wicked immortal

Chapter 782

Facing everyone's ridicule, Zhao Yuan didn't speak, but just waited quietly.

Seeing that Zhao Yuan didn't show any shame, everyone laughed for a while, feeling bored.For a group of young people, Zhao Yuan is a kind of cold person, a kind of coldness in his bones, so cold that everyone's ridicule of him feels dull.

This time, as usual, it was Long Zifei who explained Zhao Yuan's doubts.

"Zhao Yuan, this prehistoric area was originally one of the main battlefields of ancient gods and demons. I don't know how many gods have died here, and countless treasures and cultivation secrets are buried here. Of course, there are also countless risks. Among them, for example, some mythical beasts and monsters without their masters, and many ancient formations. These formations formed dangerous traps in the prehistoric area. All gods are destroyed..."

"It's safer on the ground than in the air?" Zhao Yuan was still puzzled.

"Of course, usually, some ancient formations are mainly used to deal with immortals and cultivators, and they are all in the air. Therefore, in the prehistoric area, if it is not an emergency, no one is willing to take the risk of flying in the air with a sword. ... Hehe, don't you believe it, our Burning Soul Invincibles are located on the edge of the prehistoric, nearby, there is an ancient void formation, and there are often some ignorant cultivators who keep advising, Sword flying, as a result, there are not a few people who die in the hollow formation every year, and there are many bones everywhere, you must not risk yourself." Long Zifei was afraid that Zhao Yuan would not believe it, and quickly warned him sternly.


Zhao Yuan knew everything, because he had a piece of Fenxian on his body. This thing is mainly lethal in the air. If it hits the ground, its power will be greatly reduced. When he escaped Fenxian, it was to escape. Entering the deep underground ditch, presumably, some of the formations left over from ancient times can be triggered in the air.

At this time, it was already dark.

The five young men successively summoned tents from the Sumeru Ring, set up camp, and then each arranged small defensive formations around the tents to guard against ferocious beasts and monsters.

Zhao Yuan couldn't help being surprised to see that everyone had a Sumeru Ring, but he knew that only those who reached the level of Sanxian could refine the Sumeru Ring, and these five people belonged to three sects, but each had one The precious Sumeru Ring, which shows that among the three sects, there are masters at the Sanxian level.

For a long time, Zhao Yuan believed that the sects these five young people belonged to were some little-known sects, but he did not expect that behind them, there were also strong men who had reached the level of Sanxian as their backing.

Zhao Yuan has been in the Great Qin Empire for several years, from an unknown person to a famous invincible god of war, he naturally knows the power of Sanxian. Back then, he was just a Sanxian from Penglai Xiandao, and he made the huge Qin Empire The power of Sanxian can be seen from this.

Perhaps, Caixia Fairy and her group just don't know the taboos in the prehistoric area, so they may be trapped in the ancient formation.

Zhao Yuan didn't know that in this prehistoric area, for thousands of years, the sects of self-cultivation have formed a whole of their own. Among them, many sects are the descendants of gods and demons, or the sects of cultivation established by obtaining the weapons and secret books of gods and demons. Although the strength is not as good as the cultivation sects of the Great Qin Empire, the real power is far beyond the comparison of the cultivation sects of the Great Qin Empire.

In fact, the comparison of the strength of the Daqin Empire and the cultivation sects in the Honghuang area can be seen from these five people alone. You must know that even the Fanjingmen, the number one sect in the Daqin Empire, does not have a Sanxian-level master, and Zhao Yuan Here, I ran into a few young people casually, and among their sects, there were masters who had reached the level of Sanxian, and it was clear at a glance who was weak and who was strong.

It seems that this prehistoric area is indeed a hidden dragon and crouching tiger!

Of course, Zhao Yuan's speculation is actually inaccurate. A Sumeru ring cannot measure the power of a sect. After all, some sects have incenses that have lasted for thousands of years. During these thousands of years, there will definitely emerge A group of astonishingly gifted comprehension wizards, it is not surprising that they left some Sumeru precepts for their disciples to use...


