"Thinking hard... Haha, what a hard thinking... As expected of Zhao Yuan, but Linger is like this now, is it what you think?" Chen said with a wry smile.

"If Linger goes crazy, I'll stay, if Linger recovers, I'll leave."

"What if Ling'er is crazy for a lifetime?"

"I will take her around the world and take care of her for the rest of my life!" Zhao Yuan said firmly.

"Wandering around the world! That is to say, you will never stay in Wanjia?"


"...Okay, it's useless to say more, let's go and see Linger first."

Seeing the determination in Zhao Yuan's tone, Mrs. Chen smiled wryly again.

Chen objected to Zhao Yuan and Wan Ling'er being together. Apart from the fact that Zhao Yuan was not a cultivator, she was always worried that Zhao Yuan had evil intentions and coveted her family property. Now, she knew that Zhao Yuan didn't even think about it. Stay in Wanjia.Just like what Wan Ziyu said back then, after the beginning of spring, it would be difficult to even keep Zhao Yuan.

Perhaps, in Zhao Yuan's mind, Wanjia's property is nothing at all.

Suddenly, Mrs. Chen remembered that pile of top-quality crystals.Chen doesn't think Wan Ling'er was able to find so many crystals. Obviously, it's all thanks to Zhao Yuan...


While Chen was thinking wildly, the group returned to the Wanjia West Courtyard.

When Zhao Yuan walked into the west courtyard, it immediately attracted everyone's attention, but no one greeted Zhao Yuan, because the Chen family was by Zhao Yuan's side.

Without further ado, everyone came to Wan Ling'er's bedroom.

Wan Ling'er's eyes were still empty, she stared blankly out of the window, outside the window was a courtyard with small bridges and flowing water, a little further away was the wall between the west courtyard and the east courtyard, past the fence was the east courtyard.If you follow Wan Ling'er's gaze, you can find that that direction is where Zhao Yuan lives.

For countless nights, Wan Ling'er stared at the wall, watching the paper butterflies flying around.

Master Suxin sat beside Wan Ling'er. She had already taken various measures to treat Wan Ling'er, but nothing worked.

Beneath those empty eyes was an empty shell.

Wan Linger's soul has left her beautiful body.

Master Suxin did not tell Wan Ziyu and his wife that if Wan Linger's situation drags on for too long, Wan Linger's three souls and seven souls will be separated and he will never be able to recover, unless someone with great supernatural powers helps Wan Linger Reshape the soul...


The helpless Mrs. Suxin is also very anxious. This is the first time she has encountered such a situation in her more than 200 years of practice.

"Good teacher." Zhao Yuan greeted Master Suxin.

"Well, call Ling'er quickly."

"Linger, Linger..."

Zhao Yuan beckoned softly, and walked slowly behind Wan Ling'er, looking at the haggard and emaciated figure, Zhao Yuan felt his heart throbbing.

Wan Ling'er, whose back was facing Zhao Yuan, suddenly moved, and a pair of empty eyes slowly glowed.

People looked at Wan Ling'er nervously, holding their breath, the room could hear needles falling, and the silence was suffocating.

Finally, Wan Ling'er turned around slowly, and her eyes fell on Zhao Yuan.

"Ah...Zhao Yuan...you...why did you come into my room...Oops...it will be miserable if my mother finds out...you go, go away...what's the matter with you, what's wrong with your clothes It's so dirty? Wait, wait... No... Mommy always comes into my room... You have to hide... Hurry up..."

Wan Ling'er seemed to wake up suddenly from a dream, with a panicked face, and dragged Zhao Yuan to hide in the room.However, although the room was not small, it was extremely tidy, and there was no place to hide at all. In desperation, Wan Ling'er pushed Zhao Yuan onto the bed and covered her with a quilt.

"Zhao Yuan, your clothes are too cold, warm up the bed, I'll be here soon."

Under the eyes of everyone, Wan Ling'er hurriedly rushed out, as if she didn't see Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Suxin.

Seeing Wan Ling'er rushing out of the room, Zhao Yuan was about to chase, but was stopped by Mrs. Su Xin, who made him lie on the bed. Then, she gave Chen a wink, and Chen quickly followed Wan Ling'er in pursuit. go out.

Wan Ling'er rushed all the way to Chen's room in a hurry, ignoring the surprised eyes around her.

After entering Chen's room, Wan Ling'er began to rummage through the boxes, as if looking for something.

at last.

Wan Ling'er found a whole set of clothes and shoes, all of which belonged to Wan Ziyu.

After finding all the clothes, shoes and socks, Wan Ling'er ignored Chen who was standing beside her, and hurried back to her bedroom with the clothes in her arms.

"Zhao Yuan, put it on quickly, put it on quickly..."

Wan Ling'er woke up Zhao Yuan and urged him to change clothes.

Under the stares of Mrs. Suxin and Mrs. Chen, Zhao Yuan had no choice but to change his clothes in full view.

"The shoes don't fit well. There's nothing I can do. My father's feet are different from yours... You can wear them as you please... Zhao Yuan, hurry up, my mother will be here later." Wan Linger helped Zhao After finishing tidying up, Yuan showed an anxious look on his face and urged Zhao Yuan to leave.

"Ling'er, it's me." Zhao Yuan smiled wryly.

"I know you are Zhao Yuan, you think I'm a fool, Brother Yuan doesn't know me anymore!" Wan Ling'er smiled sweetly.

"Linger..." Looking at Linger's flowery smile, Zhao Yuan's hands trembled subconsciously.

"Go, I'll find you tonight."

Wan Linger was very worried about being discovered by her mother, so she pushed Zhao Yuan out of the room.

A heartbreaking scene appeared.

After Zhao Yuan left the room, Wan Ling'er sat down on the chair again and looked in the direction of the East courtyard. The face that was originally full of smiles slowly became dull again, and the pair of smart eyes became empty again. Godless.

"Ling'er... I am your mother, I am your mother..."

Chen Shi hugged Wan Ling'er, tears streaming down her face, but even though Wan Ling'er was shaken and called by Chen Shi, she still didn't respond.

"Zhao Yuan, come in."


Zhao Yuan walked in and looked at Wan Ling'er's stone-like back.

"Ling'er." Zhao Yuan called softly.

"Ah...Zhao Yuan, why are you back again? My mother is coming soon, hurry up, I agreed to see you at night, hurry up!"

Wan Ling'er, who was originally stupid, woke up from the dream again, turned around and looked at Zhao Yuan in surprise, stood up quickly, pushed Zhao Yuan out of her boudoir, and closed the door tightly, leaning her back on the door, The little hand patted his chest lightly, stuck out his tongue, looking cute.

Wan Linger still ignored Mrs. Chen and Mrs. Suxin, walked around the room, found the Ice Excalibur hanging on the wall, took it up and took it in her hand, and returned to the chair. Soon, the corner of her mouth The happy smile that was hanging disappeared...


Several people left Wan Ling'er's bedroom and went to the hall to discuss.

"Master, what happened to Linger, why can't she remember what happened between us?" Zhao Yuan looked at Mrs. Suxin nervously.

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