wicked immortal

Chapter 767 Abandoning Tongzhou Again

Zhao Yuan's move back to the carbine had a far-reaching impact. It not only killed the vital forces of the Crusaders, but also strangled the Crusaders near Tongzhou City. This greatly eased the pressure on the local resistance forces and gained living space. Start flourishing and growing.

In addition to the direct attack on the Crusaders, a large number of war horses were seized in these two battles in Tongzhou City. Especially in this victory, more than [-] war horses were seized. Such a large number of war horses established the Great Qin Empire. The cavalry provided the conditions.

The next day, at night, Zhao Yuan arranged for most of the horses to be sent to Zhenshui Pass.

Compared with Tongzhou City, Zhenshui Pass needs war horses more. Moreover, Zhenshui Pass has strategic depth and is safer.

The victory of Tongzhou City spread quickly throughout the Great Qin Empire. This news made the frigid Great Qin Empire seem to have arrived in spring earlier. The people of Great Qin rushed to tell each other, especially the rebel forces in some places, who were even more excited.

For the rebel forces in the area occupied by the Crusaders, any victory of the Great Qin Empire is exciting.

Zhao Yuan's prestige became more and more famous in the Great Qin Empire, and he also became a benchmark figure against the Crusaders. At this time, the Great Qin Empire, the once famous General Chang Kong, has gradually been forgotten, and the invincible God of War has become The hope of all Daqin people is like the rising sun.

When Zhao Yuan won successive victories in Tongzhou City, Heishui City also took a series of military actions to cooperate.

As early as when Zhao Yuan was still marching in the snowy field, General Chang Kong received the letter from the golden eagle in the sea of ​​clouds.

Originally, General Chang Kong wanted to cooperate with Zhao Yuan in the battle, but for safety reasons, General Chang Kong delayed for a few days until Zhao Yuan captured Tongzhou City and Heishui City launched a large-scale military operation.

The Rolling Stone Barracks, the Maple Forest Barracks, the Jiudaowan Barracks, and the three barracks echoed each other from a distance. With the assassin cavalry as the middle force, they began to launch continuous military operations against the surrounding Crusader rangers.

In order to prevent the expansion of Heishui City's power, General Gore did not back down and immediately responded.

In the world of ice and snow, the Great Qin Empire and the Crusaders launched a brutal and bloody fight. There was no final victor in the fight. possible.

Blackwater City has a radius of hundreds of miles and has become a huge meat grinder. The number of soldiers invested by both sides is getting larger and larger, and the number of soldiers who die in battle every day is rising...

Just when the Daqin army and the Crusaders in Heishui City fell into a tug-of-war, the news of Zhao Yuan's abandonment of Tongzhou City was transmitted to Heishui City, which greatly affected the morale of Heishui City.

Before understanding the situation Zhao Yuan was facing, Heishui City ended the short but extremely terrifying battle, and began to adopt a wait-and-see attitude.

The Daqin army retreated to Heishui City to wait and see, which made the tense Crusaders heave a sigh of relief. After all, no one wants to fight outside in this bad weather...


When the news that Zhao Yuan killed a beautiful carbine and seriously injured the Crusaders reached Heishui City again, the entire Heishui City was boiling, and the soldiers were full of fighting spirit.

General Chang Kong seized the opportunity to send troops again, and adopted a head-to-head war of attrition against the Crusaders' camp.

The war of attrition in the era of cold weapons was terrifying. On the ice and snow wasteland outside Heishui City, the Crusaders and the army of the Great Qin Empire once again fell into a bloody tug-of-war.

It's been a brutal winter.

Every day, thousands of people are killed or injured.

Within a hundred kilometers outside Heishui City, sneak attacks, ambushes, and frontal charges have all become commonplace...

General Gore is facing unprecedented pressure.

The morale of the Daqin army is getting stronger and stronger, but the Crusaders are becoming more and more war-weary because they don't have the advantage of the black-winged Kunpeng.

Now, General Gore still has nearly [-] black-winged Kunpeng under his command, but he no longer dares to release these heavenly troops that he was once proud of, because the Great Qin Empire has already found a way to deal with the black-winged Kunpeng. Methods.

The sharp archers led by Lan Caier wandered like ghosts in the vast snow field, and they became the nemesis of the black-winged Kunpeng.

In the early stage of the confrontation between the two armies, the Crusaders lost only dozens of black-winged kunpeng every day, but the number began to increase dramatically with the passage of time. At the peak, the number of black-winged kunpeng lost was as high as hundreds. It is not something that General Gore can bear.

When the battle in Heishui City became more and more tragic, that is, the seventh day after Zhao Yuan captured Tongzhou City again, Heishui City suddenly received news that more than [-] Great Qin troops in Tongzhou City suddenly withdrew again.

Same as last time, this time, Zhao Yuan's evacuation was still silent. When the people of Tongzhou City opened the gates in the morning, the city that was originally crowded became empty again.

More than [-] Great Qin troops disappeared without the slightest sign.

