wicked immortal

Chapter 765 Kill Chapter Tongzhou City

Amid the curses all over the city, the crusaders rushed over from all directions and reoccupied Tongzhou City without any effort.

The flag of the Crusaders was planted again on Tongzhou City.

Just when Tongzhou City fell into the hands of the Crusaders again, Zhao Yuan was already in a small town eighty miles away. There were hundreds of cavalry and more than 2000 infantry stationed in the small town. Surrounded by Zhao Yuan's large army, they were all wiped out with a thunderous force, without missing a single one.

10,000+ troops stationed in this small town, the entire small town was blocked, only allowed to enter, not allowed to exit.

No one knows what kind of medicine Zhao Yuan is selling in his heart, but a group of generals are getting more and more anxious, because the food brought by the 10,000+ army can only last for three days, even if the food in small towns is counted, it is at most It can last for a week, but now the weather is freezing and the roads are blocked by heavy snow. In a short period of time, it is impossible to collect food and grass for 10,000+ people...

The blizzard raged on the wasteland, rolling up waves of snowflakes all over the sky.

The traces left by the 10,000+ army in the snowy field were quickly covered by the flying snow all over the sky. The black-winged Kunpeng, which was so rare in the sky, all died under Zhao Yuan's Yijian technique.

In order to ensure that no traces were exposed, Zhao Yuan started killing, shooting and killing all the birds that approached the surroundings, and never let them go.

On this wasteland, a group of monsters finally came in handy. They moved around the army, and any suspicious targets were immediately killed...

The crusaders who had rushed from all directions to encircle and suppress Tongzhou City lost Zhao Yuan's trace.

As time passed, there were more and more crusaders in Tongzhou City.

When Tongzhou City fell, Juzizhou Guardian Ju Lingshen issued a series of orders to gather the crusader defenders around Tongzhou City and make sure to take Tongzhou City back from Daqin.

When it comes to Juzizhou's guardian giant spirit god, it is necessary to explain clearly.

The Crusaders led by General Gore were the first expeditionary army sent by the Kingdom of Heaven to Great Qin, but they were not the only one.

The Kingdom of Heaven sent a total of four armies to expedition to the Great Qin Empire, forming an echelon form and echoing each other. Among them, General Gore was only one of the commanders of the four armies, and the commander of one of the other three armies was the Giant Spirit God. There are two armies, one is stationed in the territory of the Er Empire, and the other is stationed in the capital of the Great Qin Empire.

For the Crusaders, Tongzhou City is too important, because as long as Daqin occupies Tongzhou City, it will be able to echo with Zhenshui Pass, and the strategic depth of Zhenshui Pass will become wider and wider.

Most importantly, the Crusaders lost two important cities one after another, which was a serious blow to the morale of the Crusaders. Therefore, recapturing Tongzhou City was crucial to boosting the morale of the Crusaders.

Because of the Crusaders who escaped back and the huge intelligence system, the defenders of Juzizhou already knew the strength of Daqin in Tongzhou City. , At all costs to regain Tongzhou City.

In order to have a decisive strike force and ensure the recovery of Tongzhou City, the Giant Spirit God mobilized [-] cavalry.

Seventy thousand cavalry is already the limit that the Giant Spirit God can recruit in a short period of time. However, the Giant Spirit God has full confidence in capturing Tongzhou City, because he knows the weakness of the Daqin army and knows that Tongzhou City is now an undefended city. City.

In order to ensure success, the giant spirit god, who was unable to do everything at once, formulated a careful military plan and adopted the tactic that the Crusaders cavalry was best at-harassment warfare.

The rangers of the Crusaders are powerful all over the world, and at this time, Tongzhou City is already an undefended city. According to the design of the giant spirit god, a [-] army is ready for a protracted war, using the surrounding villages and towns as bases to attack Tongzhou City is slowly consuming the fighting power of the Qin army. He believes that Tongzhou City will fall into the hands of the Crusaders again without the end of winter.

