wicked immortal

Chapter 755

Zhao Yuan discovered that the Monkey King's power was getting stronger and stronger, not only the Golden Eagle in the Sea of ​​Clouds obeyed him, but even the evil Qilin he met for the first time did not dare to disobey at all, being very docile.

Undoubtedly, the strength of the Heaven-Defying Monkey has become stronger and stronger, so powerful that even an arrogant beast like the Evil Qilin dare not confront it.

It is not only the Qiongshu in the world of Lingtai that makes the Monkey against the sky strong, but also the aura of Zhanyun Continent.

Compared with the desolation of the meteorite belt, the Zhanyun Continent can be said to be outstanding, and it seems reasonable for the Monkey to recover quickly.

Of course, no one knows the specific situation of the Monkey King except himself.

In addition to observing the Heaven-Defying Monkey, Zhao Yuan must not forget the White Dragon King who is concentrating on cultivating in the Lingtai World, and of course, the evil spirit of Hua Tutuo and the soul of the husband of the Cuckoo Demon.

Only after entering the world of Lingtai, the White Dragon King found a dragon vein for retreat, but he never showed up, so Zhao Yuan didn't bother to bother him.

As for the evil spirit of Hua Toutuo, it was injured by the burning fairy last time, and it has not recovered. It howled and screamed in the fire of purgatory every day, suffering from the horrific reincarnation.

The soul of Du Juan's demon husband has been condensed into shape, but he doesn't have any consciousness yet. After all, he was just an ordinary person at the beginning. Although Zhao Yuan spent some effort, it is impossible for him to have a physical body in a short time.

When it comes to the husband of the cuckoo demon, I want to explain it here.

Because Du Juan's demon husband is completely aura-condensed, once revived, he will directly be a Sanxian-level existence.

Of course, there are many kinds of Sanxians. Some Sanxians, when they were human beings, possessed the ability to escape from the earth. When they became Sanxians, they naturally also had great supernatural powers. Like Dujuan Yao's husband, although he was blessed with the help of Zhao Yuan However, even if one becomes a Sanxian, his magic power is extremely limited, and it takes a long time to practice...

During the rapid march, Zhao Yuan also sorted out the cultivation situation of "The Enemy of Thousands of People".

He suddenly discovered that the kingly state of "The Enemy of Ten Thousand Enemies" had a huge impact on him.

If it was in the past, after hearing the news that Fairy Caixia and the others disappeared in the Honghuang area, they would definitely rush to the Honghuang area to search immediately, but he first stayed in Heishui City, then decided to go to the Honghuang area, and then stayed in Zhenshui Pass After learning about the danger of Zhenshui Pass, he decided to send troops...


Don't you love the country and not the beauties? !

Thinking of this, a wry smile appeared on the corner of Zhao Yuan's mouth.

After coming into contact with "The Enemy of Ten Thousand People", Zhao Yuan discovered that his behavior was influenced by "The Enemy of Ten Thousand People".

In addition to the domineering aura cultivated by oneself, the realm of kingship is actually a way of looking at things, which is more far-sighted.

Obviously, Zhao Yuan's current thinking is wider, more meticulous, and more profound than before. However, because of this change in mood, he has overlooked many things.


If you are swayed by a secret book of cultivation, it is no different from the walking dead!

Zhao Yuan shook his head fiercely, and secretly made up his mind to rush to the prehistoric area immediately after capturing Tongzhou.

I hope Fairy Caixia and the others are all right.

Zhao Yuan sighed a long time, he is not an indecisive person, at the beginning of his debut, Zhao Yuan was known for his decisiveness in killing and attacking, and because of Zhao Yuan's decisiveness in doing things, he was listed on the villain list and became a world-famous villain. Now, Zhao Yuan finds that he has become a little worried about gain and loss, and has become timid.

Zhao Yuan found that the more he knew about the cultivation world, the more confused he became.

Each sect in the cultivation world tests their strength differently. Although they can be roughly divided into the early stage of cultivation, elementary aura, intermediate aura, high-level aura, and then heaven, in fact, some sects have their own classifications.

As for the warriors, it was extremely confusing, such as elementary warriors, advanced warriors, etc. Among them, there were tests of combat value and so on.

And Zhao Yuan's own practice of "The Enemy of Ten Thousand People" also caused Zhao Yuan to sometimes fall into chaos.

From the realm of brute force to the realm of eyesight, and then to the realm of wisdom, these realms are completely different from the division of strength in the realm of comprehension. As long as "The Enemy" breaks through the third realm of wisdom, it will enter the way of heaven , become a god, and in the cultivation world, after the gods, there is no rank.

According to the description in "The Enemy of Thousands of People", after becoming a god, there are still the realm of mountains and rivers, the realm of great secrets, the realm of origin, and the realm of chaos.

