wicked immortal

Chapter 753 The Faith Contest Begins

Regarding Zhenshuiguan, Zhao Yuan will not give up easily, not only because Zhao Yuan has put in a lot of effort in Zhenshuiguan, but most importantly, the people of Zhenshuiguan have placed high hopes on Zhao Yuan, especially some Country gentry and local tyrants, back then, when they were in Bafang City, some country gentry and local tyrants went bankrupt and followed Zhao Yuan.

Before going to the prehistoric area, Zhao Yuan had to stop at Zhenshui Pass, which shows how much he attached importance to Zhenshui Pass.

Now, Zhao Yuan wants to sort out the situation and ensure that there will be no danger in the short-term of the Zhenshui Pass.

At present, Heishui City has strong soldiers and strong horses. The number of slave cavalry alone exceeds 20. Including the army of the Great Qin Empire, the total number has reached 50. It is absolutely impossible to break through the city in a short time.

As for the God of War Ares, Zhao Yuan is not worried, because, according to the Monkey King, the clone of the God of War Ares is not durable, that is to say, it is impossible for Ares to persist until the capture of Heishui City.

In addition, summoning the avatars of the gods also requires a huge amount of energy from the summoner. Because of this, General Gore cannot continuously summon the avatars of the gods to fight.

Usually, only when the war is in reverse, General Gore will summon the god clone.

At present, after General Gore set foot on the territory of the Great Qin Empire, in addition to summoning a god clone once at the Rolling Stone Barracks, there was another time in the imperial capital. The morale of the army was shattered and the defeat was complete.

The crusaders' greatest support is the black-winged Kunpeng, and the black-winged Kunpeng has been pinned down by the archers led by Lan Caier, unable to move.

After finding out the details of the crusaders, Zhao Yuan was no longer worried about the safety of Heishui City.

Now, what Zhao Yuan is most worried about is Zhenshui Pass.

Intuition told Zhao Yuan that the Crusaders would never let Zhenshui Pass be controlled by Daqin for a long time.

Why didn't the crusaders take action?

Zhao Yuan racked his brains to reason about the idea of ​​the commander-in-chief of the crusaders.

If he was the commander of the Crusaders, when the battle in Heishui City was in a stalemate and Zhao Yuan and Ni Tianhou were unable to separate themselves, he would take thunderous action and capture Zhenshui Pass in one fell swoop.

Some things don't make sense.

To outsiders, Zhao Yuan appears to be a bold villain, but in reality, Zhao Yuan walks on thin ice every step of the way. Although he often takes risks, he doesn't like taking risks. He prefers to think carefully and think twice before acting.

When Zhao Yuan fled back then, he had understood the pressure that one wrong step would result in his death. Now, when the two armies are at war, his personal wrong decision will no longer affect Zhao Yuan's personal safety, but its influence is It is more far-reaching, not only related to the national destiny of the Great Qin Empire, but also related to the lives of thousands of ordinary soldiers.

With great power comes great responsibility.

Now, Zhao Yuan has a title of "Prime Minister". Although this title has not been fully announced, it is only an internal decision and a false name. However, he planned and promoted the political reform of the entire Great Qin Empire, so he must bear the responsibility. take this responsibility...


Suddenly, Zhao Yuan thought of a problem. He was paying attention to Zhenshui Pass and Heishui City recently, but he didn't notice the movements of the Crusaders.

According to intelligence, nearly a million infantrymen have already landed on the territory of the Russian Empire from the distant ocean, so what is the huge army doing?

Thinking of this, Zhao Yuan immediately sorted out all the relevant information he had, and soon he made an astonishing discovery.

The hundreds of thousands of troops that have rushed to the Great Qin Empire have been distributed to various territories of the Great Qin Empire.

Moreover, in some slightly larger cities of the Great Qin Empire, some huge buildings are being built.

Huge buildings!

Zhao Yuan suddenly remembered, he remembered that when Zhenshui Pass was captured, there was a magnificent building under construction at Zhenshui Pass, but now, that building is half abandoned.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yuan immediately jumped up and disappeared into the vast darkness. A group of monsters wearing soldier armor all looked shocked.