At first, many people thought that Zhao Yuan was only temporarily evacuated like last time, but careful people soon discovered that Zhao Yuan's evacuation was very thorough this time, not only taking away some heavy equipment, but even the granary. The food was also removed completely, and the military supplies that could not be taken away were also burned. Over Tongzhou City, thick smoke billowed, covering the sky and the sun.

Tongzhou City has become an empty city, an undefended empty city.

The 10,000+ army trekked in the gray and icy snowfield with one foot deep and one foot shallow.

No one knew why Zhao Yuan suddenly ordered the evacuation of Tongzhou City. This order came so suddenly that even Tu Lao Er and a group of senior generals didn't know about it.

It was already the seventh day when Heishui City learned that Zhao Yuan had evacuated Tongzhou City, but in fact, Zhao Yuan only stayed in Tongzhou City for five days.

In the past five days, Zhao Yuan just cleaned up military discipline, trained recruits, and did nothing else. In the early hours of the fifth day, the 10,000+ army was ordered to evacuate Tongzhou City.

Fifty miles after leaving Tongzhou City, this army, which had won two consecutive victories, immediately divided into three groups and began to march in three directions.

Same as last time, Zhao Yuan dispatched all the masters around him, including a group of monsters, to hunt down the crusaders' scouts.

The three armies disappeared into the vast white world out of thin air...


The fall of Tongzhou City shocked Juzizhou Giant Spirit God beyond measure.

As one of the commanders of the four armies, the giant spirit god has absolute dominance. In just three days, he recruited a hundred thousand troops.

The hatred of the Giant Spirit God towards Zhao Yuan can no longer be described in words.

Only since Zhao Yuan occupied Zhenshui Pass, the giant spirit god has not had a good night's sleep, because of the negative effects of Zhenshui Pass, the Great Qin Empire has more and more underground resistance forces, which makes the giant spirit god burnt out, everywhere Repression.

The two fall of Tongzhou City caused the Crusaders to lose 10,000+ elites, which made the Giant Spirit God even more intolerable.

In the end, the giant spirit overcame all opinions and decided to conquer Tongzhou City by himself, vowing to hang Zhao Yuan's head on Tongzhou City.

An army of [-], wearing the stars and wearing the moon, rushed towards Tongzhou City with a murderous look.

On the seventh day, the Giant Spirit God rushed to Tongzhou City, but to the surprise of the Giant Spirit God, Tongzhou City had become an empty city.

At first, the Giant Spirit God thought there was an ambush, and after several tests, he was sure that Zhao Yuan had already evacuated Tongzhou City without knowing where he was going.

In order to find out Zhao Yuan's whereabouts, the giant spirit god tortured countless Tongzhou people to confess, but nothing was found.

In order to determine the direction of Zhao Yuan's army, the Giant Spirit God sent a large number of black-winged Kunpeng and scouts, but either they got nothing or they never returned.

The vast snowfield has become a huge trap, devouring life non-stop.

Wearing iron armor, the giant spirit sitting on a chair is like a majestic mountain. He fell into hard thinking, and his intuition told him that Zhao Yuan must have a plan, but he just couldn't think of Zhao Yuan's retreat. The reason for Tongzhou City.

In fact, it’s not just the Giant Spirit God who can’t figure it out, but even his group of think tanks can’t communicate with each other. You know, it’s impossible for an army of 10,000+ to hide in the wasteland for a long time in this cold weather, even if it is not blocked. Starve to death, but also freeze to death.

"General, that villain Zhao Yuan, will he go to Juzizhou?" An officer put forward his opinion.

"Go to Juzizhou?" Giant Spirit God sneered, "You are an idiot to be the undefeated God of War of the Great Qin Empire! Now, although Zhao Yuan has 10,000+ infantry, but only a small number of cavalry, this way to Juzizhou, hundreds of soldiers all the way. Besides, even if he went to Juzizhou, the journey is far away, and rumors will definitely be leaked. At that time, the general will swing his army straight down and form an outflanking situation. Zhao Yuan, there is still a way out?"

"What the general said is very true." An aide nodded and said: "Zhao Yuan seems to want to hide his presence on purpose. However, in this blizzard and freezing weather, unless they stay in one place, as long as they take military action, they must It will show their feet, so it is impossible for them to sneak attack on Juzizhou. Besides, Juzizhou has strong soldiers and horses. As long as Zhao Yuan leads the army to enter, it is tantamount to throwing himself at Luo, and he will definitely encounter attacks from all directions. It could have been..."

"Speak directly!" The Giant Spirit God said a little impatiently when he saw that the staff member was hesitant to speak.

"Zhao Yuan may want to repeat the old trick and attack Tongzhou City."

"How do you say that?" The Giant Spirit God's body shook.

"This Tongzhou city has been severely damaged. It is now a severe winter. The city walls are frozen by solid ice and lack of stone materials, so it cannot be repaired in a short time. That is to say, this Tongzhou city is actually an undefended city. Although we have hundreds of thousands The army, however, the other party has a group of bloody bulls brought out from the Black Forest, charging into the battle, invincible, as if they took advantage of our unpreparedness and rushed into Tongzhou, the consequences would be disastrous!"

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