took a break immediately went into battle.

Amidst the earth-shattering roar, five thousand Qin soldiers rushed to the front of the camp, and the crossbows in their hands kept shooting out overwhelming crossbow arrows. Before the Crusaders on duty could react, they had already been shot into hedgehogs.

Tu Laoer arranged the best crossbowmen to the front, and this round of blows hit the crusaders' barracks like a heavy hammer.

At this time, the white belly of the east was already exposed, but the arrow feathers were like locusts overwhelming the sky, instantly making the white belly darken.

At this time, there is no need to waste crossbow arrows, because in war, morale is the most important thing, and the first round of strikes is particularly important.

Under the overwhelming crossbow arrows, the crusaders on duty had no room to resist.

The Great Qin Emperor's army was full of people, and their morale was like a rainbow. At this time, some cultivators lurking in the barracks of Yu Jianfei started to set fire.






The barracks of Liujiao Pavilion are covered with dense feathers like snow.

Although the crusaders' barracks had done enough defense, they still caused huge casualties in the face of the overwhelming sharp arrows.

Of course, the first round of shooting only hit the morale of the Crusaders, and did not kill many people. After all, the Crusaders were sleeping in the barracks at this time, and the fatal thing was that the buildings that burned in an instant were still asleep. The crusaders ran across the camp with their heads in their arms, and a wave of locust-like arrow feathers hit their heads and faces, causing extremely terrifying lethality.

However, the Crusaders were not a mob of refugees, but a well-trained regular army, who soon woke up and began to resist bravely.

During the more than one year of high-intensity offensive and defensive warfare in the Great Qin Empire, every crusader has been turned into a killing machine.

The soldier's intuition told them that this was a life-and-death battle.

Everyone knows that in the face of the enemy's sneak attack, one must keep a calm mind in order to turn defeat into victory.

There are no reservations.

After the first round of arrow attacks, organized defenses began to appear in the Crusaders barracks. Many Crusaders mounted their horses and began to charge towards the infantry of the Great Qin Empire.

Because the Crusaders originated from nomads, they lacked craftsmen and were good at engineering. Defense was their shortcoming. Although they organized some defensive equipment at this time, they seemed a bit disorganized. The main defense was actually to use the advantage of cavalry to charge and break As long as you buy even a little time for the comrades in the rear to attack the enemy's offensive rhythm, the balance of victory will be tilted like your own.

When Tu Laoer saw cavalry rushing out, he knew that now was the time to fight his last battle.

Facing the cavalry, you can only hold back an inch, and retreating means death. It is impossible for a person's two legs to outrun the four legs of a war horse.

Seeing the cavalrymen swarming over like ants in the barracks, Tu Laoer was very anxious.

"Throughout the ages, countless hot blood will be shrouded in horse leather on the battlefield, but they will still last forever! Man, what joy is there in life? What fear is there in death? As soldiers of the Great Qin Empire, it is our duty and duty to defend our home and country. It is a supreme honor to die in battle, and I hope that my blood can be used to ignite the passion in the hearts of brothers, and we will go forward bravely throughout our lives and never take a step back!"

Tu Laoer, who was originally tall, looked even more majestic after wearing the battle armor, and the battle robe was hunting, like a god.

A round of crossbow arrows shot past like locusts, and after suppressing the rainbow-like momentum of the crusaders, Tu Lao Er rushed forward in the lead.

"Never take a step back!"

"Never take a step back!"



The sound of killing was loud, and after several rounds of volleys, the crossbow bolts had been exhausted. At this time, it was time to fight hand-to-hand.

The blood of the five thousand Qin Tieqi suddenly boiled, and they couldn't help themselves. Amidst the roar, all of them suddenly pulled out their sharp long knives and held them up in the air. Against the black background like the ocean, the bright long knives Like snow, the sharp blade light emits a solemn and cold light in the cold wind, which makes people tremble with fear!




Amidst the turbulent and blood-boiling shouts of killing, five thousand soldiers collided with the charging cavalry. Tu Laoer waved his battle and swept out like a hurricane. Beside him was a group of warriors and heroes of the rivers and lakes. , Behind the warriors and heroes of the rivers and lakes, there are five thousand infantrymen of the Great Qin Dynasty with sharp swords.

The best of the best, the momentum is like a rainbow!

Following the last round of dense arrow rain, five thousand soldiers rushed past like a roaring river.

The crossbow arrows disappeared, and the crusaders cavalry showed ferocious smiles on their faces, and it was their turn to raise their eyebrows.

From ancient times to the present, cavalry has never put infantry in their eyes.

The earth is shaking.





"For the dignity of Daqin, for the blood in the heart, this battle must be won! Killing one is a crime, but slaughtering ten thousand is a hero, and killing 900 million is a hero among heroes! Brothers, kill, kill one in darkness, kill one in blood Flow into a river, kill a peaceful and prosperous world! Kill!"

Tu Laoer let out a roar, and the place where the long knife swept, blood and flesh flew across, and the horse's head broke. Immediately, the tide-like battle formation formed by the iron cavalry was torn apart. Behind him, five thousand infantry followed along. His torn hole rushed in, and the crack grew bigger and bigger.

The soldiers of the Great Qin Empire were infected by Du Tu's pride, and their blood boiled with enthusiasm.

A group of warriors and heroes of the rivers and lakes killed heartily.

The sound of the beating drums reverberating in the canyon is exciting.

Facing the fearless infantry of the Great Qin Empire, the momentum of the tide-like crusaders was abruptly stopped. The crusaders who were originally invincible were subjected to the most brutal melee in history, and their heads flew across the sky Non-stop, there are splashes of blood and internal organs everywhere.

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