wicked immortal

Chapter 772 Dead End 1

From the beginning to the end, Zhao Yuan did not participate in the battle, even if the Crusaders had ended the chaos and started to counterattack.

Since the last time Zhao Yuan fought Ares, the God of War, Zhao Yuan has become tired of fighting with mortals. It is for this reason that Zhao Yuan has tried to avoid being directly involved in war killings.

The war in the Great Qin Empire in the Zhanyun Continent is no longer just a war between mortals. It has gradually escalated and evolved into a battle between the strong. In addition to the gods and beasts, gods have also begun to appear on the scene.

For Zhao Yuan, his enemies were not only the Crusaders, but also the clones of the gods who might appear at any time.

Zhao Yuan's state of mind is changing.


Cold blood!

In Zhao Yuan's eyes, these tens of thousands of soldiers are fighting like ants. However, this kind of fighting is necessary, because if you want to defeat another group of ants, you must have an advantage in numbers. And the best way to gain an advantage is to kill the opponent's vitality, so that the opponent cannot be rekindled.

Zhao Yuan won decisive victories in several consecutive battles in Tongzhou City, but he still paid a very heavy price.

In fact, when the battle of Tongzhou City came to an end, it became a tragic war of attrition.

There is no shortcut to defeating the Crusaders. The only way is to make them less and less. As long as one more Crusaders are killed, the Great Qin Empire will take another step towards victory.

Zhao Yuan recruited a large number of recruits, and he had foreseen large-scale casualties.

The Crusaders were not a weak army. When they invaded the Great Qin Empire, they had been honed into experienced soldiers. Even if they set up an ambush, they needed to be fearless if they wanted to completely defeat the opponent. courage and determination...


The Qin soldiers fell one by one, and the Crusaders fell one by one. The wilderness ravaged by the snowstorm seemed to have become a silent horror movie. The soldiers just raised their weapons mechanically, attacking, retracting, attacking, Take it back, and fight with this primitive, brutal and simple action.

In such a large-scale battle with a narrow scope and a soldier density of 20, personal combat skills have also become ridiculous.

As the battle drew to a close, the fighting style became more and more brutal and bloody, and more and more soldiers died together. Some soldiers who lost their weapons had teeth as the best tool to attack the enemy.

The movements of the soldiers became more and more sluggish, and the collision between the bodies did not have the blood-boiling scene at the beginning. It was more like falling down together, and then they got up with difficulty and tried their best to kill the soldiers in front of them. moving target...


[-] infantry, strangling [-] cavalry in the trap, does not have much advantage at all.

The only thing that makes the infantry of the Great Qin Empire excited is the morale.

From the beginning to the end, the morale of the infantry of the Great Qin Empire was as high as a blazing flame. The infantry rushed into the crowded cavalry camp one after another, like waves of tides, fighting bravely and fearlessly, making it difficult for the cavalry to gather effectively Into battle formation.

Crusaders are best at charging, as long as they cannot use the speed to charge, it is equivalent to the bird losing its wings.

Looking down from the hillside, it seems that the infantry of the Great Qin Empire seems to have the upper hand, but in fact, the death ratio of the two sides is basically the same at one to one, that is to say, while killing a Crusader, there is also a soldier of the Great Qin Empire. sacrifice.

The trap still threatened the Crusaders, because the C-shaped trap surrounded the Crusaders, and the only way out for the Crusaders was the entrance, which caused the bottleneck-like entrance to be extremely crowded from beginning to end. In that small place, Thousands of soldiers crowded together to fight, fighting on layers of corpses, the snow on the ground has turned into scarlet mud, shocking...


The battle, which lasted for two hours, didn't end until it got dark, and the raging snowstorm also slowed down.

Of the 2 crusaders, less than [-] escaped with the giant spirit god. These [-] soldiers still sacrificed countless crusaders to break out of the filled trap.

There is no doubt that the iron-blooded and decisive Giant Spirit God played a decisive role in the encirclement. It was he who slaughtered his subordinates without hesitation to stabilize the morale of the army, and quickly gathered a group of cavalry with good psychological quality around him. overwhelmed...


