wicked immortal

Chapter 784 Jedi

With Leng Qing on Zhao Yuan's back, the group of people walked several hundred feet, the light of the Rizhao God's Furnace became more and more dimmer, and the surrounding black marsh scorpions were getting closer and closer, their ferocious faces sent chills down the spine.

The situation is getting more and more critical.

Black marsh scorpions have already begun to attack the two brothers Long Zifei, Long Zixiao and Hua Tian in the back of the palace. However, the three of them have excellent swordsmanship. Between the flickering streamers, sword screens are formed one after another. The black marsh scorpions that attacked Falling down like raindrops, for a moment, the air was filled with the stench of the black marsh scorpion being killed.

The surrounding black marsh scorpions seemed to be stimulated by the stench, and the commotion became more and more intense, and the green light like will-o'-the-wisp approached like a raging tide.

"Qing'er, hold on!" Leng Yue probed the way with a long stick in one hand, and swung a flying sword in the other hand, forcing back the black marsh scorpion that was about to move in front.

At this time, even Zhao Yuan was secretly startled, because there were more and more black marsh scorpions around them, stacked on top of each other, and they actually piled up like a black city wall of nearly half a foot. Like a thick cloud of lead, it is shocking and makes one's scalp explode.

"Brother, I can't hold on anymore!"

Leng Qing groaned in pain. Obviously, not only did she have a sprained ankle, but she also lacked energy. After all, she was just a junior cultivator with very limited cultivation, and what she honored was the power of the Rizhao Divine Stove in her hand.

"Why don't you give the Rizhao Stove to your brother?" Zhao Yuan suggested.

"You idiot!" Leng Qing was inexplicably angry when Zhao Yuan said that Leng Qing's leg injury was already painful.

"Hmph!" Zhao Yuan was scolded by Leng Qing for no reason, and snorted coldly.

Zhao Yuan snorted coldly, not angry, showing a supreme majesty. Leng Qing, who was about to speak, suddenly fell silent and swallowed her words abruptly.

"The Rizhao God Furnace is a gift from our Zihuang Danyang Sect master to Qing'er's 16th birthday. It is driven by a secret method, and I can't exert its power even if I give it to me." Leng Yue saw Zhao Yuan's expression was not good, her heart was awe-inspiring, Hastily explained.

At this time, the three of Long Zifei were concentrating on dealing with the Black Marsh Scorpion that was getting closer and closer behind them, and did not notice Zhao Yuan's unintentional aura of kingship. However, the three of them were still a little surprised because there were so many people around The layers of black marsh scorpions suddenly paused, as if they were stopped by a certain force for a moment.

Zhao Yuan kept Leng Qing behind his back and kept walking with Leng Yue, and Leng Qing stopped talking.

After walking several hundred feet, they came to a dark rock. The rock had a radius of three feet, it was pitch black, but it was extremely smooth. What was strange was that there was not a black marsh scorpion on the rock. Among the overwhelming group of black marsh scorpions, it looked extremely abrupt.

"This rock is hard, everyone should rest first." Leng Yue made a test circle around the black rock, and confirmed that it was safe around the rock.

Everyone had been exhausted for a long time, and immediately agreed.

"Although the terrain of this rock is high, there is an open area around it. There is no cover and no retreat. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. Let's leave here in one go." Zhao Yuan glanced around the black rock and frowned.

It's a pity that Zhao Yuan's proposal didn't get everyone's approval, except Zhao Yuan, who decided unanimously to rest around this rock for a while before leaving. Everyone thought that at least Leng Qing should recover a little bit of physical strength, so as to activate the Rizhao God Furnace .

Everyone climbed up the black rock about half a foot high, Zhao Yuan had no choice but to follow.

Surprisingly, when everyone climbed onto the black rock, the surrounding black marsh scorpions also stopped attacking, and they all gathered around the rock, staring at them.

Seeing that the black marsh scorpion did not attack, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, their tense nerves also relaxed, and they sat down on the rock to rest.

Only, Zhao Yuan stood tall like a mountain, with a pair of deep eyes, looking down on the green light like will-o'-the-wisps all over the mountains and plains.

The entire Black Marsh Mountain, except for the tens of thousands of Black Marsh Scorpions all over the mountain, was suffocatingly quiet, without the slightest sound, and was filled with an aura of death.

There was something wrong with this place, but for a while, Zhao Yuan didn't know what was wrong.

"Brother Zhao, take a rest for a while, don't be nervous, wait for Leng Qing to rest for a while, activate the Rizhao God Furnace, and then you will be able to leave here!" Seeing Zhao Yuan standing upright with a sword, Hua Tian thought that Zhao Yuan was nervous and scared, and said in relief.

