wicked immortal

Chapter 763 Bull Demon King

the next day.

Tongzhou City launched a large-scale conscription campaign.

This time the conscription is completely different from the conscription at Zhenshuiguan. It is not about killing the old, the weak, the sick, and the disabled. It is extremely demanding and needs to face some simple tests. It has extremely high requirements for physical and psychological quality. Of course , for veterans, it is priority, and the requirements are much less.

Tongzhou City is located in an important location and has a high population density. Even if the selection for conscription is extremely strict, the number of active applicants exceeds [-].

After more than a year of war and chaos, the economy of the Great Qin Empire was almost destroyed. In addition, there were no incidents in winter, and many families were poor and hungry. Serving as a soldier is undoubtedly a good way out. If you are not lucky, you will die in battle. Serving the country on the battlefield, if you are lucky, you may be honoring your ancestors and blessing your descendants.

The enthusiasm of the people to join the army is high. Many families are a few members of the family, and father and son go to battle together.

In order to improve efficiency, Zhao Yuan sent soldiers and horses to vigorously publicize in nearby towns and towns, and handled them on the spot. As long as they met the qualifications, they would immediately enlist in the army, which greatly improved the efficiency of conscription.

During the conscription, because of Zhao Yuan's promise, many veterans with scruples left behind their ideological baggage and re-enlisted.

The return of veterans on a large scale allowed this new recruit team to have a backbone. At the beginning of its establishment, it had a certain combat capability, and this was exactly what Zhao Yuan needed.

Because when Tongzhou City was captured, a large amount of military supplies were seized, so there was no need to worry about weapons, armor, food and grass.

The only thing that depressed Zhao Yuan was that most of the military supplies seized were from the Crusaders, including winter clothes. Faced with this situation, Zhao Yuan had no choice but to deal with it. He bought a batch of red cloth strips and tore them apart. Chengtiao, let those Daqin recruits wearing crusader armor tie their arms to distinguish them.

Faced with the long queue of applicants, Tu Lao Er and the others were all happy. Originally, they thought that the source of soldiers was the biggest problem. After all, no one was willing to risk their lives to fight on the battlefield.

Tu Laoer underestimated Zhao Yuan's appeal.

Most of the people who signed up, except for a group of impoverished people, joined the army because of their admiration for Zhao Yuan. Some people, even if they only saw Zhao Yuan's back, they would be excited and incoherent.

Outside the official residence where Zhao Yuan lived temporarily, there were countless handsome men and beauties staying. They all wanted to see their idols. Many young people immediately signed up to join the army when they heard the news of the conscription. Even many girls were ranked in the long queue. Among the long teams, unfortunately, Zhao Yuan did not want female soldiers, otherwise, a female army could be established.

In addition to ordinary people, more and more cultivators came from all directions.

The team of monsters around Zhao Yuan is getting bigger and bigger.

So far, Zhao Yuan has not allowed the monsters to participate in human battles. Of course, Zhao Yuan is not worried about monsters killing innocent people, but he knows that these monsters have limited mana, so there is no problem for them to deal with human beings alone. However, in his Among thousands of troops, the ferocious murderous aura of human beings is enough to destroy the will of monsters, even if it scares them into incontinence, it is not uncommon.

Many people overestimate the power of monsters. In the human world, there are countless legends about monsters, but the stories of monsters going to the battlefield are rare.

In the face of monsters, human beings have inherent advantages, especially when there are many people, human beings can burst out with a fierce momentum and masculinity. The masculinity is not just to scare monsters, but it is really useful Lethality, many monsters, on the battlefield, in the face of tens of thousands of passionate human soldiers, there are not a few who are directly frightened out of their wits. Fortunately, they survived, which is worse than being seriously injured by the monstrous masculinity and losing their morals...

Of course, that only refers to some small monsters, the real big monsters are still very scary.

When Zhao Yuan was sorting out the information in the mansion, there was a little monster who introduced a big monster. Why did he say his big monster?Because, when all the monsters saw him, they all showed the fear in their hearts. Even the wolf and cuckoo monsters who are not shallow, dare not look directly at him. Obviously, this monster can be regarded as a big monster.

The cuckoo demon brought the big monster to the living room to wait for Zhao Yuan. When Zhao Yuan walked into the living room, he also had a feeling of trepidation in his heart.

What a mighty momentum!

This monster was more than two heads taller than Zhao Yuan. Standing there, his majestic figure seemed to look down on the world. His eyebrows were thick and black, like two sharp black knives.

