wicked immortal

Chapter 737

General Gore made a wrong move. He should not have taken action against the cultivators of the Great Qin Empire before capturing Heishui City and killing the little emperor.

Countless cultivation sects were razed to the ground or burned to the ground by the iron hooves of the Crusaders. This made the cultivation circles of the Great Qin Empire united in a common hatred and began to launch a Jedi counterattack against the Crusaders.

More and more cultivators joined the army. Just at Zhenshui Pass, the number of cultivators who charged on the battlefield reached [-]. This is unprecedented in the war history of the Great Qin Empire. Those who rarely participate in human wars.

Strictly speaking, Zhao Yuan was just a fuse. What really caused the people of the Great Qin Empire to revolt was because the Crusaders tried to destroy the Great Qin orthodoxy.

Because the resistance was like a single spark that started a prairie fire, the Crusaders changed their previous image as the teachers of civilization and began brutal and bloody suppression. In just a few months, several cities were massacred, and millions of people were killed and injured by Emperor Qin. A wolfish ambition.

Where there is oppression, there is resistance.

In the continuous confrontation, countless epic heroes have emerged...


In some local areas, the Crusaders and the army of the Great Qin Empire fell into a stalemate, and the severity of the battle far exceeded that at the beginning of the war.

It wasn't until this time that the Crusaders discovered that the soldiers of the Great Qin Dynasty were not really vulnerable.

The Great Qin Empire has always favored martial arts. At the beginning, the Crusaders drove straight in, mainly because of the political chaos in the Great Qin Empire. When the Crusaders showed their ferocious faces, the people of the Great Qin Empire also showed their heroic and passionate side.

Only from Zhao Yuan to Heishui City, Heishui City seems to be far away from the war overnight. However, Heishui City is not comfortable. In addition to the deadly political struggle, the atmosphere of war is also very strong. In addition to collecting supplies to prepare for war, military The training was going on every day, and during the running-in, the tacit understanding between the assassin cavalry and the Great Qin Emperor's army became more and more tacit.

During these three months, Zhao Yuan and General Chang Kong encountered several assassinations one after another, and after each assassination, there would be a large-scale retaliation.

On the walls of Heishui City, there are already more than a thousand human heads hanging on them. Many of them have been air-dried, and their eye sockets are sunken, making them look extraordinarily hideous and terrifying.

Under the impetus of General Chang Kong at all costs, the constitutional monarchy began to take shape.

The departments with the separation of powers also have their own models.

Faced with this new thing, the vast majority of people have a repulsive attitude, and even some confidantes of General Changkong are quite critical, because this kind of political reform has affected the interests of too many people.

Every day, people would go to General Changkong's mansion to lobby, but General Changkong seemed to be determined, and even beheaded several immediate family members in the process of promoting political reforms...



The blizzard became more and more violent, the sky began to freeze, people's noses and cheeks were more frozen, and the bitter air was poured into the fur coat more frequently, and the clothes needed to be wrapped more tightly.The sledge sometimes tumbled across the bare ice because the wind had blown away the snow from the ground.

Standing on the city wall, Zhao Yuan felt as if there was a strong light shining on the snow-white field. The horizon widened greatly, and the low and dark sky suddenly disappeared, and only white slashes formed by falling snow could be seen in all directions.

In the wilderness, the wind stubbornly blows everything in one direction.

On the right, on the left, everywhere is white and dusty, the earth, killing it all over again...


Zhao Yuanyi stood in the wind and snow, and the heavy snow had completely covered him, like a lifeless snowman.

In just three months, Zhao Yuan experienced the cruelty of politics. Zhao Yuan would rather fight on the battlefield than get involved in political struggles.

Zhao Yuan originally thought that as long as he worked together with General Chang Kong, the constitutional monarchy would soon see initial results, and in fact, it was indeed the case. However, in the process, there were killings and conspiracy. Thinking of these, Zhao Yuan Had the urge to gag.

Now, the structure of the separation of powers has basically taken shape, and only one leader-level figure is missing.

General Chang Kong strongly recommended Zhao Yuan, but Zhao Yuan refused, but Zhao Yuan's refusal had little effect, because apart from Chang Kong, it was Zhao Yuan, and no suitable candidate could be found.

In fact, even if there is, General Chang Kong is not at ease.

Under General Chang Kong's hard work, Zhao Yuan finally agreed to serve as the prime minister of the Great Qin Empire temporarily.

One year!

Zhao Yuan's promise to General Chang Kong is one year, and after one year, Zhao Yuan will step down no matter what happens to the Great Qin Empire.

When Zhao Yuan leaves office, if nothing else happens, the first democratically elected Prime Minister will appear on the territory of the Great Qin Empire.

It was said to be a year, but in fact, Zhao Yuan knew that as long as the Great Qin Empire entered the counter-offensive, he could get rid of the heavy paperwork.