Seeing a group of remnant soldiers fleeing towards Tongzhou City, Zhao Yuan did not chase after them. Instead, he cleaned up the battlefield, gathered all the trophies that could be used, took away those that could be taken away, and burned those that could not be taken away.

Armor and weapons are not wasteful, they can be taken away. Most of the food and grass carried by the Crusaders were burned. burnt.

No one understood why Zhao Yuan burned the spoils that he had seized so hard. However, people had an almost fanatical trust in Zhao Yuan, and no one would question Zhao Yuan's decision.

After the battlefield was cleaned up, the number of people was also counted.

More than 4 Crusader corpses remained on the battlefield, and more than [-] people escaped. Of course, this is only counted from the corpses. In fact, the Crusader casualties far exceeded this figure, because many Crusaders were washed away. Scattered and fled into the vast wilderness, like these people, in this cold day, the only way to die is to starve to death.

If the crusaders are lucky, they may be able to get food and clothing through looting when they encounter a village.

In addition, those crusaders who were scattered and defeated, if they had a large number of people, they would be blocked by the private forces of the Great Qin Empire. The Crusaders all died in Tongzhou City, and the small towns around Tongzhou City have been out of the control of the Crusaders, and the civil resistance is very active.

The death toll of the infantry of the Great Qin Empire also came out.

4 million people!

Not to mention countless minor and serious injuries, the number of infantrymen killed in battle alone reached [-], and with the addition of thousands of people frozen to death, [-] infantrymen lost more than half.

There is no doubt that this is a miserable victory!

However, compared to the number of [-] elite crusaders, the [-] Daqin infantry were able to achieve such an impressive result, which is already enough to be proud of. After all, the strength of the two sides is too different...


Zhao Yuan did not mention cleaning the battlefield, but said that after the Giant Spirit God was defeated all the way to Tongzhou City, he was immediately dumbfounded.

In just over two days, the flag of the Great Qin Empire had already been planted on the walls of Tongzhou City.

The original collapsed city wall has been repaired with ice bricks, towering and majestic. On the city wall, there are many swords and guns, and there are many figures. The cold murderous aura permeates the air, and the densely packed infantry of the Great Qin Empire is waiting.


The Giant Spirit God fought bloody battles and was besieged by a group of space hunters. He was already seriously injured, but now that Tongzhou City had fallen into the hands of the Great Qin Empire, he spit out a mouthful of blood under extreme rage.

At this time, the giant spirit god had fully understood that he had been tricked by Zhao Yuan.

The Daqin cavalry operating in Juzizhou was just a bait, Zhao Yuan's real purpose was to lure him back and let him enter the ambush circle.

The main purpose of letting the blood bull and the sky-defying monkey harass Tongzhou City is to make the Crusaders voluntarily abandon Tongzhou City.

The most important thing is that in the battle with the blood bull and the sky-defying monkey, the giant spirit god summoned the giant wolf Fenrir, which is the main reason for the giant spirit god's defeat in the glacier.

If during the battle on the glacier, the Giant Spirit God summoned the giant wolf Fenrir, those traps would be razed to the ground immediately.

However, there are no ifs in the world.

It is not easy to summon the giant wolf Fenrir once, even if it is as powerful as the giant spirit god, it is impossible to summon the gods in a short time, not to mention, in the battle with the guarding monkey and the bull devil, the giant wolf Fenrir The avatar was also seriously injured.

"General, what should we do?!" Seeing the flag of the Great Qin Empire waving on the city wall, a high-ranking general showed a look of unconcealable horror on his face.

In fact, not only the senior generals panicked, but a group of crusaders were also panicked, like frightened birds, because in the Battle of Glacier, all the supplies carried by the crusaders were lost, and now, the city of Tongzhou fell, and the crusaders without supplies, It is undoubtedly more difficult to reach Juzizhou in the extremely cold weather.

In addition, intuition tells people that the scheming Daqin Invincible God of War will never let them rush to Juzizhou easily.

It is conceivable that the road back to Juzizhou must be full of dangers...

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