"Zhao Yuan!" Zhao Yuan collected his mind and bowed his hands in a salute, neither humble nor overbearing.

"Niujiazhai Bull Demon King, General!" The monster had a respectful expression and bowed his hands.

"The Bull Demon King..." Zhao Yuan was dumbfounded. He had read Earth's "Journey to the West" and knew there was such an important character in it.

"The general knows me?" Bull Demon King was also taken aback when he saw Zhao Yuan's dumbfounded expression.

"I've heard about the great name for a long time, and it's like thunder, but I never thought that it was Brother Niu who arrived, and I was greeted from afar!" Zhao Yuan was overjoyed, and hurriedly called the Bull Demon King to sit down.

"Why doesn't Lao Niu know the general?" Bull Demon King asked suspiciously, confused by the enthusiastic Zhao Yuan.

"Brother Niu's wife is Princess Iron Fan?" Zhao Yuan asked.

"Yes..." The Bull Demon King was stunned. He never imagined that in Zhanyun Continent, there would be people who knew the existence of Iron Fan Princess.

"Brother Niu and Princess Iron Fan have a child named Honghaier?"


"Brother Niu has a sworn brother called Sun Wukong?" Zhao Yuan laughed heartily. Being able to see the legendary figure made Zhao Yuan, who is not surprised by favor or humiliation, feel a little excited. Think about it, on earth, who can see the Bull Demon King? true face!

"That Poor Monkey...huh!" The Bull Demon King showed a hint of anger on his face.

"Haha, that's it. Although we don't know each other, we already know Brother Niu's name!"

Zhao Yuan poured tea for the Bull Demon King himself, which flattered the Bull Demon King. After all, the one who poured tea for him was the famous Invincible God of War in the Zhanyun Continent, and he was just a monster who occupied the mountain as the king in the Zhanyun Continent.

"Why..." The Bull Demon King was still at a loss.

"Brother Niu, do you know about the Tang Dynasty?" Zhao Yuan knew, and if he didn't explain clearly, the Bull Demon King would probably lose his head.

"Ah... I know!"

The Bull Demon King shook his body, stood up abruptly, and looked at Zhao Yuan in shock, with an incredulous look on his face.

"I've been to that place before." Zhao Yuan smiled.

"No wonder, no wonder..." The Bull Demon King sighed, and sat down slowly, with a look of relief on his face.

"Brother Niu is here this time, what advice do you have?" Zhao Yuan asked.

"Since the general knows that I am an old cow, then I might as well just say that my Niujiazhai in Liangshan was destroyed by the Hercules. There are hundreds of blood bulls, and those blood bulls are also members of my Niu family, and the sky-defying monkey also follows the general. Think about it, those tribesmen and the sky-defying monkey can all be loyal to the general, presumably the general is a man of benevolence and justice. People, so, the old cow came to defect...but...but..." The Bull Demon King spoke later, hesitating and hesitating.

"Brother Niu, feel free to say anything, as long as I, Zhao, can do it, I will do my best!" Zhao Yuan paused every word, with a solemn expression on his face.

"Originally, the old cow defected to the general to take back the Niu's village and avenge his people. However, the general just heard that he had been there. Therefore, the old cow has a heartless request. I hope that the general can send the old cow Let's go to that place and have a look..." The Bull Demon King spoke back, his face full of excitement.

"Brother Niu is going to that place. He can go there anytime after the war in the Great Qin Empire. However, the place has changed. If Brother Niu goes there, he may be disappointed." Zhao Yuan sighed.

"This... what's changed?"

"Things have changed, things have changed, and people have changed. The changes are beyond your imagination. Moreover, those people have already left."

"The Flame Mountain is still there..." The expression on the Bull Demon King's face became tense.

"Yes, but there is no Princess Iron Fan." Zhao Yuan smiled wryly.

"It seems, it seems that even she was affected by that battle..." The Bull Demon King was in a daze for a while, with a look of desolation on his face that didn't match his rough features.

"Brother Niu, don't worry. When the war in the Great Qin Empire is over, I'll go and have a look with Brother Niu. Maybe we can find something." Zhao Yuan reassured.

"Alright, by the way, is Pohou here?" Bull Demon King hesitated for a moment and asked.

"Splash monkey... Heaven-defying monkey?"

"Yes, it can be regarded as an old acquaintance."


Zhao Yuan's divine sense entered the world of Lingtai and summoned the Heaven-Defying Monkey.

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