The snow was getting bigger and bigger, and on the wasteland, except for the heavy snow, there was no other color to be seen.

At this moment, Zhao Yuan was completely covered in snow.

Zhao Yuan shook lightly, the snow on his body shot up all over the sky, revealing his rock-like armor.

Zhao Yuan looked at the black forest.

Has the White Dragon King rescued the giant dragon in the pool of Black Rock Valley?

What happened to Caixia Fairy and the others in the prehistoric area?

Thinking of Fairy Caixia and the others, suddenly, a ray of light flashed across the air like a shooting star, and a group of monsters who were standing around trembling with cold found that Zhao Yuan, who was originally standing on the city wall, had disappeared.

The group of monsters looked at each other, but they didn't dare to leave. They kept walking back and forth, and some even activated their aura to keep warm. All of a sudden, the monster aura was overwhelming above the city tower, causing the cultivators to check and see that it was Zhao Yuan's. A group of personal guards, the practitioners left.

Zhao Yuan arrived at Liaoyuan Commercial Firm.

Boss Xu, Qiu Xiaochong, and Xiaocui are all there.

Because of the invasion of the Crusaders, the Liaoyuan Trading Company, which had been thriving in the sky, also suffered a heavy blow. However, in terms of intelligence business, the Liaoyuan Trading Company was flourishing, because there were so many people-hunting businesses in the midst of chaos.

"Brother Zhao!" Qiu Xiaochong was pleasantly surprised when he saw Zhao Yuan.

"Xiao Chong is not on duty today?"

"He's on duty, so he'll come out to see his wife sometime." Qiu Xiaochong said with a chuckle.

"This is not an example!" Zhao Yuan frowned.

"Brother Zhao..."

"Xiao Chong, in the future, the three powers will be separated, and I won't be able to protect you." Zhao Yuan said with a serious face.


"Idiot, why are you still standing there, go back quickly, it's an extraordinary time, do you want to tear down Big Brother Zhao?" Xiaocui grabbed Qiu Xiaochong's ear.

"...don't talk, don't talk, I'll go, I'll go, I'll just go... It's freezing cold, and people are still alive... The Crusaders would not choose this time to attack the city... "Qiu Xiaochong muttered and complained.

"If I were the general of the Crusaders, I would attack the Jiudaowan barracks in the next few days." Zhao Yuan said lightly.


Qiu Xiaochong's body shook, as if being stabbed by a needle, he jumped up suddenly, picked up the iron rod at the corner of the door and other objects, and rushed into the boundless snow. Immediately, there was a vibration of horseshoes, and he gradually went away...


"Is there any news from Honghuang?" Zhao Yuan sat down, took a sip of hot tea, and asked Boss Xu.

"We have offered a huge reward and obtained a lot of news, but we can't tell which rest is true and which is false..."

"Tell me what you want." Zhao Yuan nodded.

"I've sorted out some mixed information, and a few pieces of information are somewhat reliable. For example, someone said that among the [-] mountains in the prehistoric area, an ancient formation was activated inadvertently in an area. Fairy Caixia is really trapped in the prehistoric area, so it should be the ancient formation that was inadvertently activated."

"Continue." Zhao Yuan frowned.

"There are also people who say that a magical weapon was unearthed in the prehistoric area, which has attracted many master cultivators to rush there. In addition, some people say that a cultivator is about to ascend to immortality and is going through the tribulation in the prehistoric area. He has arranged a formation to protect himself ...In short, there is a lot of information about the prehistoric area, so far, these are the only ones that have been sorted out."

"Do you have a specific address?"

"No, the prehistoric area is too big. Except for the goblins and cultivators living in the prehistoric area, it is difficult for outsiders to determine the exact location, but..." Boss Xu hesitated to speak.

"But how?"

"A few days ago, a seriously injured cultivator exchanged a map of the prehistoric area for crystals. At that time, he refused because he didn't think too much..."

"Where does the cultivator live?" Zhao Yuan stood up abruptly.

"Don't worry, general. The cultivator was seriously injured in the Black Forest. It's freezing cold, and he has a lot of money. He must still be stranded in Heishui City. I will immediately arrange for someone to inquire and buy the map."

"Well, thank you for your hard work."

"It should be..."

Boss Xu was flattered and smirked.

Over the years, Boss Xu has always felt like he was dreaming. He couldn't believe that he would actually have a relationship with the invincible God of War of the Great Qin Empire.

Zhao Yuan and Xiaocui chatted for a while, then got up to leave.

After leaving the Liaoyuan Trading Company, Zhao Yuan flew towards the Black Forest Yujian at a fast speed. When he reached the edge of the Black Forest, he pressed down the flying sword and rushed all the way to the Dragon Pool in the Black Rock Valley...

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