wicked immortal

Chapter 776 Refining Spaceship

Sure enough, as Zhao Yuan expected, on the same day, the Golden Eagle of Yunhai rushed back from Heishui City.

During this period of time, the Golden Eagle in the Sea of ​​Clouds acted as a messenger between Heishui City, Zhenshui Pass, and Tongzhou City. It was also because of the Golden Eagle in the Sea of ​​Clouds that the Great Qin Empire did not lose to the Crusaders for the first time in intelligence information.

The Sea of ​​Clouds Golden Eagle brought back a lot of surprising news.

The troops in Heishui City were divided into two groups.

Guo Futou and Assassin Shanyu each led an army of [-], and at the same time took large-scale military operations in the direction of Zhenshuiguan, attacking the city and conquering territory all the way, while General Chang Kong was guarding Heishui City.

Guo Futou and Shanyu went deep into the hinterland of the Great Qin Empire. Although they attacked the city all the way, they would not stay in a certain city, but moved, converged, moved, and converged at a high speed to eliminate the vital forces of the Crusaders. In this kind of war of attrition, the places under the jurisdiction of the Crusaders became smaller and smaller. In order to avoid being broken by the Qin army, the Crusaders had to concentrate in some big cities.

The crusaders in Heishui City are already on the defensive. Every crusader is waiting, waiting to survive this tormenting cold winter...


The source of supplies and soldiers in the Assassins Grassland is still continuously replenished to Heishui City. On the Assassins Prairie outside the Blackwater City Pass, thousands of recruits are training every day, their morale is high, and the sound of killing is loud.

In addition to the large-scale military operations by the regular army in Heishui City, the non-government resistance forces in the surrounding Great Qin Empire are also becoming more and more active. The aid of the Great Qin Empire.

Now, there are twenty cultivation masters escorting the little emperor alone. These twenty cultivation masters are not ordinary cultivation masters, and most of them are elders of some sects. Even hundreds of thousands joined the army of the Great Qin Empire. Suddenly, the Great Qin Emperor's army was filled with masters like clouds...


Precisely because practitioners participated in the battle between the two countries on a large scale, General Chang Kong gained confidence, because dozens of warriors who protected the emperor could be dispatched to lead the soldiers to charge into battle. The batch of super fighters who came out were originally well-known figures in the Great Qin Army.

Heishui City's proactive attack caused General Gore to suffer, because the military forces around him were no longer able to contain the counterattack of the Great Qin Emperor's army.

Of course, the most troublesome thing for General Gore is the cultivators of the Great Qin Empire. Those cultivators, regardless of 21, did not massacre soldiers unscrupulously, but the generals who killed the Crusaders were merciless.

It is conceivable that when the two armies are facing each other, countless cultivators fly with their swords, like locusts, picking out the generals of the Crusaders to assassinate them. What a scene it is!

In just less than a month, more than half of the experts around General Gore were lost, which dealt a heavy blow to the morale of the Crusaders.

As the saying goes, there are raging soldiers, and there are raging generals. If there are no excellent generals, then marching troops to fight is nothing but empty talk...


After learning the information about Heishui City, Zhao Yuan felt relieved. Judging from the current situation, the Great Qin Empire already had enough strength to launch a counterattack, and the Crusaders seemed not good at fighting in winter. This is a good opportunity for the development of the Great Qin Empire. After winter, it will be time for the two armies to fight to the death!

That night, Zhao Yuan quietly left Tongzhou City.

As usual, Zhao Yuan left a clone to confuse the enemy.

If Zhao Yuan's avatar is too far away from Zhao Yuan, it will basically have no fighting power, and it is easy to be dismantled. However, Zhao Yuan has no intention to hide it from the Crusaders. As long as he fools it in the early stage and deceives him for a while, it will be a success.

Of course, currently Tongzhou City is guarded by Heaven-Defying Monkeys, and there are monsters such as the Bull Demon King to assist. Even if the Giant Spirit God knows that he is not in Tongzhou City, he will never dare to act rashly.

Now in Tongzhou City, apart from Fang Yong Kuangbiao and a group of space hunters in the meteorite belt, there are mainly a group of monsters playing the leading roles.

Don't underestimate this group of monsters, there are not only fierce and invincible Sky-Defying Monkeys and Bull Demon Kings, but also some scheming little monsters. Although they can't charge forward on the battlefield, they can still find information and assassinate scouts. It is their specialty. Now, Tongzhou City is tens of miles away, and the scouts of the Crusaders dare not approach it...