"Yeah." Zhao Yuan looked around, turned around and sat with the crowd, eating something and replenishing his energy.

"It's a bit weird here." Long Zifei seemed to be aware of the danger.

"It's okay, I checked, this rock is not poisonous, and there is no mechanism formation or anything." Leng Yue said with a relaxed face.

"However, I always feel something is wrong. Don't move. I'll go down and check again."

Long Zifei didn't wait for everyone to answer, he had already jumped off the huge boulder with his flying sword in his hand, and the flying sword in his hand rolled up clusters of sword flowers, his spiritual energy shot out, and countless black marsh scorpions were killed by him. forced out a space.

Long Zifei walked around the black boulder, found nothing, and returned to the far point.

"Look at the texture of the rocks on the ground." Zhao Yuan suddenly noticed that there was a strange gray color in the place Long Zixiao walked, and reminded him.

"Hmm..." Long Zifei squatted down, pushed back the black marsh scorpions that were about to move around, and moved the tip of his sword among the rocks on the ground. Suddenly, his face became extremely solemn.

"What did you find?" Everyone immediately noticed that there was something wrong with Long Zifei's expression, and asked quickly.

"It's all bones."


Everyone leaned to the edge of the black rock and looked down. When they looked carefully, they broke out in a cold sweat, because those gray rocks were not actually rocks, but piles of bones, most of which were human bodies. skeletons.

Through visual inspection, just where Long Zifei was standing, the bones seemed to be piled up like a mountain.

Obviously, the black rock was definitely more than half a foot high at the beginning. It was because of the accumulation of layers of bones that made the black rock shorter and shorter...

Inexplicably, people felt chills down their spines.

If these skeletons are all victims, then it means that many practitioners also took a short rest like them when passing through this dark rock, and in the end, they all died here.

Everyone looked at each other in blank amazement.

"Let's leave immediately!" Zhao Yuan immediately stood up and suggested.

"Yes, it's not easy to stay here for a long time, you all come down, let's go!" Long Zifei immediately decided not to go up the rock, and the long sword in his hand breathed out dazzling aura, forcing the black marsh scorpions to retreat.

Human beings are often full of endless fear of unknown dangers. After knowing that this dark rock is likely to be a deadly trap, Leng Yuehuatian stood up one after another, wishing to leave this place immediately.

"Ah... brother... I can't stand up..." Leng Qing suddenly exclaimed.

"Let Big Brother Zhao carry you... ah..."

Before Leng Yue finished speaking, she staggered and fell headlong from the black rock. Fortunately, she was agile, and when she landed, she rolled and her feet landed on the ground. Otherwise, she fell and hit her head. In this Jedi, the consequences are unimaginable.

"No, I'm poisoned!" Leng Yue struggled to get up, rubbing her head, with a look of horror.

"Hua Tian, ​​Zi Xiao, how about you?" Long Zifei was shocked.

"I'm a little top-heavy." Long Zifei was sitting on the rock, tensing up on the black rock with one hand, and touching his forehead with the other.

"Me too." Hua Tian panicked.

"Don't come down!"

The long sword in Leng Yue's hand was like a surging river, forcing back the ready-to-move Black Marsh Scorpion, helped Leng Yue up, and jumped onto the black rock.

Leng Yue jumped onto the black stone, everyone was already staggering, only Zhao Yuan stood on the rock like a mountain, looking at the black marsh mountain with a pair of deep eyes.

At this time, the entire Black Marsh Mountain seemed to be moving, and dense green rays of light rushed towards the black rock, as if it was a green tide, and the first thrilling feeling...

"This time, we are miserable."

At this time, Long Zifei also felt that his head was as heavy as a huge boulder, his limbs were weak, and even the long sword in his hand seemed to be extremely heavy.

There is no doubt that this pitch-black rock is just a trap for the Black Marsh Scorpion, to allow passers-by to stop and rest. While resting, they are unknowingly poisoned by some unknown poison...

Everyone looked desperate.

"Brother Zhao, are you alright?" Long Zixiao suddenly realized that Zhao Yuan had been standing still from the beginning to the end, instead of sitting slumped on the rock like they did.

"Is it because you used drugs to harm us..." Leng Qing suddenly snapped.

Zhao Yuan turned around abruptly, his eyes fell on Leng Qing like lightning, and Leng Qing's words were swallowed hard again.

"Qing'er, what nonsense are you talking about!" Long Zifei turned to Leng Qing and said to Zhao Yuan, "Brother Zhao, why are you not poisoned?"

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