Zhao Yuan also imitated the crowd and set up a formation. When Zhao Yuan set up the formation, a group of young people gathered around and looked curiously at the formation Zhao Yuan set up with stones and crystals.

The disciples of the cultivation sect in the prehistoric area, under the influence of their ears and eyes, more or less understand some formations, and there are many masters among them.

Although Long Zifei and the other five were not masters, they were familiar with the formation. When they saw the formation Zhao Yuan set up, they racked their brains and couldn't figure out what kind of formation it was.

In the eyes of everyone, Zhao Yuan's formation is too simple, he picked up some ores and put them down, and then placed some crystals in key parts, and it became a formation.

Of course, everyone has studied the formation quite a bit. Seeing that after the spar was placed in this formation, the aura immediately overflowed slightly, forming an aura covering several feet in radius, which felt even more strange.

"Zhao Yuan, what formation is this?" Hua Tian asked curiously.

"This...hasn't been named yet, so let's call it the Guardian Formation." Zhao Yuan was taken aback. This formation was realized based on the formation in the magic weapon Flying Sword, and it didn't have any origin. , I really can’t tell why.

"Is this useful... ah..."

Leng Qing poked a wooden stick at the aura shield of the formation. Suddenly, the electric snake flickered, and Leng Qing flew out of thin air as if struck by lightning, and fell heavily on the ground, disfigured, and the wooden stick in her hand was gone. It was burning blazingly, and he hurriedly shook his hand, and it turned into powder when it touched the ground.

This unremarkable formation has such an astonishing power, everyone is shocked.

No one thought that a formation that Zhao Yuan casually placed would be so powerful.

Silent night.

Zhao Yuan was sitting cross-legged on a rock with his eyes closed and practicing. Surrounding the rock was the astonishingly powerful formation he had placed.

At this time, the five people were surrounded not far away, and a sound-shielding formation was placed around them.

"Zi Fei, this Zhao Yuan pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger. We have to be careful." Leng Qing glanced at Zhao Yuan who was practicing with his eyes closed not far away, and then looked down at the scorched palm, with lingering fear on his face expression.

"Yeah, otherwise, we'll go our separate ways. This person always makes me feel weird." Leng Yue also agreed.

"I think Big Brother Zhao is not bad, maybe you guys think too much, think about it, Big Brother Zhao's cultivation base is superficial, and he must have some ceremonies to dare to go to the prehistoric area alone to practice, and I think he thinks very much about money." Dan, I don't have the slightest covetous heart for Leng Qing's Rizhao God Furnace, and his character should be good." Hua Tian disagreed with the words of the Leng brothers and sisters.

"Yes, Brother Zhao is a bit different from the cultivators we met in the past. In the past, whenever Leng Qing used the Rizhao Stove, all of them immediately showed greedy looks, wishing to take it for themselves immediately, but this Brother Zhao , without the slightest greed, and put down the guardian circle with a calm expression on his face, and he is definitely not a sinister and cunning person." Long Zixiao nodded and said.

"Well, don't worry everyone. In fact, Brother Zhao is quite a loyal person. After he got the sheepskin figure, he didn't show the slightest bit of lust. However, his formation is indeed powerful. You'd better be careful, just in case When we were sleeping, he casually set up a formation to trap us, and we could only be slaughtered. As for going our separate ways, it’s not enough for now, the sheepskin map is very complicated, and we don’t understand maps. If we don't have his guidance, we won't be able to find the place where the treasure is hidden, so let's just take steps and be careful."



Zhao Yuan could hear every word of what everyone discussed.

When Zhao Yuan heard them discussing himself, he couldn't help being very surprised. He always thought that they were very simple and simple, but he didn't expect that their innocence was just a disguise to test him.

Of course, Zhao Yuan didn't pay attention to what everyone said, because Zhao Yuan didn't have the slightest interest in the treasure, he just had luck, to see if he could use the map to find the ancient formation where Fairy Caixia and the others were trapped.

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