With a group of powerful monsters sitting in the town, the safety of Tongzhou City is no longer a concern. The main thing is to formulate some military operations and bring some small towns into the jurisdiction of the Great Qin Empire.

In fact, Zhao Yuan's current thinking is the same as General Chang Kong's thinking at the beginning, using the great war potential and vast strategic depth of the Great Qin Empire to erode the military power of the Crusaders little by little.

It has to be said that General Chang Kong is a very far-sighted military strategist. He has already predicted that the Crusaders will not be able to completely control the vast territory of the Great Qin Empire. It will mainly let the Great Qin Empire breathe, and the Crusaders will fall into the quagmire of war among...


Prehistoric area!

Zhao Yuanqing took off the sword, and a ray of light disappeared in the dark sky of Tongzhou City.

Only after killing a group of god referees on the earth, the treasures on Zhao Yuan's body can be said to be piled up like a mountain, but there is no weapon that Zhao Yuan likes, even the terrifying Burning Immortal is Zhao Yuan's last resort. .

"The Enemy of Thousands" practiced by Zhao Yuan has a preference for heavy weapons, but now, Zhao Yuan doesn't have any heavy weapons in his hands.

Zhao Yuan's black-backed long sword had been destroyed, as had the custom-made longbow on Earth, and the small ink-colored sword. The flying sword he was using now was refined when he had nothing to do.

Of course, Zhao Yuan still has some treasures of his own, such as the Black Heart Divine Wood Sword and the Black Heart Divine Wood Arrow, but, unfortunately, the Black Heart Divine Wood Arrow cannot be used to its full potential because it does not have a good longbow. …

It took half a month to travel from Tongzhou City to the Honghuang area, even if flying with the sword day and night, Zhao Yuan was looking at the treasures in the Sumeru Ring, while groping for the method of refining the weapon.

When Zhao Yuan, who was flying alone in the icy high altitude, passed by a barren mountain, on a whim, he turned into an illusion, and with the brute force of "The Enemy of Thousands of People", he found a huge granite hard rock about tens of feet long in the mountain. Pull it up, drive the granite with aura, fly into the air, and then sit on the granite and use the flying sword to carve bit by bit to pass the boring time.

Of course, this kind of sculpting by Zhao Yuan is not really to pass the boring time, but to refine the weapon. Through this kind of practice, Zhao Yuan can master some skills of refining the weapon.

At the beginning, Zhao Yuan just carved some patterns on this huge rock, injecting crystal aura, making the ornamentation into a kind of art with aura. However, on the third day, Zhao Yuan changed his mind, He decided to carve this huge piece of granite, which is 23 feet long, [-] feet wide, and nearly [-] feet high, into a ship.

Zhao Yuan was inspired by spaceships on Earth.

Since the power of the magic circle can keep the flying sword treasure for an infinite number of years, then it is not the same principle to carve a ship.

If you have a huge spaceship driven by the spiritual energy of the magic circle, it will undoubtedly be a very attractive thing. Wherever you go in the future, you will never sleep in the wind again, because you can build a living room, bedroom, and bathroom on this spaceship. stuff like that...

Thinking of this, Zhao Yuan became more and more excited, and immediately started to act.

Undoubtedly, Zhao Yuan is a person with particularly strong execution ability. He made drastic moves. In just over a day, some protruding and useless rocks of this huge granite were cut off and carved into a slender boat. The doors and windows of the living room on the boat were all exposed. prototype.

The current Zhao Yuan is already a half-immortal body. Although it is said to be carved, it is naturally not really refined like a human being. He only needs to simulate a blueprint in his mind, and then drive the flying sword, During the rotation of the divine mind, the desired shape can be cut very quickly. After all, cutting granite with a sharp flying sword controlled by spiritual energy is no different from cutting tofu.

To turn this piece of granite, which has no aura at all, into a flying boat, cutting out the prototype of the boat is not the key point, but the key point is the layout of the magic circle.

This granite does not know how much tens of thousands of jins, it is not as easy to control such a big ship as it is to control a flying sword.

Zhao Yuan drove the granite mainly by transforming the continuous power of faith into aura. In fact, Zhao Yuan's own aura was still unable to drive such a huge object.

Now, Zhao Yuan wants to let this piece of granite be like a flying sword, with a little bit of power penetrated, it can fly easily. Otherwise, it will take a lot of effort to make such a huge ship fly in the sky for a long distance. Constantly replenishing spiritual energy, even if you are not exhausted, you will be bored to death...

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