Crusaders from all directions did not rush to Tongzhou City at the same time, because for the rangers, there was no need to gather together. Their tactic was to grind down the Daqin army bit by bit, rather than attack by force.

When the first batch of crusaders arrived at Tongzhou City, they were all shocked when they saw the wide open city gate.

No one thought that Tongzhou City would become an empty city overnight.

No one could figure out why Zhao Yuan gave up without warning after taking down Tongzhou City so hard.

Facing an empty city without the slightest resistance, the Crusaders were stunned at first, and then overjoyed. After all, no one wants to fight guerrilla warfare on the snowy field in this freezing weather.

In this harsh winter, it is best to nest in the barracks and drink steaming ginger tea.

The Crusaders reoccupied Tongzhou City without a single soldier...


Just as the Crusaders were rushing towards Tongzhou City, Zhao Yuan, who had been resting in a small town for three days, suddenly issued an order on a snowy night that stunned everyone.

Return to Tongzhou City!

After Zhao Yuan gave the order, everyone felt a sense of enlightenment.

No wonder they only brought enough food for three days.

No wonder not carrying those heavy equipment.

No wonder...


On a night of cold wind and heavy snow, Zhao Yuan led an army of 10,000+ and rushed to Tongzhou City in the starry night.

Eighty miles, according to the lowest pace, it only takes four hours.

At four o'clock, when they arrived in Tongzhou City, it was still dark.

"General, why did you kill him back?" The Bull Demon King couldn't figure it out. This question tormented him for three hours. Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to Tongzhou City, he finally couldn't help asking.

In fact, it wasn't just the Bull Demon King who couldn't figure it out, all the senior generals didn't understand. When the Bull Demon King asked a question, they all looked eagerly at Zhao Yuan to solve the mystery.

"It can concentrate and annihilate the vital forces of the Crusaders." Zhao Yuan rode on the evil unicorn and glanced at the Bull Demon King beside him. Although the Bull Demon King was walking beside him, he was extremely tall and tall, but not much shorter than Zhao Yuan. Between the steps of the dragon and the tiger, the power is astonishing.

"Centralized annihilation..." The Bull Demon King was obviously not a smart monster, he scratched his head, but still couldn't figure it out.

"I understand!" Tu Lao Er, who was riding beside Zhao Yuan, shouted excitedly.

"Hehe, let's talk about it." Zhao Yuan laughed.

"The current Tongzhou City wall has collapsed and cannot be repaired for a while. In fact, it is an undefended city. If we stick to the city, we will be passive instead. The Crusaders and Rangers are invincible in the world. They only need to send Rangers to harass every day. Even , They can rush into the city wall to slaughter, but we don't have many cavalry, we can't deal with it, we can only defend passively, the tug-of-war will last for a long time, and Tongzhou City will naturally not be able to protect..."

"Continue." There was a look of appreciation on Zhao Yuan's face. Although this Tu Laoer was vulgar, he was rough and subtle, and he knew everything. With more training, it is not impossible to become a famous general.

"If we abandon Tongzhou City and wait for the Crusaders to gather in Tongzhou City, the situation will be very different. Not only can we let the blood bulls take advantage of their invincibility, but we can also sneak attack them and catch them by surprise. At that time, their cavalry probably hadn't mounted their horses yet, and our army had already poured into Tongzhou City..." Tu Laoer blushed, danced with hands and feet, and couldn't be more excited.

"Yes." Zhao Yuan nodded in relief.

"The general really deserves his reputation!" The Bull Demon King let out a long breath and gave Zhao Yuan a thumbs up.

"It's easy to say, easy to say." Zhao Yuan was extremely happy, being able to be admired by the legendary mythical figure, his mood is naturally unremarkable.

"We stand still in the town for three days, are we waiting for the Crusaders to gather?" Tu Laoer seemed to have some questions that he was not sure about, and wanted to get confirmation from Zhao Yuan.

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