At present, Zhao Yuan has not broken through the third stage of the realm of wisdom and heart, and he dare not even think about the realm after attaining Taoism and becoming a fairy...


What is the realm of chaos!

Looking at the vast starry sky, Zhao Yuan's frown slowly relaxed. He believed that one day, he would get a glimpse of the true way of heaven.

The way of heaven is out of reach.

It's a mundane matter that urgently needs to be resolved.

In the boundless snowy mountains, the long queue is like a streamer formed by a torrent of steel, winding and stretching between the frozen world for thousands of miles.

During the march, the queue was silent, except for the clear and orderly creaking sound of military shoes stepping on the frozen snow, which sounded neatly on the snowy field.

The sky had already dawned, and they walked for five hours. Except for a break in the middle, the one hundred thousand troops kept marching on the slippery mountain road.It was getting dark and the wind was blowing in the valley. The wind carried snow particles and whipped the skin exposed to the cold wind. The soldiers' footsteps became heavy, and from time to time someone lifted their backpacks and weapons.

The walking speed of human beings is usually maintained at about [-] miles per hour. If you walk briskly, it can reach [-] miles per hour.

The weather is really bad. Not only is the blizzard raging in the sky, the snow on the ground is knee-high in some places, and 11 people stepped down all the way, and it became muddy and slippery. Although they marched all the way, the speed was as fast as ordinary people almost.

The most terrifying thing is the frozen ice surface. Some ice surfaces cannot be knocked open, and some ice surfaces are as thin as a mirror due to the complicated geographical environment. There are scouts exploring the way, but there are still dangerous situations from time to time...


"General, brothers can't hold on anymore." Tu Laoer rode on a horse and caught up with Zhao Yuan.

"How far is it?" Zhao Yuan looked back, nodded, and asked.

"About fifty miles."

"Fifty miles..."

Zhao Yuan frowned. Fifty miles was a short distance. If he didn't stop to rest, the 11 troops would be exhausted by the time they arrived at the city of Tongzhou, and it was not suitable for battle.

If you stop to rest for a while and then go on your way, you will still be exhausted when you arrive in Tongzhou.

According to Zhao Yuan's idea, the best distance is to take a short break when keeping a distance of about ten miles from Tongzhou, and then take Tongzhou in one go.

The problem now is that it is getting late. If there is any further delay, it will be night when we arrive in Tongzhou.

In the winter night of the Great Qin Empire, dripping water turns into ice, which is not suitable for siege.

"Persevere!" Zhao Yuan said with a serious face.


"Fifty miles, not even two hours. Today, we will have a good meal and a bowl of hot soup in Tongzhou City!" Zhao Yuan said word by word.

"Ah...to attack today?" Tu Laoer looked horrified. He originally thought that after arriving in Tongzhou, he would set up camp and plan slowly, but he did not expect that Zhao Yuan would take Tongzhou immediately.

"The garrison in Tongzhou used to have 11 cavalry, and some people have been added recently. The exact number is unknown, but it should be around [-]. We have [-] people, so we don't have an advantage. Moreover, the opponent has a city to defend. In fact, We are at a disadvantage, but we have blood bulls, and it is easy for blood bulls to destroy the city wall. They, if the war is in a stalemate, then even if we have bloody bulls to help us fight, we will definitely lose!"

"Understood, General!"

Tu Laoer's heart was shocked. He knew very well that if he was defeated in a battle like this without reinforcements and supplies, the entire army would be wiped out. Die in battle, but also freeze to death and starve to death in the wild.

"Encourage morale, don't be afraid to alarm the Crusaders, they must already know that we are coming!"

"Yes, General!"

Tu Laoer knew that this was a serious matter, so he immediately arranged for people to boost morale.

The road in the wilderness became steeper and more difficult. From time to time, someone slipped and fell on the snow, and some comrades stepped forward to pull them up.

The order to rest was not issued, and the silent queue continued to move forward.Sweat and snow were blown by the wind, sticking to the body coolly, the leather of the combat shoes was swollen and heavier, and the feet moved mechanically.

Suddenly someone shouted in front: "Persistence is victory, and Tongzhou is ahead. General Zhao said that today we will have a bowl in the city and cook mutton soup for everyone!"

The hearts of the soldiers suddenly cheered up, and a loud military song sounded in the team, "Forward, forward, our long swords look at the enemy's head..."

11 people sang at the same time, and the atmosphere suddenly became lively. People sang loudly, drank snow water, gnawed on cold steamed buns, and strode forward.

The queue that had been staggering here and there moved forward in an orderly and calm manner, and the armor with snowflakes on its shoulders shone with icy light...

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