In the eyes of all the monsters, Zhao Yuan's magic power has become stronger and stronger, unfathomable, and the speed of the transformation alone is already difficult to catch with the naked eye...


Zhao Yuan arrived at the magnificent building.

Zhao Yuan stared blankly at the building in front of him, inexplicably, he had a feeling of insignificance.

Looking around, you can see towering spires, pointed arches, large windows and glass painted with stories.

When Zhao Yuan was on the earth, he swallowed the dates and dabbled in some religious buildings on the earth. He found that the design of this huge and magnificent building uses pointed rib vaults, flying buttresses, and slender beam columns to create a lightness. The slender sense of flying is shocking.

Around, as well as the new frame structure to increase the strength to support the top, so that the whole building with straight lines, majestic appearance and empty space inside the church, combined with the long windows inlaid with glass, so that the building produces a strong religious atmosphere.The plane of the building is still basically a Latin cross, but a pair of towers are added on both sides of the west end gate...

Shocked in his heart, Zhao Yuan was stunned after slowly walking into this impressive building. He had seen this building from afar before, but he never expected that there would be such a scene inside.

It is no exaggeration to describe it as magnificent.

On the huge dome, some mythical figures are depicted, and there are some unbelievably fine sculptures around it.

Many sculptures are still half-finished.

The painting of the dome is also halfway done.

Obviously, the construction of this building was stopped because of Zhao Yuan's sudden appearance. However, the visual impact of this semi-finished product is extremely shocking. If it is completed, it will be worth it.

The church is not deserted, there are many clergymen in long robes praying in the church, and below, there are actually many ordinary people of the Great Qin Empire...


Looking at those pious Daqin people, Zhao Yuan's mood became more and more heavy. He actually ignored one of the most important things - the power of faith.

Apparently, the small fire at the Zhenshuiguan Liaoyuan made the Crusaders realize that war was only a secondary means, and the most important thing was to change the beliefs of the people of the Great Qin Empire.

As long as the beliefs of the people of the Great Qin Empire are changed, I believe that soon, some people of the Great Qin Empire will join the Crusades to fight against the army of the Great Qin Empire.

The follow-up army of the Crusaders did not come to fight, but to stabilize the territories already occupied by the Great Qin Empire, create a peaceful environment in a short period of time, and then, through religious brainwashing, convert the people of the Great Qin Empire.

It is very difficult to change human beliefs, but it is not as difficult as imagined, especially in times of disasters, diseases and wars, human beliefs are most likely to be shaken.

Usually, some human beings with weak willpower will choose religious beliefs that are beneficial to them.

But now, the Great Qin Empire was in turmoil, and the people of Great Qin suffered all kinds of hardships. Every commoner hoped to live a stable life. At this time, the religious beliefs of the Crusaders took advantage of the void, and it was easy to gain a group of loyal believers.

After giving the first believers something material and spiritual, the subtle conversion of faith is complete...

Thinking of this, Zhao Yuan shivered inexplicably.

The Great Qin Empire has a vast territory, and Heishui City and Zhenshui Pass are insignificant. As long as the army is used to drag the Great Qin Empire's army to Zhenshui Pass and Heishui City for a while, even if the Great Qin Empire's army fights back, it will not There was a scene of echoes.

It is not uncommon for a war to last for ten or a hundred years. Obviously, the Crusaders are no longer in a hurry to capture Heishui City and Zhenshui Pass, but instead focus on the occupied places.

No wonder General Gore voluntarily gave up Jiudao Bend and Rolling Stone Barracks one after another. They never thought of exchanging huge casualties for temporary victory.

In fact, only after the Assassins formed an alliance with the Great Qin, it was impossible for the Crusaders to wipe out the roots, because, behind the Blackwater City, there was the vast and fertile Assassins prairie.

The winter in the Great Qin Empire is very long. Now, the winter has only started for more than a month, and there are at least two more months. In these two months, the Crusaders are enough to complete control in the Great Qin Empire. I'm afraid it will be an attack of one city and one pool. With the national strength of the Assassin Prairie, it is impossible to fight a protracted war of attrition...


No, the military rhythm of the Crusaders must be broken!

Zhao Yuan glanced at the towering buildings in the night, and strode away with firm steps, leaving a series of deep footprints on the snow, with a murderous look on his face...

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